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Roller stands for moving bikes in tight spaces


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I'm looking for a couple of these wheeled plates that you place under the centerstand to allow a bike to be rolled around in a garage. The application would be for two airheads that are in a tight spot at the head of my garage.


I've done a bit of looking, and frankly I'm amazed at the prices -- $200 for a bent plate and 4 casters?


Don't get me wrong -- I recognize that quality steel of sufficient thickness and quality high load-bearing casters aren't cheap. And if I need to pay this much to get quality goods, I will. But I have to say the initial sticker shock was huge.


So, after all that, what's my question??


I'm looking for recommendations for vendors (preferably, but not necessarily, with lower prices!) and your comments based on your experience with their products.


Thanks, all!

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you can do a search, and a number of people have posted on this topic. I have the expensive (cannot remember which brand) unit, and it works just like advertised. A friend has the full size one, I forget it's name, it actually moves around better than I thought it would. someone posted about some sort of recycled "lasy susan" they created. I think they took some wood, and put something slick on the bottom. they then stood the bike on the wood and coudl easily 'swing" the bike around, but actual movement was hard. Do a search, if these threads are still in the active threads you should get some hits.

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Thanks for the suggestion.


I'd actually prefer one of the small units that fits under the center stand -- the "whole bike on the platform" type would not work well in the available space, SWMBO would likely have some difficulty maneuvering her airhead onto the rail, and they use sidestands, which means the two air heads would be leaned over -- and believe it or not, the difference in available space between sidestand and centerstand is a significant issue in my limited space.


Still, thanks for taking the time to try to help!

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Random thought here -- make an air bearing. Could take a piece of plywood and rim the lower face with a skirt material like plastic or fabric (wonder about UHMW tape or inner tube material); affix an air compressor fitting into the top face such that it exits the lower face. Put the bike on top, hook up the compressor, and with a reasonably flat floor it should glide.

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