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MapSource Update to v


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Has anyone run into the following problem attempting to update MapSource? I am talking about the basic MapSource software not the maps associated with the software.


I currently have MapSource v 6.14.1 running. When I check for updates it tells me that v is available. When I indicate that I want to upgrade, it connects, downloads, but while attempting to install I receive an error message that it is looking for "MAIN.msi". I have searched my computer and this file is not located.


I was on the phone with Garmin support yesterday for an hour and a half. In short summary, first tech didn't have a clue. She said she would talk to a tech in automotive. Came back and said the tech in automotive knew what the problem was and would transfer me to that section, but it would be 5 min. or so. 15 minutes later, second tech comes on and doesn't have a clue. Takes over control of my PC, attempts same thing I did, and agrees it doesn't work. Tells me to go to Microsoft and download the latest version of the file. Well, that file doesn't exist on Microsoft website, and it appears to me should be in the download from Garmin.


Well, before I spend another couple of hours with Garmin support, a very hit and miss type of experience, I figured I would ask here first.


Thanks in advance.

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A file ending in .msi is a Microsoft installer file, and is what should download from the Garmin website to install the update.

Typically, this type of file is auto-deleted at the end of the install.




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Well thanks for the suggestions, and encouragement that the software update works, but unfortunately for me, it didn't for me when I used the link.


Thanks again, but it looks like I will be spending time with Garmin support.


PS. I even attempted to do the upgrade after turning of Internet security program, and had the same result.

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Is the file in the error message MSMAIN.MSI, not MAIN.MSI? MSMAIN.MSI is contained in the MapSource_6156.exe file that was linked to above. Presumably when you run MapSource_6156.exe, it unpacks the files that it contains including MSMAIN.MSI, then calls Windows Installer to run that and install the program.


This is just taking the shotgun approach, but you might try upgrading Windows Installer to see if there's a problem with that. You might also try the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility to clean out any partial install and start over with the MapSource_6156.exe file.

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A little hijack here..


For people reading this thread that have the older Map Source (6.13.XX)


The new 6.15.6 is a real computer resource hog & will dramatically slow an older computer.. If the new 6.15.XX Map Source doesn’t have anything new that you really need (look at the things changed/updated) then you might not want to install it..


If you do decide to update make sure you can still obtain your older version (I save all the older versions but too large to send) before updating so you can go back if you don’t like the slow operation of the newer versions..




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In order for the Mapsource updates to work, you must have mapsource.exe in directory C:\Garmin.


See info here - second solution.




I believe main.msi is only needed for the first installation of mapsource - but you must have a directory c:\garmin directory with mapsource.exe for upgrades.



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A little hijack here..


For people reading this thread that have the older Map Source (6.13.XX)


The new 6.15.6 is a real computer resource hog & will dramatically slow an older computer.. If the new 6.15.XX Map Source doesn’t have anything new that you really need (look at the things changed/updated) then you might not want to install it..


If you do decide to update make sure you can still obtain your older version (I save all the older versions but too large to send) before updating so you can go back if you don’t like the slow operation of the newer versions..





+1. Unless your computer has a *fast* dual-core processor (i.e. one thats good for gaming or video editing) I wouldn't try it. My desktop has a medium speed dual-core processor and it pretty much ground to a halt when I ran it. And *most* laptops simply don't have the processing power period to run it properly. I am NOT an IT guru, but IMHO the new software is badly written "loose code" that does hog the resources as Twisty said.

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Well I checked, and I have Mapsource.exe in the Garmin folder on C:\ and it doesn't work.


Oh well, I keep trying, maybe, since some have indicated it runs very slowly on a laptop and that is what I have, not dual processor etc.


Thanks for the suggestion though.

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Well I checked, and I have Mapsource.exe in the Garmin folder on C:\ and it doesn't work.


Oh well, I keep trying, maybe, since some have indicated it runs very slowly on a laptop and that is what I have, not dual processor etc.


Thanks for the suggestion though.


Hmm that is strange.


You might want to try a disk cleanup and then defrag the harddrive - could be a bad or corrupted file in that location.


If that doesn't work, this will....


Save all of your personal gpx/gpb files in a safe back-up location, make sure you have the unlock code (you should keep that info in MyGarmin or... in Mapsource hit Ctrl-U, hit Unlock Regions tab and double click City Navigator and the code will be listed), and then completely uninstall the Garmin software using Control Panel. Check and make sure c:\garmin has been deleted and then reinstall the original Mapsource Citynavigator CD. Then try the upgrade again.





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Why do you want to update Mapsource?


I run 6.13.7 and it is the most stable of all versions, it works just fine.



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