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butt relief


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Coming back from Americade in Lake Georges, NY and taking all small roads back home, I managed over 6 hours of riding in a single day but my butt was unhappy with me (1200RT). Can't justify the cost of a $600-$700 seat right now and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions? Have seen these sheep skins there.. do they work? Someone mentionned air pillows.. what are they? Thanks in advance

~ Gerard

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I have used an Alaskan sheepskin on my R12RT for long rides. It does make a difference. I also wear either bike shorts liners (like bike shorts, but thinner), or LD Comfort shorts, under my riding pants. They make a difference too.



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RL has AirHawks for $129, were $199. Mine is in the house but I can't know about it until Father's day. But my rear knows about because I snuck it our for test ride. Inital review positive. More next week...

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I was in Santa Fe in 2002 and bought a long haired sheepskin from an outdoor mall. I was amazed as it only cost $40.00 and it was large enough for a buddy and I to split. We both ended up with oversized pads. It has outlasted two motorcycles and I don't like to ride without it. It's warm when the air is cold and allows some circulation between butt and vinyl when the temps are high. It also provides a little more natural padding.


When I got home with my purchase in 2002 my wife was a little upset with me. She took one look at the pad and asked me what it was. When I told her it was a sheepskin, she said it looked more like sheep dog skin.


Well whatever...sheep, sheep dog? I wouldn't be without it.

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I have tried a lot of things including the sheep skin. Used the skin for years until it compressed and bunched up. For me, the skin was too hot in warm weather as well.


What I finally settled on and have used since is a pair of good quality bike shorts with the oversize chamois crotch pad and Monkey Butt powder. This seems to have worked the best for me. I had an R1100RT, R1150RS, and currently have an R1200RT, all with stock seats. Many 500, 600, and 700 mile days. Works for me.

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About two years ago I replaced the oem seat on a '05 R1200RT with Touratech "Kahido" Seat seen here. Any seat was going to be an improvement over stock, & this one has been. However......


My butt still hurt after long lays in the saddle. Can't really blame the seat; I fell down some cement stairs a while back & cracked my tail bone. Besides, I really like the lines of this saddle, & wanted to find a way to keep it.


Someone told me about a (local) guy that "fixed" seats for Yamaha Forum riders from all over the country. So I brought my seat to him so he may be able to help you.


He fixed it. For $40.00 (his "going rate"). I no longer have any pressure on my tail bone & my time in the saddle has been greatly extended. Touratech uses what looks to be the same seat pan as stock.


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From another current thread in this forum:


Before you spend $600+ on a seat, try one of these for $40 http://www.beadrider.com/ I've spent 20+ hours in the same stock seat with the BR on it - before the BR, about 2 hours was my limit. I've reviewed the same for Motorcycle Consumer News and it was one of my "holiday picks" - a truly functional product, even though the seat now looks like a New York cabbie's. But, since my ass is on the seat when I'm riding, I don't care what it looks like. http://www.mklsportster.com/Articles/mcnholiday2007.pdf



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Poster: Gerard

Subject: Re: butt relief


Coming back from Americade in Lake Georges, NY and taking all small roads back home, I managed over 6 hours of riding in a single day but my butt was unhappy with me (1200RT). Can't justify the cost of a $600-$700 seat right now and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions? Have seen these sheep skins there.. do they work? Someone mentionned air pillows.. what are they? Thanks in advance

~ Gerard


This is my first try at a cheap solution. It is a Expedition Pillow Pump and it is self inflating. Cost is $20.00.




This picture is the Pillow Pump under my Alaska Sheepskin. The Sheepskin keeps the pillow in place.




I have the pillow sitting a little forward on the seat. I tried it on a 75 minutes ride this evening. My butt did not hurt.

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Truly and individualistic solution for each.

We vary based on distances.

Almost always wear gel chamois bicycle shorts under riding pants.

I use AMB powder.

Regular day riding, w/stops 100 miles or so, Alaskan sheepskin.

Longer trips we add Airhawk under the sheepskin.

When we arrive at destination, if there are short trips, or technical roads, we stash the Airhawks.

This has allowed us to extend riding to all day comfort level.

If you use an air cushion, the key is minimal inflation to achieve maximum benefit.

Best wishes.

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I had a 2005 1200RT. I tried the Alaska Leather sheepskin, and then an Airhawk under the sheepskin. The Airhawk with the sheepskin was a more comfortable set up than the stock seat, but it isolates you from the bike and raises the seat height. I finally got a dual Russell Day Long Saddle, and was extremely comfortable. I bought a 2009 RT in March, and just got my Russell for it last week. If you don't want to buy another seat right now, the Airhawk and sheepskin should be more comfortable than the stock seat, but will have some drawbacks.

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"...Before you spend $600+ on a seat, try one of these for $40 http://www.beadrider.com/ ..."


Ditto. I've used beaded seat covers on every motorcycle I've used in the last 10 years and they cure most "seat" problems for me. I like them because they keep air circulating around my posterior which prevents some problems in that sweaty area. :Cool:


A few years back I tried an AirHawk inflatable seat cover, but it didn't help as much as the beads. The AirHawk went into storage after 2-3 rides. BTW, if people try the AirHawk, there is a good description above.....most people put too much air in them.


The beads also allow me to move around the seat a little, and that movement helps. One can't just sit stationary on a seat for hours and hours, you have to squirm around a bit; at least that works for me. Standing up on the pegs (R1200RT) when appropriate also helps a lot.

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I was in the same boat. Just couldn't justify spending that much money. I did some searching and found a really great option: Spencer's Seat Mods. I got a whole new feel, with the stock look for less than I paid for my AirHawk (which I didn't like...too tippy feeling). I wrote up a review for my local club, BMWBMW.org. If you'd like a copy of my write up, PM me. Short version: you can't beat it for the cost and small amount of time (2 days) without a seat.






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He doesn't do the original GT seats because they are heated so if it is a heated seat, not sure he can help.

I've heard and read good things about his work.

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He doesn't do the original GT seats because they are heated so if it is a heated seat, not sure he can help.

I've heard and read good things about his work.


Don't know about the GT. My RT has heated seats and he did great, keeping the stock elements. He re-works the foam under the element, so nothing changed. I'll say the seat is not a "day long" but good for at least three times as long as I could do on the stock seat.

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I was in the same boat. Just couldn't justify spending that much money. I did some searching and found a really great option: Spencer's Seat Mods. I got a whole new feel, with the stock look for less than I paid for my AirHawk (which I didn't like...too tippy feeling). I wrote up a review for my local club, BMWBMW.org. If you'd like a copy of my write up, PM me. Short version: you can't beat it for the cost and small amount of time (2 days) without a seat.






how about a pic or 2 of your seat?

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I was in the same boat. Just couldn't justify spending that much money. I did some searching and found a really great option: Spencer's Seat Mods. I got a whole new feel, with the stock look for less than I paid for my AirHawk (which I didn't like...too tippy feeling). I wrote up a review for my local club, BMWBMW.org. If you'd like a copy of my write up, PM me. Short version: you can't beat it for the cost and small amount of time (2 days) without a seat.






how about a pic or 2 of your seat?


It looks exactly stock, so there aren't any external differences. You send pictures with you on the bike so Spencer can see where/how you sit, then takes the cover off and "scoops" out an area where your butt is, the re-forms the area with different density foam. He also rounds the edges which were a real sore spot on the back of my thighs. Along the way, he levels the seat to stop the forward slipping. Front and back seats for me with the upgraded foam ran about $125 (if I remember correctly).

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You send pictures with you on the bike so Spencer can see where/how you sit, then takes the cover off and "scoops" out an area where your butt is, the re-forms the area with different density foam. He also rounds the edges which were a real sore spot on the back of my thighs. Along the way, he levels the seat to stop the forward slipping. Front and back seats for me with the upgraded foam ran about $125 (if I remember correctly).

Spencer no longer does late model RT seats. I was ready to send mine to him, and when I emailed him for shipping instructions he said he no longer did them because most of the ones he worked with were cracked at the staples.

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