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Took my 2012 GSA to Tuk. What a trip


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I wanted to make it back to AK before my 70th BDay. Plus over by Dawson City in the Northwest Territories, they have extended the Dempster Highway all the way to the Arctic Ocean.  So I talked my lovely wife into letting me make another big trip.  Went solo this time as I like to camp some, hotel some, ride long days, and eat simple.  Went 9300 miles in 17 days.  
I took off June 10, and made it to Fort Morgan CO. Went through the Snowy Mountains the next day, and made it to Mackay ID. Idaho is still my favorite state to ride in, in the lower 48. Camped the third night in Leavenworth WA. Just booked it from there and rolled into Tok AK on June 16. Camped in a motorcycle campground in Tok. I had seen many bears along the road, including three grizzlies. So, I opted to sleep in an old ambulance they have in the campground. There was bear scat all over the place, but I’m sure it was black bear. I probably would not have been bothered. I went from there down to Valdez AK, what a beautiful drive that was. Then went to Anchorage and got an oil change. The bmw dealer there is crazy busy! But they worked me in. I decided to not go to Homer, as I hope to take my wife up there in the next year or so. (Not on a motorcycle, she hates them. Ha!). 

So, I went north from Anchorage to Denali. I was able to get a peek at the actual mountain. Then I went across the Denali highway. One of the best, if not the best road of the trip. I stopped at the MacleanRiver Lodge and slept in Whitey’s cabin, it’s supposedly haunted, but I slept trouble free. Ha! I went from the there, on up to the Top of The World highway through Chicken AK, to Dawson City in the Yukon Territory. Then up the Dempster Highway to Inuvik in the NW Territory. The next day, on June 21, I completed the Dempster. It’s all gravel, about 500 miles each way, but the last 60 miles to Tuktoyaktuk are horrible. Just a lot of very loose gravel on top of a hard surface. Like riding on ball bearings. I made it to Tuktoyaktuk and the Arctic Ocean. After that is was a long ride home. With stops in Pelly Crossing, Dawson Creek, Canmore (near Banff) Billings, and Sioux Falls. With lots of wind and rain. Whew.. I lost count of how many bears, and moose I saw. Lots of mule deer, some caribou, big horn sheep, buffalo, and 100s of Ptarmigan between Inuvik and Tuk.
I did make it on one set of tires. Last time I had to replace the rear in Rapid City on the way home. Fantastic trip. The bike ran perfectly the whole time. I did have a few parts rattle loose, but 1300 miles of gravel roads at speed, will do that. 

I’ll post a link (if this site will let me) the a photo hosting site. 
..Photo Storage

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And I was feeling proud of myself for a run to Hyder, Alaska!   Nice pics and report.  I love riding the Snowy Mountain range-perhaps one of the least known areas and pass to ride.   One of the scariest storms I've ever ridden in happened on that route-but my wife and I have been several times and love its remote nature


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