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Manual for Scala Rider Teamset


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When I saw the title of this thread I was thinking... some other guy is trying to figure out what the Manual says...


IMO it is among the worst written pieces of reference material ever published. If you can read the part about the passenger unit operation and figure out what they are saying on only one or 5 readings, please feel free to translate for the rest of us.


There I feel better now....


I actually really like our Team set.... and we have figured things out although there are numerous mysterious behaviors of the units.

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...and we have figured things out although there are numerous mysterious behaviors of the units.


Good to know our is operating normally. Overall we love ours as well. I can hear my wife clearly, and it wasn't too expensive, adequate battery life, and didn't require any on-bke installation.

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Slight HiJack, but for those with the Team Set with the MP3 connection a couple of questions.


Is there a separate connection for both the rider and passenger?


If both have connections, can different inputs be used, such as a wired GPS for rider, and MP# player for passenger, at the same time?


Does the rider hear the passenger's connection? Does the passenger hear the riders MP3 input? Or are these inputs independent of each other?


Thanks, and sorry for the hijack.

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Glad you are having good luck. We are on our 2nd set (1st one replaced under warranty) and they still develop static and are garbled sometimes. Other times they work fine. Great concept, but poor quality control from what I have read and experienced.

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Slight HiJack, but for those with the Team Set with the MP3 connection a couple of questions.


Is there a separate connection for both the rider and passenger?


If both have connections, can different inputs be used, such as a wired GPS for rider, and MP# player for passenger, at the same time?


Does the rider hear the passenger's connection? Does the passenger hear the riders MP3 input? Or are these inputs independent of each other?


Thanks, and sorry for the hijack.


If hte MP3 connction works the same as a cell phone, the nteh rider has ot "conference-in" the passenger. Personally, I give my wife the "roder" set and I use the "passenger" set since I'd rather have her be distracted messing with answering phone calls and such. In the car on trips, we do the same ting, she gets to work the radio and make any hone calls... I just drive. Sort of like a pilot/navigator scenrio. Just a suggestion.

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Glad you are having good luck. We are on our 2nd set (1st one replaced under warranty) and they still develop static and are garbled sometimes. Other times they work fine. Great concept, but poor quality control from what I have read and experienced.


Just curious, are you experiencing static all of the time, or just when you are moving? On my Scala Rider Team Set I also notice a lot of static, but only when the intercom is activated and only when we are moving. In fact, if I put the windshield all the way up, I notice a dramatic drop in the static, which tells me it is somehow related to wind noise.

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Slight HiJack, but for those with the Team Set with the MP3 connection a couple of questions.


Is there a separate connection for both the rider and passenger?


If both have connections, can different inputs be used, such as a wired GPS for rider, and MP# player for passenger, at the same time?


Does the rider hear the passenger's connection? Does the passenger hear the riders MP3 input? Or are these inputs independent of each other?


Thanks, and sorry for the hijack.


Interesting question.


There is no MP3 connection. The rider's headset/unit has two bluetooth connection capabilities... one to the passenger and the other to another bluetooth device... such as GPS or Phone, or dongle, etc. The Dongle can connect to an MP3 device.


The passenger connects to the rider. (as per the design) so the answer is NO, no separate connections.


The passenger can be conferenced in to hear what the rider hears but not vice versa.


If you are expecting to hear music... be prepared for a lot of static, poor audio quality, low volume and mono only. These "deficiencies" do not really matter for voice which is what the unit is designed for.


By the way... the static noise is frequently wind noise from either the passenger or rider microphone.


The VOX feature works but is really irritating. We normally leave it on always on mode so we can just chat without triggering the VOX.


Also be aware that the unit software gives priority to GPS navigation instructions (when the rider unit is paired to GPS) and the unit switches off all other inputs when a GPS input is made to the rider... but it does not switch back on automatically so the passenger has to manually press the always on button again. So, if you are on a route and the GPS says "turn right at Smith Street"- you are disconnected from the passenger. All this is as designed. Like it or not...







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I believe you are not using the same set. The questions were directed to the scala rider teamset. Taken directly from the website is the following statement.


"Includes an embedded jack to plug in an MP3 player for Stereo music (cable included)"


This seems to contradict your reply, maybe you have an older set or something entirely different, but thanks for the reply anyway.


The question is whether both the rider and passenger headsets have the "embedded" jack, and how they function.

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I believe you are not using the same set. The questions were directed to the scala rider teamset. Taken directly from the website is the following statement.


"Includes an embedded jack to plug in an MP3 player for Stereo music (cable included)"


This seems to contradict your reply, maybe you have an older set or something entirely different, but thanks for the reply anyway.


The question is whether both the rider and passenger headsets have the "embedded" jack, and how they function.



That's news to me too. They much have upgraded the teamset and added a external MP3 jack. Cool feature! :)


I'd think that they only added the jack to the rider to reduce costs. But then each couldn't listen to their own music.


I checked the website...it's not clear if both headsets have the audio jack.

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I have the older Teamset with out the input jack.

I have looked at the newer version, both the passanger and the rider have input jacks.

The jack is on the helmet mount not on the unit itself. Just like the older units both use the same type of helmet mount so both will have the input. I assume it is just a connection to the speakers, with no ability to transmit through the bluetooth.

For what it's worth you can use the new mount with the input, on the older teamest to get the input if want.



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We have the newer teamset with the MP3 jacks. My wife used the music input but I prefer the sound of the road. Her main complaint is that with the volume all the way up on both the headset and the MP3 player, it was never loud enough for her when wearing ear plugs so she doesn't use the feature any more.


The wires that the set came with set are a little thin and flimsy (IMO) and probably won't last long with heavy use.

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