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Pa inspection sticker location on 1150rt


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This may seem like a funny question but are there any 1150/1100rt riders from pa that can tell me where they had their inspection stickers placed. I purchased my bike from a Yamaha dealer in Reading and he placed the inspection sticker on the right fork as you are looking at the bike about 12" above the front fender. I was riding last weekend and when I stopped , to my disbelief , my inspection sticker was stuck to the front of my left brake fluid reservoir! It had apparently come loose and sucked up under the fairing and stuck to the left handle reservoir. Where they put the inspection sticker seems to be a very bad location because the fork is a textured alloy and does not seem to get a great grip obviously. Where do the BMW dealers mount your stickers. Thanks for any responses.

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I had one of those once...... :rofl:



You only need one if you get pulled over. Even then, the officer would have to get down on his hands and knees to look up under the fairing to see where it would normally be. I don't condone anything, but I have never had an officer look for one:grin:

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Sounds like you are a frequent violator of our nations speed limits! Maybe your not the best advice I am looking for ! Just kidding. You are probably right but I never like to push my luck in Pa. I don't want to give any reason to any cop or political hack to take more of my money in this state. Hell , I can see Rendell twisting in his sleep thinking of more ways to steal from the working people to give to his "Constituents" !

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I have found mine up inside the fairing too. I put a zip tie around mine after the inspector puts the sticker on.

By the way, what part of PA are you in?

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Just curious, would they have an issue if you put it in a ziplock bag and stuck it in your accessory box in the fairing? If they ever ask for it, you could say it fell off and you put it there for safe keeping (you wouldn't be lying).



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Just curious, would they have an issue if you put it in a ziplock bag and stuck it in your accessory box in the fairing? If they ever ask for it, you could say it fell off and you put it there for safe keeping (you wouldn't be lying).




It probably wouldn't be an issue unless the LEO was having a bad day so to speak. Like Keith said, they are so far up under the tupperware you have to get on your hands and knees to see it anyway.

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Mind is just like Jeeja's. You can buy that metal mounting plate at Cycle gear for 2 bucks as I recall. I took a file and rounded the 4 sharp corners.

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Now that makes sense. From what I understand it has to be visible up front on the fork. In all my years riding in Pa yhat's where they have been and never has been an issue. All my previous had different for tubes that took the stickers very well. These forks are rough not smooth and it apparently does not get a very good adhesion.

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That is exactly where it is now. In a ziplock where the radio should be. I cant trust putting it back on and tie wrapping it with the adhesive deteriorated. I will check with the local BMW dealer to see where they normally place their stickers on the 1150rt's. I am sure I am not the first that has had this problem.

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Sounds like you are a frequent violator of our nations speed limits! Maybe your not the best advice I am looking for ! Just kidding. You are probably right but I never like to push my luck in Pa. I don't want to give any reason to any cop or political hack to take more of my money in this state. Hell , I can see Rendell twisting in his sleep thinking of more ways to steal from the working people to give to his "Constituents" !


No, not so much. I've had a few tickets over the years (mostly recently from the VA state police), but I tend to keep my nose clean. When I'm NOT in Virginia, I tend to only have conversations with officers about once every 3-4 years........even then, it has only ever resulted in one ticket. Thats not bad considering I have been averaging 18-22k miles a year for the past few years.


I just have issues with paying the state for some mechanic to slap a sticker on my bike once a year when they have never seen it before in their life. I know my bike and do my own work on it. I rolled over 116k miles on it this morning, and I keep it well maintained. I keep an eye on my tires and brake pads, and check my lights before I leave on a trip. Thats more than most shops do for an inspection. I just don't see the point in wasting an hour+ of my time and money for a big ugly sticker that I shouldn't need in the first place. The state doesn't care if your motocycle is safe, they just want your money. I'd prefer to mail them a check than waste my time with their procedures.

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You know I would really like to see how the throttle bodies are synched and possibly do valve adjustments. That weekend I take my daughter to Girl Scout camp so that date would not work. If you guys are doing something in the future I would like to attend.

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I have mine mounted on an attached metal plate near the brake caliper (see the below picture).




It is my intention to remove the plate (maybe tomorrow) and velcro it inside my left sidecase. I will assume all legal responsibilities for this action. Frankly, I would be shocked if anyone ever says anything about it.

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Mine is on the back part of the front fender. The black plastic part. Bike inspections are a joke anyway, but I still like to stay as legal as possible now. I've only really started to get inspected the last 5 years or so. I went almost 10 years with the original inspection sticker on my old CBR with no problems and was pulled over a few times on that with no problems.

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Thanks everyone for respondoing. We get so trained to do what is right(legal)in regards to the inspection stickers. I have seen more than one " Mechanic" do a drive by and made the easiest $20 bucks just because my bike looked like it could be on the showroom floor. These things are supposed to be done for our safety and not to fill the revenuer's coffers. It's in a baggy until next springs inspection.

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