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Short WAME Update

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On May 3, the Gambia Rising/WAME crew, funded by Water Charity, went up-country in The Gambia, to the medical clinic at Sintet Village. It was blast-furnace hot and dusty, but the clinic had been without water for some months since its 7-year-old pump failed. They were having a tough time cleaning their instruments and equipment, furnishing drinking water to patients and staff and just doing all the things we take so much for granted.

We installed a new 24-volt pump, as well as two 250-watt, 24-volt solar panels, and ran new 1” pipe up to their holding tank. With the sun high, the 2000-liter tank filled in an hour and faucets in the clinic were again running, clear, fresh water.

Malang Kujabi, the head nurse at Sintet, was delighted. He emphasized how important this is for the clinic and was profuse in his thanks to Water Charity, Gambia Rising, and West Africa Medicine & Education.

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Always wonderful to hear from you doc.


While The Gambia doesn't exactly sound like fun, you are truly blessed to have the opportunity to be so generous with your time and knowledge!

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It's good to get an update from you and the work you are getting done. I cannot imagine not being able to turn on the tap and get clean water. I grumble when it takes too long for the shower to heat up...

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