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der Wanderer

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der Wanderer

As a new rider in the US, I am wondering what discounts I might get if/as a member of several orgs (BMWMOA, etc), either at official repair (parts) or at other stores. On the bimmer side, membership gets you a 10% discount on parts. What's the expectation on the beemer one?


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Uhhh...not much.


My dealer gave me a 5% off card good for one year when I bought my (used) bike from him.


MOA has partnerships with insurance and hotels, and other membership stuff. (Air ambulance, etc.)


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When I joined BMWMOA My insurance company gave me a 5% discount.


I've often wondered if that covered the actual cost of joining BMWMOA. When I looked into it last year, it didn't for me, and I could see little if any other benefits of joining BMWMOA, which makes me wonder why people join. At one time, prior to computers, I could see huge benefits in the directory and the whole community aspect of the association. However, now I shake my head and wonder what real benefits it has short of removing some dollars from my wallet. Am I missing some other real benefits here?



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Am I missing some other real benefits here?



Disclaimer: I was a member for some 10+ years, back before the internet. I haven't been a member since then.


The anonymous book is probably the most useful thing. It's a book, so you can carry it with you, unlike this bulletin board. It has phone numbers, which this board doesn't.


I like going to the national rally every few years. It's the one place to actually see/touch a huge variety of BMW-specific products in a single, convenient place. You don't have to be a member to attend the nationals. :)

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For me it works. With a little over $500 a year in insurance premiums for my motorcycles, that's a $25 savings. That means for $1.25 a month I get to spend an enjoyable hour on the john reading ON. The Anonymous book is then a freebie that I always carry and used once.





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AAA pays for itself multiple times over. If you travel a lot and like museums/parks/other goop, the hit rate for discounts is very high. Sometimes it's only a couple of bucks, but so many places offer it that it's worth while.


Also, we still are in the stone ages and love to plan trips using paper maps, so we order them all the time.

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