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Greetings from DART Headquarters


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It’s a beautiful day here at Borah Borah, the site of DART. We’re excited that folks will be joining us for some of the best riding on the continent. Our meadow, consisting of native prairie plants, is showing off with tens of thousands of flowers. The air is crisp and the roads are awaiting.
Past DARTers will remember that Briggs, our golden retriever, was a big part of things, but he has gone on to his next level of existence. Two new interlopers will greet participants: Sophie, a golden retriever puppy, and Steve, a cat who was apparently dumped and has become a full-time resident. Sophie is a goofy puppy (so watch out for her as you’re maneuvering your bike) and Steve is an overtly friendly tomcat who occasionally demonstrates a propensity for extreme violence (Cordura and Kevlar are no match).


A couple of notes: our road was recently chip-sealed, so there’s a bunch of loose gravel, though nothing any of you can’t handle, and the deer are as thick as sauerkraut on a Wisconsin bratwurst. Like Steve, they also have an apparent desire to inflict pain on motor vehicles. So, be a bit cautious. 

Finally, at the moment the weather forecast looks near perfect: mostly dry days with highs in the low 80s and nighttime temperatures dropping into the 60s. Excellent riding weather.

By all means, if you haven’t yet signed up you are still welcome to join us. I’ve already put in the catering order, and there will be an abundance of good food for our Saturday meal. 

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4 hours ago, Mike said:

our road was recently chip-sealed,

Is there no longer the gravel portion? 

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24 minutes ago, steveknapp said:

Is there no longer the gravel portion? 

Steve, it’s still gravel for the last few hundred feet. We want to make sure the GS crowd still feels welcome. :bike:

As you know, it’s well maintained. Depending on the weather and how recently the grader has been through it can either be almost pavement-hard or…a bit gravely. 

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Joe Frickin' Friday
9 hours ago, Mike said:

...as thick as sauerkraut on a Wisconsin bratwurst.


A brilliant simile; I'm sad I didn't think of it first.  


9 hours ago, Mike said:

Finally, at the moment the weather forecast looks near perfect: mostly dry days with highs in the low 80s and nighttime temperatures dropping into the 60s. Excellent riding weather.


Yep, I've been watching the forecast for PDC and various other towns in the area, and it's fixin' to be sublime:



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6 hours ago, Mike said:

Steve, it’s still gravel for the last few hundred feet. We want to make sure the GS crowd still feels welcome. :bike:

I have a GS. But I wouldn't miss the gravel section if it disappeared.

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