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Alternative to Centech/Fuzeblock


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Has anyone used this -- Link rather than a Centech, or similar, product? Looks like an easy installation, and I only need to connect two or three farkles (GPS, radar detector, and a power socket).

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Powerlet makes good stuff, but I haven't used this. It looks to me like it's simply a fused lead that runs from your battery's positive terminal. If that's the case, you lose the automatic on/off function that you get with a relay-controlled fuse block.


If I'm wrong about what it is, please 'splain it to me.

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Has anyone used this -- Link rather than a Centech, or similar, product? Looks like an easy installation, and I only need to connect two or three farkles (GPS, radar detector, and a power socket).

Personal opinion, no way. Those things just lead to a spaghetti mess of wires. Stick with a true fuse block.

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The Termi-8 is an interesting product but for $52 including a ground wire, is expensive. You can make the same thing for under $10 with a heavy duty fused pigtail and a bolt. Put the bolt on one end of the pigtail and hook the other to the + side of the battery. Then hook all your farkles to te bolt. For the ground just take a wire, put a bolt on one end and hook the other to the - side of the battery.


With this type of arrangement if one of your farkles short circuits everything goes down and you will not be able to tell which farkle was to blame. Also, you will need to know how many amps you are drawing to be able to put the correct fuse in.


I've also had great success with Eastern Beaver products. Their stuff is relatively inexpensive, of excellent quality and they understand how to correctly protect the canbus by putting a diode in the trigger wire.





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