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Hero Wide camera


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Anyone have experience with the GoPro Hero cameras? The Wide version got a very good review in a m/c mag that I subscribe to. The best part is that it's 'only' 50 % more expensive here than in the US. :cry: I did a search for 'hero wide' and got 1000 hits. Obviously, I'm unclear on the concept.



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Anyone have experience with the GoPro Hero cameras? The Wide version got a very good review in a m/c mag that I subscribe to. The best part is that it's 'only' 50 % more expensive here than in the US. :cry: I did a search for 'hero wide' and got 1000 hits. Obviously, I'm unclear on the concept.



Type the string below in your search exactly as shown, quotes included:


"hero wide camera" reviews


You'll get lots of pertinent results.

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I got mine a month ago and used it on a four day trip into Virginia... I did a test run locally before I got up into the mountains to get acclimated to it. It turned out great... in fact I just edited one of the daily legs of our trip this weekend... it is here if you want to view the video:



All in all, I am very pleased with the camera. Quality of video on YouTube is not the same as the actual .avi file that it renders on my Mac... YouTube compresses the video, so it loses some detail through their website.

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