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Any GPS software with the ease of Google Maps?

Allen Rowand

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Allen Rowand

Hey there GPS users,

I'm starting to think about getting a GPS. I've looked at the TomTom and Garmin software for the Mac and find them… lacking. What I currently do is put in my start and end addresses in Google Maps, then drag my route onto the roads I want (to avoid highways, get on scenic routes, etc). Then copy the directions and print to a format that fits the map holder on my tankbag. Is there any GPS software that offers this (minus the printing part :grin:) ? I can also run Windows if necessary (but not preferred).




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You can "drag and drop" routes on your PC using Mapsource. That said, it would be nice to create a route in Google Maps and somehow seamlessly upload that to a Garmin GPS (like that's ever going to happen).

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You can "drag and drop" routes on your PC using Mapsource. That said, it would be nice to create a route in Google Maps and somehow seamlessly upload that to a Garmin GPS (like that's ever going to happen).


You can do it with Mapquest maps. There is a plug-in for IE7 and Firefox from Garmin that lets you put in your start and end points and drag routes. Google will only let you put in the address you are going to, then it will let you "Send" to your GPS.

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You can "drag and drop" routes on your PC using Mapsource. That said, it would be nice to create a route in Google Maps and somehow seamlessly upload that to a Garmin GPS (like that's ever going to happen).


You can do it with Mapquest maps. There is a plug-in for IE7 and Firefox from Garmin that lets you put in your start and end points and drag routes.


Thanks; just found that and downloaded the Garmin plug-in. Have you tried creating a route in Mapquest and uploading it to a Garmin GPS? I'm wondering how it accounts for the differences in map data (i.e., Mapquest vs. what's loaded in the GPS). Even transferring routes created in Mapsource with different maps than those in the device itself can cause glitches when you go to navigate the route. I also can't see how Garmin would want to give people a reason not to pay to upgrade their maps. Maybe I've missed something. That's the beauty of Google Maps and Mapquest -- free map data.

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I have created maps on Mapquest and loaded to my Zumo for a test, but I haven't used it for navigation yet. You can always load the map and check it turn-by-turn.

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You can do your routing in Google Maps and in a few steps transfer it to a Garmin GPS, but I don't recommend it.


When you create your route in Google Maps, save it to My Maps.


Use the Gmap to GPX plugin to convert it to a KML file. Or, go to the link for "View in Google Earth", copy link, in the link find and change "output=nl" to "output=kml", hit Enter and save the file.


Then use GPS Visualzer or GPSBabel to convert the KML file to a GPX file (or you can edit the KML file manually).


Then you can use MapSource or EasyGPS or GPSU or RoadTrip for Mac to upload the GPX file to the Garmin GPS.


Or, install the Garmin Communicator browser plugin which might do this directly.



The reason I don't recommend using Google Maps to do GPS routing is, Google and Garmin and Lowrance and TomTom use map data that may or may not be the same. When you do routing in MapSource, the software will make sure the waypoints on your route are attached to a road. If you load them from other sources, the coordinates may or may not be on a road. This can mean, for example, you might find yourself circling a city block because Google Maps put the waypoint in the physical center of the block, and you can't get close enough to it to convince your GPS that you've arrived.


The last big trip I did, I did a lot of routing in Google Maps, and there was a lot of irritation because a lot of waypoints didn't quite match where the physical highway was.

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Not trying to start a contest here but a few minutes learning how to really use Mapsource and you will not need Google maps... or file converters either*.


Mapsource allows drag and drop and and when you are finished- just send it to the unit. No problem.


* Some file conversions will not transfer waypoints or other map data and of course you cannot have a pre-made list of favorites (locations- like maybe your Home) to load to your route- like you can with Mapsource.


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Allen Rowand
Mapsource allows drag and drop and and when you are finished- just send it to the unit. No problem.


Ah, maybe this was my problem. Mapsource isn't available for the Mac; Garmin offers RoadTrip, which made no sense to me. I'll look at Mapsource since I'm leaning toward a Garmin. Annoying to have to fire up Windows, but not a deal killer.




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Fair warning... As a Mac user (I am as well) Mapsource is not intuitive and you will have to invest energy to learn how to use it. It is not that difficult, but it is not all that obvious either.


I was a Streets and Trips kinda guy for years before the Zumo/Mapsource and it really irritated me that Mapsource was that obtuse. Once I figured it out my opinion changed 180 degrees.


Streets and Trips, Google, and the other popular mapping programs are good for trip planning. Mapsource is good for GPS Route Planning... they are not the same. If you are building a route to use on a zumo or other Garmin product... just give-in and learn how to use it.

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You can do your routing in Google Maps and in a few steps transfer it to a Garmin GPS, but I don't recommend it. The last big trip I did, I did a lot of routing in Google Maps, and there was a lot of irritation because a lot of waypoints didn't quite match where the physical highway was.


Hey, I was just answering a question! :D

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der Wanderer

I like Streets and Trips and now that it comes bundled with the GPS and turn by turn instructions, I am increasingly intrigued by putting it on a less than $300 Netbook instead of buying a $700 GPS... Has anybody tried?

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I like Streets and Trips and now that it comes bundled with the GPS and turn by turn instructions, I am increasingly intrigued by putting it on a less than $300 Netbook instead of buying a $700 GPS... Has anybody tried?


Yup. Works fine.


On my Eee 900, which has an 8 GB solid-state drive instead of a hard disk, to save disk space I installed both S&T and MapSource to an 8 GB SDHC card that sits in the card reader all the time. When you install the software, when it asks for the install location, just tell it to put it on the SD card (on mine, the D: drive). Both S&T and MapSource actually install some parts of the program on the main drive anyway, but this will load the 1 GB or so of maps to the removable SD card.


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der Wanderer

Thanks David. Seems like I might go that route. Any chance I can bother you for some pictures of how you set it up on the bike?

Also, how do you protect it against rain?


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Oh, I thought you meant "can you put S&T on a netbook", not "can you put S&T on a netbook and use it on a bike instead of a GPS".


My answer to the latter question would be "why?" You can get a refurb GPS for the same cost or less than a netbook and S&T with a GPS receiver. My refurb Eee 900 was $179, S&T with receiver is $56, but my refurb Garmin 2720 was only $115. The dedicated GPS is more compact, is more shockproof, is waterproof, and has a touch interface that you can use on a motorcycle. Even a small netbook is big enough to be difficult to mount on a bike, is much more fragile, is completely not waterproof and requires some sort of enclosure, and has a keyboard-and-mouse interface that you won't be able to use while it's sealed in the waterproof enclosure.


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der Wanderer

Cost is not the only issue. I like the ability to control what the device does much more precisely, incl. programming it (sorry, I am a geek).

In any case, technology is not ready for me yet it seems.


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