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My sister passed away today 7/17/2023


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Today my sister passed away.  She was a wonderful person.  While she was not a rider herself, whenever she visited me, she always wanted to be a passenger even if it was for a short ride.  One time I let her ride my 2-stroke dirt bike in our back yard. She had an incident with the ONLY tree in our backyard, and then a quick visit to the emergency room.  After that it was passenger only for her, but she always talked about that one ride :-)  According to her, Steve McQueen had nothing on her  :-)


I will miss her and just want to say what so many on this board have noted before, Cancer is a terrible disease. :-(

As this has happened this week, it has required me to forgo the UnRally.  As I was going to be riding with my son Ryan, and she had already requested lots of pictures. I am sorry I was not able to give her that before she passed away.

I already miss her very much.  Cancer sucks.  



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Very sorry to hear this, Randy.  While I didn’t know her she sounds like a wonderful person.  Deepest sympathies..

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Randy, I'm sorry for your loss. Shawn and I send our deepest sympathies and please know that you and your family are in our thoughts.

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John Ranalletta

Randy, so sorry for your and and your family's loss.  Ruth and I send our condolences and prayers.

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