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Ear Plug Speakers Help


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I have found that the Shoe Multi Tech helmet is noisy to a point that I can not hear myself think, or my XM.

Soooo, I need some advise on what to do for a earplug speaker that will work with the autocom system. I do use the intercom and bike to bike.


Any inside would be great

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You need an earplug speaker designed to provide isolation, preferably one with a real tested NRR (noise reduction rating) figure. The Etymotic ER6i are a popular choice, as are some custom-fitted earphones.

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You need an earplug speaker designed to provide isolation, preferably one with a real tested NRR (noise reduction rating) figure. The Etymotic ER6i are a popular choice, as are some custom-fitted earphones.


+1. Love mine!

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Tried ER6i's, but didn't like the fit at all. Everyone's ear canals are different, so what works for one may not work for another. I then tried Arizona Al's custom-fit earplug speakers and they work very well, both reducing ambient noise and transmitting sound. Al's a board member with many satisfied customers.

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I have the E6i plugs, but they did not fit out of the box. After talking with the techs, they told me to cut off the last of the three flanges on the 3 flange plugs. This made all the difference. I ordered some tips that had just the two flanges (from the factory) and it is great. The smallest part of the triple was bottoming out in m ears and holding the earplugs from sealing. Road the other day and it was eerily quiet! Good luck.

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I have the new Etymotic HF-2 (for iphones and blackberry) which have a on/of button and mic on an inline dongle. They are similar in response to the ER-4's (the er-6's more expensive brother).


They are exceptional in-canal earphones but they stick out a bit. They just barely fit under my Shoei and take a little patience to put on your helmet. The inline on/off dongle is fantastically useful (I tuck it under my chin strap) so that I can turn off the music at will. I can even answer my phone with it, although the wind noise on the unshielded mic means I cannot talk unless I am at a stand still. It is nice, however, to be able to answer a call from my wife (the only person I will answer when out riding) and she knows she can essentially give me an emergency message if needed.


I have had the ER6i's and the original er6's before and while I loved the sound, neither pair lasted for longer than a year on the bike. I think just too much cable manipulation eventualyl wore them out. The hf2's have what seems to be a more durable construction but they do stick out jsut a touch further thatn the er-6i's do.


Etymotic Research's products are truly superior, although they are pricey, IMHO. Whether they fit you or not is somethign you will have to find out for yourself.


Good luck!



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I did a lot of research on helmets. I was wearing an HJC flip. I finally decided to buy a Shoei Multitec. It is comfortable, but is significantly louder than my HJC Symax. I use ER6's but since they stop making the squeezable foam, I don't like them as much.


I think I will try the fuze and see what happens. I had a pair of plugs made at the BMW Rally in Sacramento a few years ago, and I found they were no where near as quite as foam.


My rides on the weekend tend to be in the 5-8 hour range so comfort is as important as quite.

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