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I Believe I Found a Dangerous Terrorist At the Airport


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A person is usually accused of being a traitor for voicing or acting their opinion of disagreement with an ideology. Usually the ideology of the person doing the accusing (of someone being a traitor).

But yet the hallmark of a democracy is that everyone is entitled to their opinion, so by definition in a true democracy doing so can’t be being a traitor. The ideology requires unconditional allowing of disagreement with the ideology.

That is the beauty of the Republic, every one can have an opinion, and they can express it within the terms of the law that governs us all. Anyone can say what they want as long as the law allows it, that is freedom of speech, and that is also why politicians are always making new laws, things change, technology motivates things and limits have to be set. But when the government says that if you do certain things that undermine the safety and security of the people of the republic it is called and punished as "Treason". Treason, just a word we use, but knowing the laws and abiding by them make us a safer nation, especially when our enemies, either foreign or domestic, try to take away the freedoms we have enjoyed for over 200 years.

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A person is usually accused of being a traitor for voicing or acting their opinion of disagreement with an ideology. Usually the ideology of the person doing the accusing (of someone being a traitor).

But yet the hallmark of a democracy is that everyone is entitled to their opinion, so by definition in a true democracy doing so can’t be being a traitor. The ideology requires unconditional allowing of disagreement with the ideology.

That is the beauty of the Republic, every one can have an opinion, and they can express it within the terms of the law that governs us all. Anyone can say what they want as long as the law allows it, that is freedom of speech, and that is also why politicians are always making new laws, things change, technology motivates things and limits have to be set. But when the government says that if you do certain things that undermine the safety and security of the people of the republic it is called and punished as "Treason". Treason, just a word we use, but knowing the laws and abiding by them make us a safer nation, especially when our enemies, either foreign or domestic, try to take away the freedoms we have enjoyed for over 200 years.


Treason is very narrowly defined in the US and is specifically defined in the Constitution.


"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."


I think we use treason and more particularly "traitor" in a much broader, and not legally-defined, sense.

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