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Airflow vs. Comfort Shell jackets??


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Decided to look for a summer weight jacket as we finally topped 85F in Alberta last week. Started with a pure mesh jacket from Darien - then concerned that skid protection was limited and we have only 1-2 weeks of really hot weather. Went next to the BMW display and tried to compare their Airflow and Comfort Shell jackets


Airflow - clearly lots of venting and nice fit and design. Need a shell for rain resistance. probably cool in sub 60F weather. Like the grey color. Would my Gerbings liner compensate enough since the wind would still cut through?


Comfort Shell - fancy new temperature adjusting fabric should be warmer on cool days. Is the overall jacket hotter on hot days (ie less airflow). It seems waterproof to some degree - or is it just dampproof? Less keen on the color selection.


Looking for comments/guidance from anyone who has one or both of these jackets.


If theres a better non-BMW alternative I'm also interested.


As always - hats off to the board members in advance for your knowledgeable responses.

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I have a Comfort Shell jacket. For me, this jacket works best when the temperature varies between the fifties and the eighties. It can be worn in colder weather with layering or a heated jacket. When the temperature rises to the nineties or above, I can’t wear it, not enough venting. Vents in the arms would have made a difference. The jacket is waterproof which beats messing with a rain liner.


It is really a very nice jacket; in Oklahoma it is better suited for spring and fall, our summers are just too hot and humid.


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I have the airflow 3 jacket and wear LD Comfort undergarments when going on a longer rides but I have also gone out for a short run with just a polo shirt and Defender jeans. I have a windproof shell purchased from Aerostich that I can slip on quick if the temp is below 65. I have a Darien suit when the weather gets nasty but during the summer heat the Airflow 3 works great.

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H'm I think OK spring and fall sounds about like Calgary summer. It could be good for me except when below 50F when my Alpinstar w/gerbings liner works great.

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