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Speakers for Scala Rider Q2


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I recently installed the Scala Rider Q2 on my helmet. Good device, and the bluetooth works well. When using the bluetooth to make phone calls, the speaker volumer is not the greatest but still tolerable. When the FM radio is playing, the sound is only mono and not stereo, but it's tolerable. Howeve, when I plug in the MP3, the volume is worthless. Is there anyway I could replace the speakers or enhance the volume level? Stereo speaker would be ideal.

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You can't do anything about the FM Radio playing in mono. It has nothing to do with the speakers. The unit itself outputs the FM Radio signal as mono. Your MP3 should play in stereo though. If the volume is too low with both your phone and MP3, try turning up the volume on the devices themselves. It makes a difference. When your turning up your phone volume, make sure your turning up the headset volume and not the ringer volume.


I clipped the speakers off of my Q2 and soldered on a 3.5mm female plug from Radio Shack. I plug my earbuds into the 3.5mm plug and I'm on may way.

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Have you posted (or will you post) a complete how to on adding this plug? Pics would be great if you have them.



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Have you posted (or will you post) a complete how to on adding this plug? Pics would be great if you have them.




I will try and get that up for you tonight or tomorrow.



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Here are some pics of what my setup looks like now. Sorry I don't have any photos of when I put it together. It's very simple though. This is the connector I bought from RadioShack.


Just clip the speakers off, but make sure you clip the wire near the speaker. That way you have plenty of wire to work with. If I recall correctly, one wire is green and the other is red on each speaker lead. Just make sure you solder each green wire together on one post, and each red wire together on the other post. I'm not sure if it matters which color goes to which post. If you get it wrong, your stereo separation will be reversed - left signal in right ear, right signal in left ear.


Here are the pics


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I just remembered that I have the first Q2 that I clipped at home. (It was the experiment). I'm in Charlotte right now. When I get back to Fort Worth on Tuesday, I will try and get some pics posted of what it looks like on the inside.

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Dan, try relocating your speakers.


Initially, I had my set up in a Bell helmet and it had pockets built in to accommodate speakers. The problem was the pocket left the speakers 3/4" or so away from my ears making it diffocult to hear them.


I bought a KBC helmet and attached the speakers on the upper part of the cover for the chin strap. Now, the speakers are right next to my ears, and the volume is significantly better.


I sometimes have to toggle it down a notch as it gets too loud...

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  • 1 month later...

I just got done performing the procedure that Brad posted on clipping off the existing speakers and replaced with the radio shack female plug so I could use my ER-6i ear buds. Works wonderful!!!

Thanks for great idea Brad..

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