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Filling your Transmission, Final Drive, and Such...


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The room for such funnel may not be available on an RT. I don't have to do this again for 30K miles or so. Next time I take the plastic off the bike I'll check out a different funnel arrangement. Is that picture backwards?

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  • 3 months later...

Why not just make a VLS (Very Large Syringe)? :grin:


Takes me <5 minutes from start to finish and no muss no fuss on clean up! :thumbsup:



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Why not just make a VLS (Very Large Syringe)? :grin:


Takes me <5 minutes from start to finish and no muss no fuss on clean up! :thumbsup:




Yeah, but you are Mr. Gadget. By the way, what's that your fixin to inject Chris with? The glow of anticipation on his face is priceless, so it must be good stuff.

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Well, I'm happy to report that ... Sta Lube product made the transmission job a dream.


So tell me or show pictures on how you prevented a big oily mess under the trans when you removed the drain bolt. Try as I might most trans fluid missed the tray my a country mile. Maybe I should have put the center stand in the tray!




I just wedge the drain pain up by the center stand as tight as I can, with it's little spout pointing to the rear of the bike. No sheet protectors or anything up by the exhaust. Nothing gets on the exhaust, and I might get a little on the center stand or lift, but not much. I just wipe up with a paper towel and spray off with brake-kleen. No problem. I'm due again before the Unrally, so I'll take some pics this time.

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I think you should use what people have been using for about the last 100 years for this job (a suction gun), then just fill to the bottom of the fill hole and go riding. But then again it has been conclusively proven that I'm not nearly anal enough to give advice concerning BMW maintenance. :grin:


I use a suction gun to fill the trans and FD as well.


That thing KMG has looks like something used on a stud farm



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That thing KMG has looks like something used on a stud farm


If I had a nickel for every time I've heard THAT...
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That thing KMG has looks like something used on a stud farm


If I had a nickel for every time I've heard THAT...


.....you'd be broke? :wave:

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