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3600 lb Toyota vs. 600 lb BMW RT

Stan Walker

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I just needed a reverse!!!!!!!


My story: I turned left from one side of the street, the car driver didn't see me and turned left in front of me from the other side of the street blocking my lane. I stopped, I honked, the Toyota driver just kept coming and slid the left side of the car against my left hand valve cover and PIAA light. The RT was no match for the Toyota and fell to the right breaking the mirror assembly, the valve cover protector, and making a few minor dings elsewhere. bncry.gif


I'm fine, a bit shaken, but undamaged. wave.gif


The driver admitted guilt to me and has offered to pay for all damage. We'll see what happens when I present the bill.



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The driver admitted guilt to me and has offered to pay for all damage. We'll see what happens when I present the bill.


Stan, glad you are okay!


Be sure to add monies to cover pain and suffering!

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Glad you are ok! This could have been worse...


BTW, not to hijack your thread too badly, but where are you in relation to the Moorpark Fire?


Steve in So Cal

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The driver admitted guilt to me and has offered to pay for all damage. We'll see what happens when I present the bill.


Stan, glad you are okay!


Be sure to add monies to cover pain and suffering!



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I hope you did. Some folks aren't good to thier word...hope all works out for you.


No LEO. Probably should have but didn't. Hopefully the car driver will pay up. Most people are honest. Or so I like to believe.


The damage is pretty minor. The bike isn't a spring chicken with 80,000 plus miles on it but until now it hadn't received any damage from tipovers.


As to the fire in Moorpark, I'm quite a distance from it. I couldn't even see the glow from my house last night.



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Stan, glad you're OK.

Did you exchange insurance info? Driver license info?

Most people mean well, but sometimes it takes more than good intentions.

Any witness or physical evidence?

(his paint on the RT, yours on his truck?)

Get your cost info together yesterday, get your $$ now, or proceed with legal hammer.


Best wishes.

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A toast to your resilience and good health, Stan. I'm glad that you came out relatively unscathed and I hope that your faith in your fellow man pays off. thumbsup.gif

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I hope that your faith in your fellow man pays off


So do I. But, even if it doesn't, it's only money, and not even a lot of it. Probably less than I'll spend on the DV trip.



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Glad to hear you're ok, Stan.


Hopefully the car driver will pay up. Most people are honest. Or so I like to believe.


The fact that the cager didn't flee the scene is a good start tongue.gif . I got bumped from behind on the RT a few years ago, the cager didn't flee- he followed me to my BMW dealer for estimate and cager paid for everything.


Many years ago when I lived in Chicago, a parallel-parked car on Lincoln Avenue suddenly opened his door into the path of my bicycle ... I hit his door so hard that it bent the window-frame and he couldn't close the door. My bicycle's front wheel was toast- he promised to pay for it, he never returned phone calls, never paid ... I'm batting .500 wave.gif



Chris (aka Tender Vittles )

Little '77 KZ400 in the Big Apple

Black '99 RT for Everywhere Else, such as ...


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Here's another tip. If the other driver writes down their info for you, check and make sure it is entirely legible. I had someone change lanes into me on the San Mateo bridge and they smashed my turn signal (and bruised the heck out of my leg). I was pretty shaken up and didn't really look closely at the info the driver gave me. Sure enough, I couldn't decipher the last name or phone number. Fortunately, turn signals aren't pricey and I wasn't truly hurt. It was a pretty good bet on his part, since if I had noticed it, he could have passed it off as being shaken, himself. Makes me think it wasn't his first time hitting another vehicle.



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Here's another tip. If the other driver writes down their info for you, check and make sure it is entirely legible.


Indeed, but in this case I was the person having trouble writing.....(shaky hand). I double checked her written info against both her car and her drivers license.


I've taken pictures of the bike damage, priced out the parts (Chicago), and called her (phone number worked) to set up a meeting. thumbsup.gif


It's almost Xmas and for some reason I'm not feeling any animosity towards her. I actually kind of feel sorry for her. Very strange reaction. I suspect I will have to tear up my 'biker dude' card. confused.gif


I don't know this for a fact but I suspect she's just another poor wage slave. I'm planning to lean over backwards to keep the bill as low as possible. I'll probably just replace those items that are actually broken and fix the rest myself. That may well leave me with a few small blemishes that will be less than perfect unless my skill with a touch up pen gets a whole lot better really quickly. dopeslap.gif



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The driver admitted guilt to me and has offered to pay for all damage. We'll see what happens when I present the bill.

In God we trust. Most everyone else must earn it. biggrin2.gif

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I like that attitude!


Anyone who tries to weasel out of their culpability DOES deserve to get it from both barrels: charged for every nick and scrape, pain and suffering, loss of use, etc, etc...


But this woman feels badly - she took responsibility for the incident, and is willing to try to make it right - so you're going 'easy' on her. Bravo!



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I'm happy to report that we met with her son present, agreed on an amount, and she paid it with no pressure required. I signed a release for the one incident, and we parted after exchanging a hug.


Now I need to order a few parts and get busy. In the mean time I'm riding Jan's '96 RT.



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Wow! That's a really great outcome. I'm sure she was glad not to have hurt you (or worse), or had to report it to her insurance as if she drives that unaware all the time, I'm guessing she might already not be on the best of terms with her insurance carrier (or the DMV), assuming she even had insurance. tongue.gif


I just about got killed this morning coming home from work myself (happens about once a week seems like). I'd been up all night and was a bit groggy, but my 18 years of motorcycling and sharing the city streets with IDIOTS stood me in good stead as I got hard on the binders just in time to keep from getting creamed! A left-turning car coming out from a side street to my right completely blow a stop sign (looking the other way) and turned right across my path at about 30mph--right where I would've been sitting--had I not expected it and been ready to stand the bike on its nose. Gotta love those "Mini-Stan" serviced EVO brakes with 120,000 trouble-free miles on 'em! wink.gif


Glad it worked out fairly well for you--considering the many much worse scenarios--and your first "Arrogant Bastard" at Death Valley is on me! clap.gif


Looking forward to seeing you guys there! thumbsup.gif

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I'm happy to report that we met with her son present, agreed on an amount, and she paid it with no pressure required. I signed a release for the one incident, and we parted after exchanging a hug.


Now I need to order a few parts and get busy. In the mean time I'm riding Jan's '96 RT.




Stan, you are a true "gentleman" in every sense of the word! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif I'm glad you're alright and sure hope you recover enough to have a Merry Christmas!

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Congrats, I think.

Hopefully you won't find hidden damage and all will end well.

Anyone in this situation would be glad to avoid the legal system.

I'm not a lawyer, but I would've wanted an additional agreement (that stated her culpability, and why) to pay for any undiscovered damages, before I signed a release.

Best wishes. thumbsup.gif

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Just read this Stan, really glad you are OK. Hope all works out on recovering damages for both you and the RT.




After reading through the thread, glad everything did work out! Glad you were able to be righted and with good will intact!

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I'm happy to report that we met with her son present, agreed on an amount, and she paid it with no pressure required. I signed a release for the one incident, and we parted after exchanging a hug.


Now I need to order a few parts and get busy. In the mean time I'm riding Jan's '96 RT.




Stan, you are a true "gentleman" in every sense of the word. thumbsup.gif Most of all, I'm glad you're o.k. and everything seems to have worked out to your satisfaction. Hope you have a joyous Christmas season.

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