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Recommendations for a basic intercomm


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The wife and I are getting into light touring on our R1150RS. We did Tioga Pass/Yosemite last week and had a great time. I think an intercomm would have enhanced the experience.


I'd like recommendations for a rider to passenger intercomm. We're not interested in music, GPS, cell phone, bluetooth, etc. We just want to talk to each other.



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If you want to completely break away from bike dedicated systems you could try a simple FRS radio that has both mic imput and speaker imput. Recharageable and attached to you and wife not the bike so you can walk around with them away from the bike but still suited up.


There are head sets that go with these that can be "easily" modified to work in your helmet.

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The answer really depends on what you are willing to spend. I went with the Starcom 1 Advance and love it for intercom and music. Kit with everything you need is less than $320.00 Spoiled Biker has a good selection. There are more and less expensive units out there. One thing I wanted to avoid was mounting something on the outside of the helmet.

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My issues were to avoid hanging things off the helmet (did that w/a Chatterbox), not wanting to deal w/battery life limits (bluetooth), not wanting to deal w/sound quality degradation at high speed, and the capability to add features if we wanted to use them.

Over time we have ;done just that.

Better, IMO, to have the capability to connect features as you want to than to not have that option and then go looking for another solution.

Previous generation Autocoms come up for sale now and again.

That might be an inexpensive entry and give you the options to connect other features later.

Best wishes.

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An intercom will definitely enhance your riding experience. We just spent $542 for the J&M Intergratr IV portable audio system. That included the system and headsets and microphones. I did a lot or reseach and found this system to be about the best for us. Like you, I'm not interested in cell phone or listening to music. A couple of years ago we tried an Auto com system and hated it because of the constant background and wind noise. The other systems out there look pretty mickey mouse and lots of reports of them not working above 55 MPH. I have to tell you that we also have a Harley Ultra Classic with the factory intercom. The Harley intercom is by far and away the very best. Of course it cost considerable more the get the Harley just for the intercom. But that's what I was using as a comparison when shopping for intercoms.

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I can't really comment on the choice of system for your purpose, but I would recommend that whichever system you go with plan on using noise isolating earbuds or custom molded ear plugs with speakers.


We have tried speakers in our helmets and both of the above options.


We currently use a custom molded ear plug with speakers from ArizonaAl (board name). I strongly recommend this approach.



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My wife and I use the Cardo Scala Q2 for bike to bike, if all you want is to be able to talk back and forth they are a good choice. I also have it sync'd to my Zumo 550. It will also sync to your phone if you want to.



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+ 1 on the Cardo system. You'd probably want one of the basic units though. The Q2 has the added advantage of bike to bike bluetooth to another Cardo unit.


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