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BMW Motorcycle Magazine


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Does anyone subscribe to BMW Motorcycle Magazine? This is an english language magazine published in Germany every 6 months. It's been about 6 months since I received my last issue and I wondered if anyone had received issue #4.

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I subscribe and go the latest issue about 2 months ago. I like the magazine, but find their administration to be very poor.

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i have just subscribed for 2 years and an email tells me that my order is being processed at the moment. What that means i will be able to tell you in few weeks i reckon!

I have also back ordered issue 1.


So i suppose we all wait for issue 4





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  • 2 months later...

I got the magazine when it first came out, very good it was too, but when I tried to re subscribe for a second year I just could do it, mailed them twice and got no reply, had to give up :-(

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Going back to my first post, after placing the backorder for issue 1, i received it after about 2 weeks.

I only just emailed them again to ask where issue 4 was (that was when my sub was to start) and lo and behold, it arrived 2 days later.

That's karma i reckon. Or bloody shear luck really!!!

Anyway, i would recommend logging in to the website and sending them a query about your delivery as issue 4 is now on sale. Damm good issue too!





Spoiler - Interesting final comments about the K1300GT with regard to the need of wild horses.


Steve :thumbsup:

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I just received the latest issue last week. As mentioned earlier on, the administration leaves a bit to be desired. I kept getting bills, even though I had paid etc.

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As mentioned earlier on, the administration leaves a bit to be desired.


You must realize and accept that this is a German Magazine with German Administration. You vill accept dis und comply.


After living in Germany for 3 years you come to understand certain things.

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I'm holding off for now. I'd really like a sub to a magazine that comes out once every three to four years. That way the news will be much older...but it should have very glossy pages. Once every 6 months seems a little long to wait for a magazine with no more detailed information than available through numerous other sources...but I'll admit, it does have nice pictures.

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