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Nitrogen in fuel


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Shell advertises it like its the best thing since pure Nitrogen became available to fill your tires. :grin:


What is the scientific theory behind this "new and improved" formulation and is there enough data to justify buying it instead of another Top Tier gasoline?



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I cant understand this concept. I see this every day on my way to work. Nitrogen is inert and does not burn. So they are giving you gas with air in it. Contents may settle after refueling :)


Maybe one of the smart guys here will have a good answer



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Well.. I've been lurking for a while now, but I couldn't pass on this one. I also have been amazed by this ad.... NITROGEN... wow! There are lots of compounds with nitrogen.. like ammonia or amines... but why does NITROGEN sell... I guess because it sounds scientific. Like E3 says... maybe they bubble air though it (hopefully in the absence of an ignition source). Probably just creates NOx in the exhaust. Shell always seems to be the most expensive gas in this area... so I don't use it.

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While nitrogen does not actually burn, it does play a role in the combustion of the air fuel mixture. Remember our atmosphere is 76% nitrogen. Generally the nitrogen in the air changes states, absorbs energy from the combustion reaction, and is output as brown smog. Racers use Nitrous Oxide (N2O) because it has more oxygen than air, not for the nitrogen itself. Based on that I don't think they are doing it for the combustion properties.


This link: Linky indicates that it is just an improved detergent to keep the engine internals cleaner!

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Remember our atmosphere is 76% nitrogen


Yes, (well 78%) however its the 21% oxygen that allows for combustion. As you stated, nitrogen absorbs the energy, does nitrogen make combustion less efficient?


I didn't click the link yet...but I wonder if "improved detergent" simply means cheaper detergent.

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Danny caddyshack Noonan

No combustion but, it does generate gas when the attached molecules/atoms combust. Combination of atomic weight and the amount of gas produced makes nitrogen a popular element for those looking to generate gases. That said, I have to wonder if they can really make a gasoline that is groundbreaking for the same price as Joes gasoline. Chances are, they added a little bit of new stuff to the former formula. Just enough to show a laboratory improvement of say... 0.01% or whatever the threshold is to avoid a class action suit.

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I've ran it in the RT, as well as the car, and have seen no difference, one way or the other, in performance/mileage. I'll continue to use it from time to time as long as the price is competetive to other stations.


OTOH, I stay away from Marathon due to a drop in mileage on everything.

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Well.. I've been lurking for a while now, but I couldn't pass on this one...


Welcome, Matt. We're lookin' forward to hearing from you more.




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I cant understand this concept. I see this every day on my way to work. Nitrogen is inert and does not burn. So they are giving you gas with air in it. Contents may settle after refueling :)


Maybe one of the smart guys here will have a good answer



No, they just mean a nitrogen containing compound, like fuels containing ethanol or MTBE may be said to contain oxygen, or be oxygenated. No N2 gas involved here.

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Well.. I've been lurking for a while now, but I couldn't pass on this one. I also have been amazed by this ad.... NITROGEN... wow! There are lots of compounds with nitrogen.. like ammonia or amines... but why does NITROGEN sell... I guess because it sounds scientific. Like E3 says... maybe they bubble air though it (hopefully in the absence of an ignition source). Probably just creates NOx in the exhaust. Shell always seems to be the most expensive gas in this area... so I don't use it.


Wiki Techron


Looks like Techron is also nitrogenated. Probably makes a good cleaner. Shell seems to be trying to compete with Chevron-Texaco by branding their detergent system. Techron is an equally meaningless name.

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While nitrogen does not actually burn, it does play a role in the combustion of the air fuel mixture. Remember our atmosphere is 76% nitrogen. Generally the nitrogen in the air changes states, absorbs energy from the combustion reaction, and is output as brown smog. Racers use Nitrous Oxide (N2O) because it has more oxygen than air, not for the nitrogen itself. Based on that I don't think they are doing it for the combustion properties.


This link: Linky indicates that it is just an improved detergent to keep the engine internals cleaner!


Lets not be confusing nitrogen, the N2 molecule, with compounds of nitrogen like N2O. That's like comparing iron to rust, hydrogen to water. Your link has it right, a nitrogen containing detergent compound, not nitrogen gas.

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Remember our atmosphere is 76% nitrogen


Yes, (well 78%) however its the 21% oxygen that allows for combustion. As you stated, nitrogen absorbs the energy, does nitrogen make combustion less efficient?


I didn't click the link yet...but I wonder if "improved detergent" simply means cheaper detergent.


Chemists view it more as a matter of the oxygen concentration, but yes, higher oxygen atmospheres increase combustion rates. However, as my prior comments make clear, none of this is relevant to the Shell situation.

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Danny caddyshack Noonan

?Massengil is probably nitrogen rich also? Might help keep the top end and bottom end clean.

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?Massengil is probably nitrogen rich also? Might help keep the top end and bottom end clean.


I think that Richard could have used the "bottom end" cleaner yesterday :rofl: But seriously folks....I work for Shell and you should probably believe everything they tell you :dopeslap: So, since I work for Shell :clap: I tend to buy thier (our) product to keep my bonus coming :thumbsup: And since I use Shell gas...every time I push the start button on my RT.......IT STARTS and Runs and runs and runs :wave: I am curious though if the Massengil will keep my injectors or at least my CRANKcase cleaner? :S

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That's choice!


"Nitrogen" does indeed seem to be the latest marketing buzz word. Won't be long before we see it products to make, you know, "certian things" bigger I suspect!

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That's choice!


"Nitrogen" does indeed seem to be the latest marketing buzz word. Won't be long before we see it products to make, you know, "certian things" bigger I suspect!

New and Improved!! Laughing Gas with Nitrogen!!!!! :grin::dopeslap:

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Well it may just be hype but when I run Shell gas w/ my truck I get an avg of 1-3 more mpg, same with my bike. I was a BP addict before but Shell has given it a run for it's money.

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