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Corbin Seats


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Hi, anyone have any feedback on the Corbin seats as compared to the stock seat? My butt gives out after about an hour and I was wondering if the Corbin seat is really worth it. Thanks.

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Check out Russell day long seats,,Probable the best seat out there,My self I have a Sargent on my 07 RT,,Love it,,Never liked Corbin,,To hard and costumer service ant that good,,Fill out your profile,May be some one near you with an after market seat you can check out,,,,,,

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Well, I've never owned a Russell....


BUT, I had a Sargent for a while, and didn't like it- too soft, and the shape was not compatible with my rear.


I have a Corbin on my RT, and I had one on my GS, and I liked both of them.


Furthermore, I have had nothing but good customer service from Corbin (exceptional, actually), BUT I have never bought a seat from them new- one came on a bike, the other I got used, so I can't speak to ordering.


I like the firmness of the seat, but they are heavy as hell. Sargents are light and on the stock seat pan, which is nice- Corbin seat pans can be finicky. Don't know what Russell builds on.


Depending on where you are there are other alternatives, like Rich's, or like Mr. Ed's moto (which I can walk to....), Rick Mayer.... I've never had a custom seat made for me, but that sounds like a great thing if you can make it work out.



so where you at? You tall, short, big, skinny....


I'm a big guy and that might be why I like the hard Corbin seat padding.

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I've had Corbin, Russell, Mayer, and Sargent. All are better than stock. Russell and Mayer were best for comfort. Sargent and Corbin were ok and much better than stock. Only rap on Corbin other than customer service is that they "almost fit" and they are heavy but pretty comfortable.

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Well, you are gonna get the love'em & hate'em responses on every brand of saddle maker. I've got a Corbin on my RT and have ridden it for 75K miles and I like it. I've ridden 900+ mile days and survived. I don't believe anyone who says their seat is like a feather bed after a really long ride. I chose Corbin in part because they are nearby and I rode in for a custom fitting. If you can do that you are pretty much assured of getting a great fit for you butt. It is a meticulous process that you cant get if you aren't present for the fitting.

Bottom line is that I suspect any aftermarket saddle is better than the torture rack that comes stock.

I would go with Corbin again but I wouldn't be adverse to trying another brand. And that is my $.02 worth. Good Luck!

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I bought a Corbin for my Honda Superhawk years ago. It was a great seat and I never had a problem. I have a Sargent on my RT, while not perfect it is miles ahead of the stock seat.

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I can vouch for both Corbin and RDL on an RT. Very different seats, but both very comfortable for long, multiple, days in the saddle.


I rode my stock RT seat to Hollister, CA, to the Corbin factory (from my home in IL) They shaved the hard foam nose so that I could get my tippy toes on the ground. Added heat. Fabulous seat.

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Tried Corbin and found the fit to be a bit off and the customer support to be poor (and rude)... Have had great luck with Sargent and currently thinking of changing to a Russell.


My only real complaint with Corbin is that they didn't seem too keen on customer service after they got my money.

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All I can say about Corbin...run away as fast as you can! I bought a Corbin 2 years ago, put a good 8k or so on it, and still can't get used to it. Its as hard as a park bench, the leather wears easily and you will never be stuck to the seat, you WILL slide, whther you treat the leather or not. My seats were so heavy they changed the handling of the bike, not to mention that fact that I had to do a great deal of midification to it just to get the front to fit, and a weekend spent doing the back seat. And customer service, forget it; I e-mailed, never got a response, called, got the "takes time to break in" even after I told them I had jsut come off a 2500 mile trip. And finally I was asked to return the seats, at my cost, they would eval and charge me for the mods and for returning it to thier original manufactured figure, since I had "altered" the seat. And a persoanl point, they were NOT military frinedly, in fact, at one point I got an operators personal opinon of our military, in a very preaching manner.


So as you can tell, I am not a fan of Corbin, I wouldn't recommend them to my worst enemy, and I am leary about selling them because I don't want someone else to suffer the way I have.


Thats my 2 cents.



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I'm in eastern Iowa. I'm bout 5"10" around 180lbs. I guess I also need to consider seat height as well since I dont want to tippy toe around on a 600lb machine. The height is manageable with the stock seat, just long rides with the wife get a bit agonizing. Thank you all for the input! Seems I have some pondering to do.

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I'm in eastern Iowa. I'm bout 5"10" around 180lbs. I guess I also need to consider seat height as well since I dont want to tippy toe around on a 600lb machine. The height is manageable with the stock seat, just long rides with the wife get a bit agonizing. Thank you all for the input! Seems I have some pondering to do.


Zeek, if seat height is an issue, I would not go with the Corbin because the front is wider and decreases your reach, plus their actual seat height is higher than the BMW "low" seat. The foam they use is also very firm, which works for some, not for others. I would try Sargent first, as it doesn't require sending in your pan or riding in for a fitting--and lots of folks swear by them. And they have good cust. svce.


Basically, as far as construction goes, there are 2 "schools". Corbin, who believes a *very* firm foam offers the best support (and does for many). And then theres all the others, who use various combinations of softer density foam (and springs on some). No one can tell you with certainty that a specific seat will work for you. Check the classifieds here for evidence of that. Lots of seats changing hands there! :wave:

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