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How California was "Whipped"


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" I’m going back to the LT site where I’m revered as a folk hero and something of an icon. "



Don't you really mean....where no one knows you lmao.giflmao.giflmao.giflmao.gif



and I'm not sure after that take off you made from the Saddle West Sunday mornin that you wouldn't make a better bronc buster than bike rider. lmao.giflmao.giflmao.giflmao.gif



Whip....wishing he had his camera ready.

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Well, let's see. When we last saw our daring duo they were regaling us in their stories of rides gone by . . .


And in the timeless words of Paul Harvey, "And now, the rest of the story!!"


The Whips arrived at our humble abode just as planned with smiling faces and banter of good times had up until dinner the night before with some seal.


As Whip already indicated, he fell for the same trick that Jamie (KMG_365) falls for EVERY time he comes over. Yep, hit is head on the overhead cabinets with the old 'here's your drink on the counter, right there' trick! Hee, hee, hee. Gets 'em every time!!


Well, we all had a good laugh at Whip's expense!


We hung out a while and then it was off to dinner. We didn't want to disappoint so we had reservations at an absolutely fabulous French restaurant, called Cafe Campanille. It's located in El Dorado Hills for those so inclined to enjoy a true culinary delight of fine dining.


Here's a pic of Whip talking of cheese and monkeys. I'll let him fill in the blanks! Note my doubting eye!!



We all had a good laugh, AGAIN! Although we were worried that the chef might come out and have words with our visiting Texans!!!


Dinner progresses and suddenly, for no reason whatsoever, Whip decides to deposit his wine on his sleeve and the floor of the restaurant!!! The nerve of some people!


Here he is reviewing his dastardly deed while I blame it all on him:



So, what does Whip do about it? Blame it on someone else, of course!! Here he is attempting to convince the wait staff he had nothing to do with the whole incident!!! We were all waiting for the waiter to be a pitcher with the pitcher and use Whip as a catcher's mitt!



If it wasn't for these two beautiful women coming along, Whip would have surely gotten us kicked out!!!



Fast forward to the next morning and we can see these two reviewing the latest issue of BMWST. One with a coke (YYEEECCCKKKKKK!) and one with coffee (AAAAAAHHHHHHH!)



Unfortunately, the firehouse had to be manned and that meant I had to leave before the Whips. bncry.gifbncry.gifbncry.gif


However, as is rapidly becoming a custom of mine!!!!! grin.gif No one gets away without me leaving my mark!!!!






You guys are sorely missed! Wish we could have had more time to hang out and ride. Texas is a must do once I have some idea on what my work schedule is going to be for the next year. Lots of change and potential at the fire dept. so we are waiting to see where the dust settles.


See you soon!!!!! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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I told ya'll they were vicious..... lmao.giflmao.giflmao.gif


I can't wait to go back to that restaurant...maybe next time they won't butter all the wine glasses.


Phil and Jamie.....Thanks again for everything.






Does anyone wish to see some of the picks that didn't make the Ride Tale....I have a few "Out Takes" that may be of some interest?????



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Does anyone wish to see some of the picks that didn't make the Ride Tale....I have a few "Out Takes" that may be of some interest?????




Is the pope Catholic? grin.gif

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Say! Isn't that a can of that contraband stuff?? Consider yourself on report, Captain! tongue.gifgrin.gif



Oh, and Whip, if you don't have anything nice to say . . . send me an email! wink.gif

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Say! Isn't that a can of that contraband stuff?? Consider yourself on report, Captain! tongue.gifgrin.gif


Killer may not have brought the Twinmax, but he DID bring the spray cleaner!! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif


See how we are all so connected? Aaaaawwwwwwwwww, isn't it sweet! wave.gif

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Hah! A true Englishman would NEVER use anything French, especially if anything mechanical and if a non-Frog item was available eek.gifeek.gif.

I mean, they can't even make BEER for goodness sakes!


Hmmmm!! Maybe the exception to the non-Frog rule would be some correspondence wink.gifwink.gif

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Only one person wanted to see the out takes....just a couple samples then...


Who needs the surf when you can play in the sand.





Could this be StanF....




It's so much easier when she rides in the tank bag.




Am I the only one......






Another one of those "Killer" cheap places to stay.....Mrs. Whip was not impressed.



I have more...I think ....but....maybe I've taken up enough Bandwidth....




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Only one person wanted to see the out takes....just a couple samples then...
I didn't realize you were taking a poll... I'll take pretty much any picture I can get on here (pink blinders excepted. smile.gif ).
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