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Is Corbin solvent?


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I've had several Corbin seats and generally find them comfortable but with a poor fit and very heavy. I think their approack is like John Deere, "hard but conformal". I realize that their main market is cruisers, not BMWs, but I am hearing more and more about customer service problems and out-of-country (Canada) businesses folding. What is the current scoop?

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Is Corbin solvent?


No, I think it's a motorcycle gear co. What made you think it was solvent? :rofl:




(I have no idea.)

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Just now hearing more and more about poor customer service - from Corbin? They have built that reputation since the early 90's. Must have been in a long sleep huh? :rofl:

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Thanks for the legal/news references on Corbin's past - they date from back in 2003 - any more recent updates ?- 6 years can be a lifetime, even with the slow wheels of the justice ( I mean legal ) system... I think I'm not shopping Corbin anyhow...

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Slow news day out there?


I've never had a bad experience with them personally and pretty much can't stand the others but YMMV

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I wouldn't call it a slow news day, "most" of us who have had experiences with Corbin and then other seat makers generally feel the same. Corbin sucks at customer service, while the others are much more responsive and attentive to customers. If you are happy with Corbin, great. I personally think they suck big time, but that is just me I guess.

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I've bought 2 new Corbin seats, one new Sargent and traded RDL seats for others. Like I said, YMMV but my experiences have been positive.


Ever consider decaf? :dopeslap:



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I have had three Corbin seats on three different bikes and have liked all three. Customer service is poor if you buy from a retailer. That's well known. Most of those who are able and willing go into the factory for custom service report much better experiences. According to a news item I read today (7/16/09), the company is for sale for $11.5 million, but (though it proves nothing) I searched and found nothing about insolvency or impending bankruptcy.



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Good for you guys! It appears that, at least of the posters to this thread, that you are the exception. Perhaps you hit it lucky, your butt is different than many of ours, or, you actually got what you wanted!! Many of us did not do so to wit the negative comments about Corbin.

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Good for you guys! It appears that, at least of the posters to this thread, that you are the exception. Perhaps you hit it lucky, your butt is different than many of ours, or, you actually got what you wanted!! Many of us did not do so to wit the negative comments about Corbin.

It's always a mistake to judge a retailer just by the number of negative or positive comments on a forum like this. Who knows what a properly conducted poll would show? We know that opinions about Corbin are all over the map, and beyond that, we just have to rely on our own experience and judgement. I definitely hear the complaints, and I don't discredit them. Nevertheless, my experience has been positive. (I won't begin to get into whose butt is different!)

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Fwiw I've bought Corbins for my 11RT and my current 12RT and I've loved them both. Yeah, they're heavy and finicky-to-fit sometimes, but on any trip short or long my butt doesn't know it's there, which is what it's all about. They also don't look like tractor seats. I'd buy another.

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It's always a mistake to judge a retailer just by the number of negative or positive comments on a forum like this. Who knows what a properly conducted poll would show? We know that opinions about Corbin are all over the map, and beyond that, we just have to rely on our own experience and judgement. I definitely hear the complaints, and I don't discredit them. Nevertheless, my experience has been positive. (I won't begin to get into whose butt is different!)


I disagree. When I was looking for another saddle for my RT I searched the forums and went with a company that had good reviews. I would have been purchasing blind otherwise and maybe dealt with Corbin or others will less stellar reputations.

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Guess I gotta disagree too Spots. I gave Corbin all sort of chance to fix the problem and not one iota of concern was shown by them. I know what my experience was, and I know how to be a good customer/consumer who does not expect every vendor to give me anything not deserved or stated/implied by the vendor warranty. I really couldn't care less about some supposedly properly conducted poll. Hell, Congress touts that BS almost daily yet I hear only a smattering of support for what those fools conclude from their "polls". But that may just be me. Anyway, buy what you want from whomever you like.

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Didn't Corbin have an interest in the failed Indian motorcycle that was all the rage about 10 years ago?

Corbin also made a hideous, one person electric car called the Sparrow that flopped.


Like others mentioned, lot's of litigation past, present and pending for Corbin.

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