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Almost got T-boned today.


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The specific road I was on has intersections that are not at 90 degrees but rather at 120 degrees. I've been on the road numerous times and have observed lots of close calls. So I've always used more than needed caution.


Today, it was my turn. Nissan Sentra barely stops at the stop sign and crosses my path from right to left almost in front of me. I was at 30mph and didn't have stopping distance, so I accelerated, swerved left, crossed the yellow line and lane split traffic the WRONG WAY. Jeez! I missed her front bumper by about 6 inches.


Opposing traffic saw the whole incident unfold and gave me the thumbsup.gif


The blonde didn't even stop and offer a courtesy apology. I chased her down and spoke with her but she just didn't give a damn. crazy.gif Disgusting!


But I'm glad all that lane splitting for the wrong reasons, finally paid off.

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Chasing them down is not good thing. Last worked a case where there was a road rage incident. One chase the other etc...... One crashed. The other claimed they were chase off the road. Never found any evidence or wittnesses. Both drivers arrest for reckless, used statements from each testifing against each other. Went to court and both found guility. So FIDO. Forget it, drive on. An AARP, statement from their driver book.

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The blonde didn't even stop and offer a courtesy apology. I chased her down and spoke with her but she just didn't give a damn. crazy.gif Disgusting!


Looks like you had good karma and hopefully karma will work on her as well.

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Chasing them down is not good thing.

I agree. Chase was too strong a word. It was more like I followed her until we got to a stop sign and then stopped in front of her. I just wanted to have a word with her, not road rage. It was a polite conversation with her lying all the way. That was the disgusting part.

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Forget it, drive on.

While I don't have any quick or simple answers or remedies, I find this to be a little troubling. It seems to me that simply ignoring what just happened, no matter how life-threatening the incident might have been, does nothing to discourage the bad driving that brought it about. I'm not saying that bad drivers should, as a matter of habit, be chased down and harangued or assaulted (altho heaven knows I would have loved to do just that in a few situations), it's just that without any sort of repercussion for a blatantly boneheaded manuever that put others' safety in jeopardy, it's likely to happen again, but possibly with a different, more unpleasant, outcome.

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skinny_tom (aka boney)

The part about drving on... The problem with this situation is that we take it personally, while the driver of the cage is endangering everyone indiscriminantly. She didn't mean to almost broadside you, she meant to almost broadside anyone. That is, she matters and no one else.


I believe that there's nothing anyone can do to change their mind. I prefer to let them go on while trying to distance myself from the next close call they're going to cause.


Besides, the last thing I need while riding my motorcycle is someone in a cage deciding that they do want to make it personal. Pretty much a losing situation everytime.

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I believe that there's nothing anyone can do to change their mind.
Exactly. We're not educators. That system (of teaching people how to drive well) failed long ago. If we think we are going to modify their future behavior we're kidding ourselves. Defensive riding is the only answer.
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Glad you are well. I enjoy reading these posts it make me remember that I have to respect these things even though I love them so much. Its like having a wild bear to play with you can love him but you have to know that he can kill you at anytime.

Blessings and thank God you are safe.

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While driving a car, I've been flipped off for no apparent reason on a few occations. As far as I remembered, I was just drive along, minding my own business, with the cruise control set about five miles above the speed limit. Don't see how I could have cut someone off; didn't swerve into another's lane; wasn't impeeding traffic; nothing I could figure. I always wanted to catch up to the guy (always a guy) and have a conversation about his perception of my transgression. Doubt that those people were able to have an instructional conversation just judging by their attitudes. What would I say? "My Smith and Wesson and I would like to know why you flipped us off." "I'm sorry I missed the memo that said you were going to be driving on your road today."


I'm wondering what your airhead cage driver thought you were doing. She most likely had no idea that she almost killed you through her inattention. Anything short of a splat wouldn't shake her out of her egocentric problems. I wonder what she told all her friends at work or at home about this idiot on a motorcycle who came speeding out of nowhere and almost hit her and then had the nerve to accuse her of all sorts of things and....and...

Yeah, you made an impression on her--just not the one you were hoping for.

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Glad to read you are OK. Let me ask - was she on her cell?


I was out on the RT today and took a mental note of the cages. All the people I saw on the phone were women, and all the people I saw that noticed me were men.



Just out of curiousity - what intersection was it at?

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Oh no, You didn't!!!


I just checked again, and yes, you did!!!




I paused before hitting the 'continue' button when I posted that. Since it was not an opinion, but rather an actual observation, I decided to go thru with the clicking of the continue button.


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Oh no, You didn't!!!


I just checked again, and yes, you did!!!




I paused before hitting the 'continue' button when I posted that. Since it was not an opinion, but rather an actual observation, I decided to go thru with the clicking of the continue button.


No she was not on a cellphone.


But in general, I confess to not understanding the obsession to talk on a cell phone while driving. It's not even legal to do so in NY/NJ (handsfree required) but I see people doing it all the same and not using turn signals as a result. Beats me!


I must also add that taking that road to work, I'm now triple cautious. This was such a close call that it has spooked me. eek.gif Can't wait for this damn contract to end.

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Oh no, You didn't!!!


I just checked again, and yes, you did!!!




I paused before hitting the 'continue' button when I posted that. Since it was not an opinion, but rather an actual observation, I decided to go thru with the clicking of the continue button.



It looks like you got away with it!!!

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Blue Beemer Dude
Forget it, drive on.

While I don't have any quick or simple answers or remedies, I find this to be a little troubling. It seems to me that simply ignoring what just happened, no matter how life-threatening the incident might have been, does nothing to discourage the bad driving that brought it about. I'm not saying that bad drivers should, as a matter of habit, be chased down and harangued or assaulted (altho heaven knows I would have loved to do just that in a few situations), it's just that without any sort of repercussion for a blatantly boneheaded manuever that put others' safety in jeopardy, it's likely to happen again, but possibly with a different, more unpleasant, outcome.


The last time I did this, the stupid &^@$!$^ cut out in front of me, causing massive application of brakes and horn. I pulled up next to her, honking and waving, and she shot me the bird. I pulled up next to her at the next light, beat on her door to get her attention, and politely asked her exactly what was her major malfunction? She replied "you were going too fast".


So, in this case, allegedly, I was speeding (not true) and so she determined that it was "OK" to pull out in front of me (as if she had not seen me). I didn't know what to say. How does one respond to this?


In hindsight, I should not have been beating on her car. I should not have pulled up even with her, as she could have, instead of shooting me the bird, just swerved into my lane and hit me.


"Oops, officer, I didn't see him."


We're in a no-win situation riding a bike against any moron in a car. I agree; the smart thing is to just let it go. We can't educate these people, and it's probably more detrimental and dangerous to try.


Reminds me of an old saying:


Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.



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