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Please post if you are running an 1150RT without any CCP installed


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Just out of curiousity, I was wondering how many people are running their 1150RT's after pulling the CCP? I have a pink one in mine and when pulled the bike runs alot better. Just curious as to how many are running without a CCP, how many miles were put on, and if there are any ill effects encountered caused by the running of the bike without any kind of CCP installed. I know this issue has been beat like a red headed step child, but I don't recall seeing any posts of just people who have pulled the CCP and stated how many miles and the long term effects on the bike. Thanks, Terry

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I have an R with a yellow CCP. I generally run with it out, but sometimes put it back in. To me, the difference is subtle, but noticable. I like it better without the CCP. I have thousands of miles w/o the plug and no problems.

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Remember to reset the motronic when you change the status of the CCP. I understand that you need to do this to get the benefit of the change.

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Jeebus, Terry, would you just go for a ride? The CCP or lack thereof just chooses among a group of very, very slightly different maps to comply with the regulations of the various countries in which the bikes are sold. None of them are so rich or so lean as to damage the bike in any way.


To paraphrase Dr. Isaac Asimov, I told you three times now.

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Ed, I know, I know. Its' just I have way too much money invested in a bike that is not running the way I think it should. It still sticks in the back of mind that the tech that did my service at 12k warned against pulling the CCP. That's all. Seems like every time I take the damn bike out it doing something different or making a different noise. I don't get to ride a whole lot like some guys, so when I do make it out I don't want to come back home pissed off about something to do with the bike. I still love the RT dearly, but it is quickly becoming the cause of some stress in my life. Well, just a little stress. wink.gif Time to pull the CCP back out and go for a spin. I desperately need to take your advice and just ride the darn thing and not worry so much. Thanks for the replies, Terry

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Now we're getting somewhere. Lessee, your in York, head up 15 a ways, OK, till it ends. Then go find Allentown. Get ahold of MattS from this board and tell him you want to go see where Ed crashed last year. He'll lead you down a few pretty good roads. You guys can then have a beer or 6 and go home.


Most of the problem with your bike has to do with your not riding it much. The RT, to maintain its admittedly narrow edge, needs to be ridden. The longer and, within limits, the harder the better. Toss the CCP off into the middle distances somewhere, they're cheap if you wuss out. Take the thing out tomorrow and don't come home with less than 300 more miles on the odometer, and quit babying the dang thing! Beat on it a little. Find out that its a whole different bike above 6000 RPM. It won't mind, in fact, it likes it.

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I'll have to look into a visit with Matt. I wouldn't say I baby my bike though. Full throttle runs are nothing new and some say I ride a bit hard anyway (Just ask my wife thumbsup.gif) It flips the HD guys out when I whack the throttle and the front comes off the ground with my wife on the back grin.gif Getting time for a nice trip is hard though. Work every other weekend, play in a band 1 or 2 weekends a month and get my stepdaughter every other week. I even leave 1/2 hr or so early for work just to get a short ride in because I live less than 1 mile from where I work. That's why it blows my mind to see the miles some of you guys ( and gals ) put on you bikes. I'll get out on a nice trip one day though. That's why I bought the RT, and the fact that my wife refuses to ride on the back of the crotch anymore tongue.gif Thanks for all the help and I'll just see how it goes. Just got back from a short ride and still have a bit of surging without the CCP, but I'll see how much the Motronic changes over time with the new settings. Later, Terry

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I know how you feel, Willie. I was reluctant to yank the LPB because of the same fears you professed. Finally said the hell with it; too much stress riding it the way it was. Pulled the plug and the surge "almost" disappeared completely. I say "almost" because there is a slight hint of surge now and then, but not enough to be tormented by it.

I still have the LPB, but it will never see the RT again. There have been no operational problems since I pulled it. In fact, I talked to the service manager at a BMW dealershiop and he told me it couldn't hurt anything if I pulled it.

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I have been running my bike with the CCP installed. I have never considered to remove it, but now with 30K on it I'm finally tired of the surging. A quick question for someone who knows. I have an 03rt and it has a yellow plug in the front row #0221 and a pink in the middle row. I think its the pink . Also if I pull it do I us a wire to jump two of the holes? THANKS!!! thumbsup.gif

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As far as I know, the Australian RTs were all supplied without a CCP. Before I totalled it, mine had done 43,000km without missing a beat.

The bike runs better without the CCP and I don't have any problems with excessive fuel consumption.

You can remove it with confidence.

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Willie, do what Ed says. Take 83 to 22 to 225 at Dauphin, then go for the Italian tune up on 325 eastbound. Play with the gears a little here, don't just take it up to 6th. After 25 miles of straightaway fun, right at the stop sign (Gold Mine Rd) and pay careful attention here to the road. When you get to the end (443), turn it around and do it again. Here again, play with the gears. For some of the corner exits you'll want to be in 1st.

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skinny_tom (aka boney)
Help me, what are you guys talking about, what is a CCP


thank you


There's a little relay in the fuse box that tells the CPU in your fuel injection which map to use depending on the emissions control of your area. They are reffered to as: CCP, LPB (little pink bastard), LGB and so on. I know of 3 (?) colors. Pink, green, mustard yellow (aka brown), and then the "no color" (=no plug).


Each time you change the CCP, including removing it, you have to reset the motronic unit so it'll know you did something. To learn this, use the search feature, there's more information about all of this than you'll even want to read. dopeslap.gif

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The service manager at my dealer suggested I pull the CCP, and so I did at around the 8K mark. I have about 20K on it now, and no ill effects noticed so far.

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