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Audiovox Cruise Control


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OK-- after using the Audiovox CCS-100 for a week on my '97 RT I can say that it is great to have a working cruise control and get rid of the throttle lock! It seems to work very well at cruise speed and on low rolling hills. The servo cable splitter that I came up with is working well so far. It has taken a little adjustment occasionally to fine tune it, but all in all it works well. I have used it on back roads set at 55-60 mph with low rolling hills and it will allow me to slow about 3 mph before it pulls me back up to speed. On level ground it keeps me right at the set speed. Today was the first time I had it set at highway speed (75 mph) and it held the speed well. However, when I sped up just a little to 80 mph it would not set at that speed. Any ideas why? I thought I saw mentioned somewhere that someone else had trouble getting it to engage above 75 mph also. I wondered if the rpm sensor setting would have any effect on that? I have the rpm sensor set on the lowest setting (4000). This setting can be changed to 6000 or 8000.


If you have any ideas, let me know!



Terry :Cool:


Install photos at: http://picasaweb.google.com/south.terry

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FWIW mine seems to track within 1-2 mph (which is better than the OEM system in my truck.)


I also noticed the hesitancy to re-engage under certain situations. It never happens on the initial engagement, only when re-engaging after changing speed which makes me think it might be some kind of software safety feature or something. It seems like either the unit must be disengaged for x seconds before re-engaging, or it might be related to the vehicle having to have settled at a specific speed for x seconds before re-engagement is permitted... I haven't figured out which of these it is, if either. I haven't found it to be a problem in normal operation but curious nonetheless.



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This afternoon I got up to 80 mph out on the interstate and set the cruise. My speed dropped down to about 75 and then the cruise took me back up to 80 within a few seconds.


So, I guess it does work above 75 mph.


The COAST and RESUME features work well also. I'm not impressed with the ACCEL button. It doesn't react quickly at all. It's easier to just speed up a little and hit SET again.


It's amazing how relaxing driving is with the cruise. For years I have gotten a serious cramp in my right shoulder after about an hour while driving. I assume it was from holding my arm out to the throttle. Today over two hours on the highway with the cruise on and guess what--no cramp!!!


Terry :Cool:

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It will work at any speed you set it to, it really couldn't have a pre-programmed 'speed limit' in manual transmission mode because all it needs is the engine rpm and has no idea what your speed actually is. I don't know for sure but some of the slightly funky operation you are seeing may be due to your creative throttle cable arrangement because I haven't experienced those glitches, except as noted. Basically the thing is pretty simple, it just maintains a set rpm by manipulating the throttle as necessary. The more direct your connection to the throttle the better control it will have.


The accel and decel buttons work in 1/2 mph steps which is kind of small and may be why they seem ineffective. The plus side of using such a small increment is that it will be easier to 'bump' your speed to match the speed of another rider when you are both on cruise but the downside is that a lot of button presses are required to make any significant changes in speed, so yeah, it is easier to just hit the 'set' button again in that case. As for the 'resume' feature, it seems to work perfectly for me.



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Well I figured out what the deal is with the delay in resetting speed once the cruise control is engaged and the answer is so obvious I feel silly for not recognizing it sooner. The cruise control combines the 'Set-Coast' and 'Resume-Accel' functions onto the same switches (just like most automotive units) so the unit needs to be able to differentiate what function is being requested. Before a speed is set the unit knows that a press of the 'Set' button means set, because there is no other option at that point. Once you are in cruise mode however a press of the 'Set' button can mean one of two things, either to re-set the cruise speed to a new value or bump the set speed down ('Coast' function.) So, a quick press interpreted as a bump command and it takes a longer press to be interpreted as a new set command (again, just like most automotive units.) So if cruise is engaged and you want to reset your speed (vs. bump the speed down) just hold the set button for about 1 second. Works every time, once you realize the dual function of the button. Same with 'Resume - Accel'.

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