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Allstate M/C I nsurance Quote-Too Good?


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I have been dealing with Progressive for my bike insurance for years and now that I am adding the Ducati, they are going crazy on the rate. Not just for the Duc, but they are trying to raise the BMW number too.


So I called Allstate's local office and got a verry good quote...


Makes me wonder if Allstate is quoting good but covering bad. Any experience?


I know there was a recent thread about the RV Club coverage being a little "iffy" but that can be dealt with as a separate issue.


These guys pay when you need it?

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Bob my take on this having worked in the business is that insurance from an acceptably rated and not fly by night company is like a sack of refined white sugar.


You care if you get C&H or White Satin or store brand? It's the same sugar.


I will say that I caught Allstate dinging me for a ticket that had dropped off my MVR- their explanation was that they knew about it, so they were going to rate me on it. I moved to Progressive for that reason, they looked at my 3 year MVR and called me clean.


Check frequently, rate shop, and do not be afraid to switch as needed. They (insurance companies) deserve NO loyalty because they display none. If the excrement hits the air mover, you are a number, and they will give you only what they are required to give you in the policy contract (which you should read).


Allstate's claims department is no different really than anyone else's. For a while I was doing some investigation for one of their special units, and they were doing a good job- nailing BS artists. Fun work.




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Verify both are looking at the same time frame. My Progressive policy is quoted annually, competitors were quoting 6 month. Looks like a great rate until you realize what's happening -- and then run the calculation for equal time periods.

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I swapped to one insurance carrier last year after spending some time with another. My only complaint was (and still is) with their claims. I suspect all insurance carriers are like this, but if they need to pay, they take forever and a day. When they want your money, it has to be in their hands overnight. As Fugu mentioned, as long as the policies and limits are the same, you can do some real comparisons.



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Verify both are looking at the same time frame. My Progressive policy is quoted annually, competitors were quoting 6 month. Looks like a great rate until you realize what's happening -- and then run the calculation for equal time periods.


And check that the limits are the same, and for things like extra coverage. For example, on my policy the standard coverage for accessories has apparently increased from $3K to $10K so I don't need the add-on I used to have.

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I have Allstate and it is an annual policy. Just be sure coverages are comparable. uninsured motorist is a very big cost in Florida. Since I also cover my cars with Allstate, I don't need separate motorcycle coverage...a very big saving. FWIW, in SE Florida, Progressive is double+ the Allstate rate.

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I just switched to Allstate on the bikes. About a 40% savings over what my comparable policy was with Progressive.


Progressive tried to raise my rates about 20% and never gave me a satisfactory reason why other than some crap about parts availability for older motorcycles and the subsequent increase in cost in purchasing the part if I had a claim. I had a couple of older bikes on the policy, but the only one with full coverage was my ’06 RT and I don’t think parts availability is an issue with it!


Last year a driver insured with Allstate totaled my truck. No issues with the claim, two phone calls and I had a check within a week.




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The excellent quote from Allstate, over the phone, turned out to be either 1. a bait ans switch, or 2. total B.S.


I was directed to visit my local agent to actually get the policy. When I got there, the price went up by a factor of...4!!!!


They could not come up with a reason, but they say they will look into it and get back... I am still waiting.


Meanwhile Progressive cannot tell me why the rate went up on my BMW after I added the Ducati. They are trying to figure it out too.


What a mess. I feel so violated I just hate the entire system.

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Meanwhile Progressive cannot tell me why the rate went up on my BMW after I added the Ducati. They are trying to figure it out too.


Because having the Ducati shows that you're a high-risk maniac sportsbike rider instead of a stodgy old BMW rider.


This is only partially tongue-in-cheek. I'm too lazy to find a link, but I've recently read about AmEx lowering cardholders' credit limits because they made purchases at unspecified stores that fit some unspecified profile of people who don't pay their credit card bills. I know Progressive adjusts your rates based on your credit score (good credit = responsible = low risk). Remember that insurance companies have big databases and lots of people whose job it is to analyze and minimize risk. It would not surprise me if they concluded that someone who buys a sportbike likes to go fast and ride aggressively and may be likely to go fast and ride aggressively on their other bikes, too. Kinda makes sense when you think about it.

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I have been dealing with Progressive for my bike insurance for years and now that I am adding the Ducati, they are going crazy on the rate. Not just for the Duc, but they are trying to raise the BMW number too.

This seems kind of strange. I understand David's logic but it seems that this practice would so obvioulsy alienate customers I'm surprised that they would do it, vs. just charging more for the Duc. Are you saying that they want to raise your current, already-quoted rate (six months or a year, whatever term you are using) on the BMW, or that the rate for the BMW will increase at the beginning of the next term? If the latter the rate increase may have nothing to do with the added vehicle.



I will say that I caught Allstate dinging me for a ticket that had dropped off my MVR- their explanation was that they knew about it, so they were going to rate me on it. I moved to Progressive for that reason, they looked at my 3 year MVR and called me clean.

It was my belief that insurance companies are now using a five-year history for violations vs. the three that most states use. Once a ticket gets into the (shared) insurance industry database it stays there as long as they want and they can count it for as long as they want. And in fact most insurance applications these days ask you to provide a five-year history, or at least all that I have seen do, including Progressive. I'm not saying you're wrong, just what I've noticed myself.

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Hopz - When I added my Buell Ulysses, my rate on my RT stayed the same. However, the rate on the Uly was double what the RT was. When I asked Progressive about it, they played the "I don't know" game with me. When I switched to Dairyland the rate was better on the Uly, but still not wonderful. Turns out they classify it as a sport bike, so even with my age being in the upper 40 range, it was expensive.



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Because having the Ducati shows that you're a high-risk maniac sportsbike rider instead of a stodgy old BMW rider.



I just switched to Dairyland because they did not play the same game Progressive did. After I added the Ducati to the policy they re-rated me for the BMW- after I ahd already paid the entire years premium. I finally got them to admit that the reason quoted above (which was given tounge in cheek) was in-fact the actual reason.


Thank you Dairyland, so long Progressive.

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My experience with State Farm was quite different from what Hopz describes with those other companies. At the time I had a R1200GS insured with State Farm, I added an MV Agusta Brutale, they honestly had no idea what it was. It wasn't in their database and based the premium strictly on displacement (a modest 910cc). The premium for one year at the same limits as my GS was $30 cheaper than the BMW (c. $650). I always thought that they would do a bit a research and once they found out what an exotic little hooligan bike the MV was, they'd rerate me. They never did over the course of two years.


I have nothing but good things to say about my experience with State Farm and I have heard from several people that they are the only insurance company that sets rates strictly on displacement.

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In reading this thread, I was composing a PM to you with my Dairyland agent's number in Sugarhouse. Then I figured I should actually see how it turned out by finishing the thread. :)

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I have been paying just over $500 a year thru State Farm for insurance on Ruby. Two days ago I got a quote from Progressive who I was with for 12 years until my one m/c accident doubled my premiums if I had stayed with Progressive. My agent actually told me to change companies. The quote is $150 less than State Farm and increased my bodily injury coverage from $30K/$60K to $100K for the same price. Sorry, but bye bye State Farm in September 09.

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Just a thought- read the allstate policy exclusions ie radar detectors are EXCLUDED even if permanently mounted....

They made a few coverage changes to go with the change in policy length


Just sayin'





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We went from State Farm to Dairyland 4 years ago and have their best policy available, due to our age and bikes. We have been SF customers for 30 years for Home, Auto, Umbrella and motorcycles.


Oh! SF wanted "out" of the m/c business at that time and jacked up our rates accordingly...we moved!


Dairyland have been great....we have had two claims (one no fault) on our policies and they have been wonderfully responsive.

No problems with service at all...and our rates (RT and R) are way cheaper than most (I shop around!).


Oh! And SF "got back" into the m/c and when we received their quote it was no way comparable!


We like Dairyland....



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