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Paper oil funnels


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I am looking to save some space on the bike for several trips planned. In the past I have always brought spare oil along with an oil funnel and discovered this weekend you can purchase disposable paper oil funnnels however are expenseive for what they are. Does anyone have any experience making them yourself?

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I use those magazine postcard ads that fall out of magazines. Then just roll one up in a tube that's bigger on one end and pour away (slowly). Storage is as bookmarks in whatever paperback I brought to read on the trip.

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I use those magazine postcard ads that fall out of magazines. Then just roll one up in a tube that's bigger on one end and pour away (slowly). Storage is as bookmarks in whatever paperback I brought to read on the trip.


That's a great idea! I've always had trouble finding those disposable funnels, so in the past, I simply spilled it all over the valve cover. I've since gotten over my oil angst, however, and rarely even check oil levels anymore; I never add any regardless.

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I find there is not much need to carry a full size bottle of oil on a trip. I carry a 16 oz bottle of oil which is usually plenty. If you use a water bottle with the little pull up spout, you don't need any funnel. You can always buy oil on the road if necessary. I'd just hate to throw out half a bottle after topping up because you have no room to pack it.

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You could try and find a place that sells sleeves of cone shaped water cooler cups. Snip the tip off and bingo......perfect disposable light weight funnel that is easy to pack.

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I am looking to save some space on the bike for several trips planned. In the past I have always brought spare oil along with an oil funnel and discovered this weekend you can purchase disposable paper oil funnnels however are expenseive for what they are. Does anyone have any experience making them yourself?


Karla, you can usually find those disposable paper funnels at auto parts stores or off-road type motorcycle shops..


In a pinch the center cardboard tube from a roll of toilets paper works pretty darn good (well you know where to find those)..



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Old chef's trick. Zip lock bag, fill with oil, snip off a corner, squeeze.


I rarely carry oil with me as my bike doesn't use much. I'll buy a quart when I need to top up.


Another trick. When pouring the oil into your fill cap, keep the spout on the top of the bottle, not the bottom. Much more control over how much oil comes out and where it goes. A paper towel can handle any miscalculation.

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pedro cerveza

I always carry a water bottle on the bike. When I have had to "McGyver" an impromptu oil fill I drink the water, cut the bottom off of the bottle, dry it out and use it as a funnel.

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There's no need to bring those magazine postcards that Quinn mentioned You just need to shake down the mags in the rack at the gas station (women's magazines are good for this).


But the oil fill hole on an RT is exposed enough that you really shouldn't need a funnel at all. Just meter the pour and you'll be fine.

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