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Autocom - FANTASTIC!


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Attended the MOA rally this weekend and was able to meet Autocom Tom - yes, he was in the US to help support one of his new US dealers. Very nice to meet him and spend some time chatting.


Also bought a new Super Pro Automatic kit from Tom and had it installed. (since I upgraded to a Zumo 660, I wanted to use it for Phone, GPS, and Music and also have Bike-to-bike ability - this was the best option for me as my Pro 7 Sport wouldn't work without added a bunch of extra parts)


The team installed the unit and even provided a power lead for my Zumo (thanks Brian!). Paul installed the new speakers, mic, and noise sensor in my helmet - great job! Tom supervised the operation. :grin:


I took the bike out for a ride and all I can say is WOW! The stereo music was excellent sound quality. The GPS worked like it was suppose to. I even made a phone call at 70mph and was able to carry on a normal conversation with no issues!! This is exactly as advertised and I couldn't be happier!


Way to go Tom on building an excellent device that really does live up to its advertising. It was a quick and easy install and everything just worked out of the box. :clap::clap::clap:


I also love the new socket holder with dust caps. With this, you can really make your install very clean and look that much more professional.


If anyone is thinking about a new Autocom, THIS is the unit. And if you're thinking about any other communication system, do NOT - make sure you get an Autocom. Why would you think about any other device? Tom hangs out here on the board and gives lots and lots of help, the product works perfectly with no muss or fuss. Why wouldn't you get the best?


Thanks again to Tom and the team for all their great work. I had a HUGE smile all the way home from the rally.





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I had an Autocom on an old bike and sold it when I got my Harley which had radio etc.


Now I am thinking of getting another Autocom again. When you say Tom installed it can you help me understand. Is this in a tank bag or permanently wired to the bike? Can you show pictures?


Do you know if they will be selling and installing these at any upcoming events?

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Toad -

Not completely sure of other events they will be attending but I do know that Tom will have more distributors in the US now so my GUESS would be they will attend more shows.


In my case, I wanted the Autocom installed on the bike so I wouldn't need a tankbag anymore. On my RT, they installed the unit in the tail section of the bike and wired it to the battery. Not much for me to take pictures of because once they installed it, it was velcroed to the top of the tail section where it is very dark.


I'd send Tom a message about upcoming events or call the number someone else posted.





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I can tell you that the unit I got DOES support 2 music sources as well as 2 cell phones. So you and your passenger can enjoy different music and call different people if you want.


Like I said, GREAT unit with all the features.





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I'm glad you had a great initial experience with Autocom. Hope it holds up well and continues to meet your expectations.


Why would you think about any other device?


Autocom is relatively pricey and the system complexity is such that you need an expert (or some prior experience) to properly configure it.


With Starcom's simpler systems you can understand just what you need right off their web page, and prices when all is said and done, to my best ability to compare, are about half.


I have nothing against Autocom, and appreciate Tom's responsiveness on BMWST.com. Just answering the question.


Someday I'd like to get to try an Autocom system for comparision, but for now all I can say is that Starcom also works and also provides responsive customer service.


Starcom can be ordered direct or through Spoiled Biker.

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I'm glad you had a great initial experience with Autocom. Hope it holds up well and continues to meet your expectations.


Why would you think about any other device?


Autocom is relatively pricey and the system complexity is such that you need an expert (or some prior experience) to properly configure it.


With Starcom's simpler systems you can understand just what you need right off their web page, and prices when all is said and done, to my best ability to compare, are about half.


I have nothing against Autocom, and appreciate Tom's responsiveness on BMWST.com. Just answering the question.


Someday I'd like to get to try an Autocom system for comparision, but for now all I can say is that Starcom also works and also provides responsive customer service.


Starcom can be ordered direct or through Spoiled Biker.


Jan, you're perhaps confusing the old Autocom systems with the new ones. In the old days, Autocom had as many as 140 different accessory cables, depending on which cell phone you had, which GPS, which radar detector, etc. This led to them being perceived as complex, because of the number of choices they provided their customers. The flexibility that other brands didn't offer, actually made Autocom come off as more complex, rather than more accommodating. However, applying the 90/10 rule, the new Autocoms now have about 20 accessory cables that cover 90% of the most popular accessories. Configuring an Autocom is so simple, even a cave man could do it (to borrow a phrase from the insurance commercials).


Sure, there are still other cables to be had, if you have a Wham-o Radar Detector or a Hasbro cell phone. But you'll find that the simplicity of the new Autocoms is not exceeded anywhere. Additionally, given the higher-quality componentry in Autocoms, and their incredible .1% warranty claims rate, IMO the true value is in Autocom. In fact, their biggest problem is that they simply work and work and don't break. So owners move them from bike-to-bike-to-bike instead of buying new ones all the time. I used my Pro-M1 for 80K miles and would still use it if not for Autocom's insistence that as a manager at one of their top U.S. dealers at that time, I should at least be using their latest product. OK, so I switched to an Active. 40K later, it's still working beautifully. In fact, I just got back from a 4100 mile trip through WA, OR, ID, UT and CO on my new 650 V-strom (third bike that the Active has been on) and my music kept me in stereophonic company, my radar detector kept me from getting cited, I could FRS from bike to bike, and I made cell calls as needed, both to home and to the office, from a 90-95mph perch. And heaven help me, the new Autocoms are even better.


Whenever I've explained the quality and value in an Autocom, in light of a Starcom owner, I'm always very careful to make sure they understand that I'm not trashing the Starcom. It's a decent product. But unless you've tried both (and I have), you don't realize that while one works, the other WORKS! I wasn't a successful Autocom dealer because that's all we sold. I had Starcom, and Baehr and others VERY anxious to have us carry their line. And they were offering us some exceptional profit margins. Much higher than Autocom. But nothing provided my customers with the quality, performance and durability of Autocom.


So, in this free country, everyone gets a choice. I don't work for that dealership any more and I don't work for Autocom, so it's no skin off my nose what anyone chooses. But the new Autocoms ARE much simpler, even better than before, and I'm convinced they're built to the same high specifications as they've always been.


You pays yer money and you takes yer chances.

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I had a nice chat with Autocom Tom at the rally as well. I did not need a new Autocom (the one I bought from Fernando is working just fine), but had I needed one, this certainly was the convenient place to get it. Talked to their new U.S. distributors too (one from Troy NY, the other from Salt Lake). I believe the fellow from Troy used to work for Top Gear, the former distributor. The new models looked impressive.

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Do these Distributors have any business names that we can contact? References to a 'fellow from Troy' and another from Salt Lake are helpful, but don't fully answer the questions that I have, which could possibly be addressed by them (the distributors)


Autocom's site still refers folks in the US to their UK site, which is referencing costs in British Pounds.


I don't own an Autocom, and I hear many good things about them, but their web page updating leaves something to be desired, since this is their primary 'face to the world'.

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I can tell you that if you call 866-951-5550, you'll be connected to one of the new Autocom distributors. Not 'a fellow that use to work for TopGear' (although I know that's probably Brian that installed my unit). No matter which distributor you get, you will get EXCELLENT service - Tom has made sure of that.


I can also tell you that Autocom Tom hired a new web designer and his goal is to have new web sites up and running by the end of August. He agrees the current site isn't what he wants but (like everything else he does), he's been taking his time to get a very good person in place that will make a great new site.


Trust me - call them and get a unit. You will NOT be disappointed.


(yes, this is my second Autocom and I'm quite sure it won't be my last, although as EffBee points out... it may be a while before I upgrade again!)







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Good evening all!


It was great to meet and see everybody at the rally over the weekend. As usual we worked from dawn to dusk, but the riders are always friendly and patient! I'll be on the forum from time to time but please feel free to reach out to me via email or phone if I can be of any assistance.


866 951-5550



Bryan McGuire

McGuire Distribution

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Are these distributors individuals working out of their house, or do they have something more substantial?


What's the name of the business?

What is their track record in the past regarding customer service?

What are the retail prices in US Greenbacks?


Certainly, these are questions that have been asked and answered between the distributors and Autocom UK.


There was no attempt or intent to impugn the quality of the units themselves. Just looking for where in the US I can look up the info I want. Making a call that was presented on a DB to 'a guy' is not the way I choose to do business.

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Met Tom at the rally too. Didn't buy a new unit, but Tom graciously helped me with a VOX problem on my Super Pro AV1. He reinstalled my background noise sensor in my helmet to a location that he says is best for overall performance and offered tech tips particular to my unit. NICE GUY!!


Yes, he is physically closer to his English vendors and can be more vigilant in overseeing their quality of work. He says though, he is determined to make all the vendors of his product here in the US pros at installing the systems just like in England.


Looked at the new units. They were impressive and the configuration of them looked more simplified and straight forward. My Super Pro AV1, though, more than meets my present needs.

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The most successful distribution, supply and support for the Autocom brand is in the UK and the UK customers and dealers all benefit from this proven system. We have other good distributors in various other countries and it is our intention to develop the US supply and support to a very high standard based on other countries proven methods of success.


Many of you will appreciate that the US is very large and different to other countries and so this will take time to develop and perfect, but we believe it will provide the US customers with something special and more like our UK customers and dealers enjoy and benefit from, so well worth taking the time to get it right.


Our aim is to have SIX national distributors who supply and support their local dealers, and those local dealers will supply and support their local customers. Autocom UK will train and support each of these distributors, like we did with the last US distributor.


We already have a North East distributor (who we supported at the MOA) plus North West and South Central distribution, and are working on North Central, South East and South West, which we expect to have in place this year, so we can expect that by 2010 we will have excellent national distribution, supply and support in place, which we plan and expect to be far better than ANY other brand.


Our SIX new US distributors are not retailers. Their business is to supply, train and support the US dealers, and build the US dealer network into a strong and reliable national supply and support program for our US customers, like we have in other countries.


We will have a US website that lists all approved US dealers in the coming weeks and new dealers will be added to this list as they become stocked and trained. This site will provide excellent support, including video demonstration and training for helmet and bike installations


As for the comment about Autocom prices, these will be listed in USD on the new site and a downloadable brochure in USD will be available within two weeks or you can pick up a US brochure for one of the listed US dealers.


As for the HIJACK ref pricing,


Autocom is relatively pricey and the system complexity is such that you need an expert (or some prior experience) to properly configure it.


With Starcom's simpler systems you can understand just what you need right off their web page, and prices when all is said and done, to my best ability to compare, are about half.


I have nothing against Autocom, and appreciate Tom's responsiveness on BMWST.com. Just answering the question.


Someday I'd like to get to try an Autocom system for comparision, but for now all I can say is that Starcom also works and also provides responsive customer service.


Starcom can be ordered direct or through Spoiled Biker.




First of all; Autocom designs and builds all of our own unique products, and we do not use other makes of cheap headsets or leads etc to subsidize our quality, performance or pricing.


When comparing prices one must consider that not long ago the £/$ exchange rate was topping over $2 per £1, and now it is more like 1.6, and this makes a considerable difference.


The new improved products and pricing should not be confused to the old products or pricing, and if you check you will see that current prices are quite different to what you think and suggest.


As we will soon have dealers in the Salt Lake area you will be able to see and try these new systems at a local dealer before you buy. What is more is that these local dealers can provide you with face to face, hands on demonstration, supply and support if required.


Our official returns rate when sold via a local dealer is about 0.05% within the first year, and typically below 0.1% within two years, which is why we prefer to supply via local dealers. We know that some other brands have returns rates of well over 10%. One in particular has had over 15% returns.


I hope that one day soon you will all have the benefits of being able to see and try an Autocom system at your local dealers, so that you can experience the real difference and true value for money pricing.


It was nice meeting so many customers at the MOA rally and a quick scan of the bikes there suggests that most people who had communications at the show were using Autocom, which in all about sums this up, especially as many of these systems were over 10 years old.


I completely agree that the pre 2009 products had a confusing choice of Aux connections in our attempts to provide customers with as much flexibility and choice as possible, however with a rapidly changing market that now has stereo phones and stereo GPS systems we needed to completely redeveloped the entire range of systems and accessories, which now sets completely new standards for the future and are much easier and simple to understand and use, for example;


Every new systems Aux 1 connection is for bike to bike use, providing power output if required to also bike power recommended transceivers.


Each Aux 2 is for Stereo GPS (or stereo phone or stereo music)


Each Aux 3 is for Stereo phone (or stereo GPS or stereo phone)


Each Aux 4 is for Stereo music (or stereo phone or stereo GPS)


The products with Aux 5 is for another stereo phone (or stereo GPS or stereo music)


Plus each system can have a stereo Bluetooth module added for wireless connectivity to one or two Bluetooth devices. Some systems can have a twin stereo Bluetooth device that will allow wireless connection to two phones and two stereo music devices


As all the new Aux leads now use our standard 4 pole (T2) plugs that are all wired the same way, it means that any new lead will work in any new socket on all new systems, unlike before where we had specific leads for specific sockets. We believe this provides the greatest choice in the simplest format possible


When you see the new accessory page this will make this all much clearer than ever before and to speed things up we will add these new pages with both UK and US pricing to our existing website by early next week.


As for availability in the US; the US dealers will be listed on the new US website within a few weeks, but for those who just can’t wait to get hold of our fantastic new products, you can contact mcguiredistribution@gmail.com 866 951-5550 who is fully factory trained and stocked.


Autocom will be supplied and supported in the US by professional dealers, via professional distributors that are fully back up by the UK factory, and we ask you to please help support this development and growth


While this may not provide all the answers requested, it hopefully explains that we are working towards a better future for our customers.


Autocom UK Tom


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I purchased one online and installed the unit myself years ago it worked very well. Since I no longer have that bike I am trying to buy a new one.


The Super ProAV 1 isn't even listed on the website.



How can I buy one? I like the self installation method.

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I purchased one online and installed the unit myself years ago it worked very well. Since I no longer have that bike I am trying to buy a new one.


The Super ProAV 1 isn't even listed on the website.



How can I buy one? I like the self installation method.


Sounds like Autocom Tom is suggesting you contact McGuire Distribution to get one (see the tail end of his long post above for the phone number/e-mail address).

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Good news. Our current website www.autocom.co.uk should have the new USA pricing information and our NEW easy to understand parts list in a pdf within downloads later today!


Autocom UK Tom

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Tom, thanks for posting all this good info. However, I still have a few questions I don't see answered in the brochures:


1. Are the speakers the same as the previous models? I found them to be totally ineffective with earplugs and switched to earphones with your old sort of clunky box interface.


2. Your brochure mentions high quality independent amplifiers; as far as I know, the older units didn't have amplifiers...is that correct...how does one control volume? I mount my units under the seat; volume control has always been a hassle with the Autocom, so I've inserted a small Amplirider system into the setup, with a knob I can reach on the bike's dash.


3. I guess my main question is, will I find a significant sound benefit with a new unit, AND will I have fewer wires to tangle with? My current system is a Kit 200 Duo.


I don't mean to sound critical, I've had three different Autocom systems, including my current one, and will buy another.


Thanks, Cheers,



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The all new Super Pro Automatic and Super Pro Remote Control systems use the same speakers as the pre-2009 systems (32ohms) HOWEVER all new mixing with improved pre-amplification considerably increases all audio input levels, and there is now virtually ZERO amplified hiss, which the earlier systems had, and while this was not noticeable with conventional earplugs it was noticeable with Monitor type in ear speaker plugs.


To give you some idea of the extra gain in amplification; the pre-2009 systems required a Garmin Zumo 550 to be set to almost full volume and even then it was quiet with high attenuation earplugs, whereas now with the new systems you can turn the Zumo volume down to about level 2 for use without earplugs, and at full volume it is much louder than before.


The Logic range uses all new 8 ohm speakers which are not compatible with the Pro range


The chunky box on the headset lead for in-ear-speaker use is now replaced with a new optional headset harness (part 2091) as shown in page 20 of the pdf brochure. http://www.autocom.co.uk/pdf/Autocom_USA_Email_Brochure


The independent amplifiers now have more gain and are much louder with conventional earplugs, however with the Pro Automatic system you can either use the fully automatic volume control (ideal without earplugs) or switch to manual preset control which is ideal for use with earplugs (either low volume with in-ear-speaker plugs, or louder volume with conventional speakers and foam/custom moulded earplugs). I have tested the Pro-Automatic at 170mph (on a test track of course)


So will you find a significant sound benefits between old and new systems? MOST DEFINITELY.


Without earplugs the automatic volume compensates for changing helmet noise condition.


With normal earplugs the extra volume through the speakers is considerable and switching to manual pre-set volume is best


With Monitor earplugs the reduces hiss through the speakers is an improvement in fidelity and switching to manual pre-set volume is best


The stereo separation between left and right channels is also considerably improved


The new 2009 systems all use the same Aux connection and so the new leads are more universal, PLUS we now provide many of our leads in Short (6”) for in pocket/tank bag use. Medium (15”) for in tank bag/under seat use and Long 78” for on bike use. So it’s much easier to develop a customised system that’s neat and tidy.




The new Super Pro Automatic also comes with new smart on-bike socket holders with water resistant caps.


I think if you see/try one you will buy one, unless you are finding that your old Kit 200 is doing what you want.


For later 2009 (November/December time) we will have our Super Pro Remote Control which is featured on pages 16 to 19 of the brochure. However you will notice on Page 12 of the brochure (Super Pro Automatic) that it is my own personal choice and what I use on both my GSXR1000 and Honda Blackbird. I do not often use in-ear speaker plugs but I do often ride without and with foam earplugs, depending on my journey.


Autocom UK Tom


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Mark - good to hear from you again!


I can completely agree with what Tom said about the speakers and sound quality. That was one thing I IMMEDIATELY noticed going from a Pro 7 Sport to the Super Pro Automatic. I had my Zumo on 100% and I could hardly hear it at times. With the new unit, my Zumo is on 50% and I can hear it perfectly.


The other thing that blew me away was the quality of the stereo - I was hearing my music much better and much cleaner.


I cannot compare this unit to your Kit 200 but I can tell you that this is THE best thing and much more advanced than my Pro 7.




(and you wanted to keep Tina and Joe from getting my old Autocom?)



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Well I was able to speak to Brian and ordered up the Logic unit. He will be shipping to me as soon as he gets a couple of required leads in. While I am waiting however, I am sure I will go back and forth between the two units. Should I have ordered the logic or the Super Pro?


I may need to sort this on out...

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The Logic is ideal for portable use but can optionally be bike powered. By the time you add a passenger headset to the Solo kit L1, with coiled leads and fitting kit etc, it is not that much cheaper than the Super Pro Automatic, but if you need portable use then the Logic is the obvious choice as the Super Pro Automatic is bike powered only, and normally fits under the bikes seat, but the Pro has many more nice features and you can use this in a tank bag or on multiple bike if required using the optional split bike power lead.


Both systems are really good with either monitor type in-ear-speaker-plugs (via apart 2091) or with conventional earplugs using the supplied headset speakers, but the Super Pro Automatic is better for use without earplug, because of the automatic volume control.


One of the most noticeable and outstanding features between the two products is the Super Pro fully independent VOX which has automatic level control, and while this is mainly a key benefit when used as rider to passenger, it is still an advantage when used just by a rider.


The other outstanding features of the new Super Pro Automatic are the independent rider and passenger stereo phone inputs, plus the front/rear fader control.


The Super Pro Automatic does not cost much more and has so many extra nice features, which is why it is my own personal choice.


Autocom UK Tom


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The Logic is ideal for portable use but can optionally be bike powered. By the time you add a passenger headset to the Solo kit L1, with coiled leads and fitting kit etc, it is not that much cheaper than the Super Pro Automatic, but if you need portable use then the Logic is the obvious choice as the Super Pro Automatic is bike powered only, and normally fits under the bikes seat, but the Pro has many more nice features and you can use this in a tank bag or on multiple bike if required using the optional split bike power lead.


Both systems are really good with either monitor type in-ear-speaker-plugs (via apart 2091) or with conventional earplugs using the supplied headset speakers, but the Super Pro Automatic is better for use without earplug, because of the automatic volume control.


One of the most noticeable and outstanding features between the two products is the Super Pro fully independent VOX which has automatic level control, and while this is mainly a key benefit when used as rider to passenger, it is still an advantage when used just by a rider.


The other outstanding features of the new Super Pro Automatic are the independent rider and passenger stereo phone inputs, plus the front/rear fader control.


The Super Pro Automatic does not cost much more and has so many extra nice features, which is why it is my own personal choice.


Autocom UK Tom



Thanks Tom. I changed my order from the Logic to the Super Pro Auto based on your post. Now hurry up and ship the leads I need to Bryan so I can get and install this thing!



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Configuring an Autocom is so simple, even a cave man could do it (to borrow a phrase from the insurance commercials).




Couldn't resist...

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FYI I just spoke to Brian at McGure Importing in NY , the new Autocom distributor. He said they are awaiting a ton of parts from the UK, some had to be produced in an emergency manufacturing run.

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Anyone know ANYONE who has an interface lead, part #1188. This is the helmet interface for use with in-ear monitors.



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Anyone know ANYONE who has an interface lead, part #1188. This is the helmet interface for use with in-ear monitors.




I was at our local independent shop, Motorcycle R&R, who is an autocom dealer, the other day and was chatting about autocom. They are in touch, and have been for some time, with afore mentioned SLC based autocom rep. They said they have lots inventory, are familiar with the systems, and ready and able to go to work for folks. You might try giving them a call and see if they can help you out. Ask for Jeff.


I can at least vouch for their integrity and good will, though I have no experience with their autocom service. I have found that they are generally knowledgeable about the products they stock.


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Not an 1187 or 1188 anywhere in the country. Left a message for the new distributor on his voicemail maze. Let's hope I hear back SOON!


Heads up Autocom, I have spoken with 6 different dealers and I heard an earful from all 6 about how they are contemplating dumping Autocom from their dealerships and not offering their product. OUCH!!!!


Also, I've now been told by one dealer that the 1187 and 1188 are no more and are now superseded by part #2091. Not a big deal, I guess, but I will have to remove and replace my helmet connection now so I can replace it with the new part.




As a side, THANK YOU SageRider for offering to loan me your spare 1187 until I can sort this mess out!!!


Very typical of you to step up in this selfless fashion. Thanks!!


This is what I get for helping a friend out who wanted his system installed for a trip with his son during his summer break from West Point as he was unable to secure all the parts necessary for his unit. Now I can't get any of the parts I loaned him replaced so Jamie doesn't get her system installed.


Who do you think is going to hear about this one!?!? And now, due to no 1188, she can't plug in on the back of the GT. Oh boy, I'm gonna pay for this!!!


Oh well, all will end well . . . I hope!!! I'll only get mad if the parts are deemed obsolete by Autocom and it renders my system useless. THEN I'll be mad!

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Anyone know ANYONE who has an interface lead, part #1188. This is the helmet interface for use with in-ear monitors.



try kahuna cycles. i bought from them before.


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Not an 1187 or 1188 anywhere in the country. Left a message for the new distributor on his voicemail maze. Let's hope I hear back SOON!


Heads up Autocom, I have spoken with 6 different dealers and I heard an earful from all 6 about how they are contemplating dumping Autocom from their dealerships and not offering their product. OUCH!!!!


Also, I've now been told by one dealer that the 1187 and 1188 are no more and are now superseded by part #2091. Not a big deal, I guess, but I will have to remove and replace my helmet connection now so I can replace it with the new part.




As a side, THANK YOU SageRider for offering to loan me your spare 1187 until I can sort this mess out!!!


Very typical of you to step up in this selfless fashion. Thanks!!


This is what I get for helping a friend out who wanted his system installed for a trip with his son during his summer break from West Point as he was unable to secure all the parts necessary for his unit. Now I can't get any of the parts I loaned him replaced so Jamie doesn't get her system installed.


Who do you think is going to hear about this one!?!? And now, due to no 1188, she can't plug in on the back of the GT. Oh boy, I'm gonna pay for this!!!


Oh well, all will end well . . . I hope!!! I'll only get mad if the parts are deemed obsolete by Autocom and it renders my system useless. THEN I'll be mad!


Phil, PM sent, part available.

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Phil, PM sent, part available.


You are the man Mark!!!!! Lone Star will be shipping it out Tuesday.


I called, they answered, told them what I needed, they responded, "it's already on hold for you."


YOU ARE THE MAN, MARK!!!!!!!! Limecreek says he'll buy you a beer tomorrow! Lime, I'll buy you an In-N-Out when you come through next time for buying Mark a beer tomorrow! I owe ya!!

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I personally try to monitor this site when I get the chance and typically help out when I can.


Due to the many customers who used parts 1187 and 1188 and asked us to make them different, we now make part 2091 which has been welcomed by those who use them, and so our distributors and dealers will naturally want to stock the newer parts that are in demand and not those which have been replaced.


If anyone wants any old parts which the dealers do not have in stock you can ask your dealer to order it for you, and if that doesn’t work you are welcome to call/email the UK manufacturer directly where we can help guide you to suppliers that have the parts you want.


You do not need to worry about not being able to get parts for your old systems, if you know where to look, and to be honest, with an old part that has now been replaced, you may well find someone on a forum like this with some spares that are available, and perhaps cheaper than buying a new one, and because Autocom parts are built to last and so reliable you are likely to find second hands parts that are in good order.


Our new website will make it easy to find and buy old parts that the dealers do not stock and now that our web developer is back from his holidays we hope this will not take long.


We have one new US distributor in place with stocks who covers the North East and North West areas, and we are getting stocks out next week to another US distributor who will cover the South Central area. We are just finalising negotiations with another distributor for the North Central area, and between these distributors they will help cover the South West and South East areas until we establish local distributors to do this for us.


Soon you will have more US distributors supplying and supporting more US dealers with Autocom than ever before, and soon our new website will list all approved dealers in all areas so that you can easily find your local suppliers.


Sorry for the delay in getting this done, but it is important that we do it right, in the meantime if anyone is stuck just give us a call and we will help out. The contact details are on our website www.autocom.co.uk


Autocom UK Tom


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Tom, I've got a question, probably silly, about the new 2091. I use the 1188 splitters now. The silly question is, if I switch to the new part, do I just toss the three-foot earphone cord into the helmet, maybe under the liner? And then, when I take my helmet off, do the earphones get "ripped" out of my ears?





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I think if you have a part 1188 already there is no need to change, unless you feel you would prefer the new method offered by part 2091.


The 3.5mm 3 pole stereo socket (on fly-lead coming out of the helmet from part 2091) for you to plug your in-ear-speaker into is almost in the same location as the socket within the box of the part 1188 lead, so use is much the same as you are already using, but without the box on the headset extension lead.


When you order your in-ear-speakers you should ask the supplier to custom make the lead to the length you want, and not excessively over length.


Using in-ear speakers is always going to be more of a fiddle (and costly) than not using them. Our new systems are considerably improved and work great if you can fit the speakers correctly into your helmet, but that’s down to you and your choice of helmet, unless I can help if we ever meet up at one or the rallies in the future, then I can help you install your helmet speakers if required.


I used a new Logic and Super Pro Automatic at a test track the other week and have to say that at 140mph, with conventional cheap foam earplugs, the systems were FANTASTIC even with music from my Iphone and I cant understand why anyone needs to spend money on expensive, fiddly custom made in-ear speaker plugs myself.


Try holding our speakers directly over your ears (out of the helmet) and play your favourite piece of music, while someone makes loads of noise, screams and shouts and you just wont hear any noise, just the music. Try this with standard foam earplugs and it should be reasonable with our old systems, and FANTASTIC with our new systems. But if you prefer using in-ear-speaker plugs then use a part 1188 (we will still make them for people who want them) or use our new part 2091, and get the 3.5mm stereo cord cut to the right length for you. that’s not within our control as we don’t make that part


Autocom UK Tom


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I think if you have a part 1188 already there is no need to change, unless you feel you would prefer the new method offered by part 2091.


The 3.5mm 3 pole stereo socket (on fly-lead coming out of the helmet from part 2091) for you to plug your in-ear-speaker into is almost in the same location as the socket within the box of the part 1188 lead, so use is much the same as you are already using, but without the box on the headset extension lead.


When you order your in-ear-speakers you should ask the supplier to custom make the lead to the length you want, and not excessively over length.


Using in-ear speakers is always going to be more of a fiddle (and costly) than not using them. Our new systems are considerably improved and work great if you can fit the speakers correctly into your helmet, but that’s down to you and your choice of helmet, unless I can help if we ever meet up at one or the rallies in the future, then I can help you install your helmet speakers if required.


I used a new Logic and Super Pro Automatic at a test track the other week and have to say that at 140mph, with conventional cheap foam earplugs, the systems were FANTASTIC even with music from my Iphone and I cant understand why anyone needs to spend money on expensive, fiddly custom made in-ear speaker plugs myself.


Try holding our speakers directly over your ears (out of the helmet) and play your favourite piece of music, while someone makes loads of noise, screams and shouts and you just wont hear any noise, just the music. Try this with standard foam earplugs and it should be reasonable with our old systems, and FANTASTIC with our new systems. But if you prefer using in-ear-speaker plugs then use a part 1188 (we will still make them for people who want them) or use our new part 2091, and get the 3.5mm stereo cord cut to the right length for you. that’s not within our control as we don’t make that part


Autocom UK Tom


Thanks for the usual detailed reply, Tom. The new system certainly is enticing. I'll be one of the first looking at it when my local dealer starts stocking it.





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Anyone know how to hook up the power to a R1200RT?


Yep, answered in your other post for you.


Tom, thanks for the detailed, as usual, response. Makes sense and it is comforting to know that the "old" parts are still gonna be around for the thousands of existing systems that are out there.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Paul Szilard - Australia

I would like to see a show of hands that find the Autocom UK web site user friendly.


Do you find it simple to select what model you require based on your choice of needs?


I don't, but then I know I am dim :(

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Sort of friendly. I was digging for a particular set up to just have bike to bike communication for a friend and by pure accident stumbled upon components to make it as that scenario does not require the systems highlighted at the top of the page. I was also looking a pictures of the various set ups for myself so that my wife and I could each be able to have independent mp3 and still have the other functions. I know it can be done but again it wasn't clear all products did or didn't have this capability. Text says they do. I probably shouldn't do this at 3am when sleeping would make more sense.

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From their site>Downloads>Product Manuals and Guides>select your product.


It is very handy, but I would ask the website developer to make the text larger for "Products" and Guides"... if it were my site.

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I need to correct my post above... the Helpful Guide is located at:

Autocom UK home page --> Downloads---> Helpful Guides---> select your system.



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