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How to dry out boots?


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While my boots are waterproof, they apparently are not submersible. :rofl:


So after I dumped the quart out of each, how can I hasten the drying process...cedar chips maybe?

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Stuffing newspaper works well as it wicks the water away. Do NOT use color print.


Also, I use THIS at work for my turnout boots after a good fire, etc.

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if you are at home, put them in front of your home's "return air" duct. With the air conditioner running you will be amazed at how quickly "humidity" (which is all there really is in your boot) will be rmoved.


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der Wanderer

Avoid any heat drying, it will harden the leather (assuming it's leather). Better a bit slower than forcing it through heat. Once dry, use leather softeners/preservers; don't be afraid of using too much...

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With the air conditioner running


This is Seattle where nobody has AC. And I did use some colored paper...oops. Yes, these are leather boots. I'll see what sort of driers the local sporting goods store has. Thanks folks!

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Stuffing newspaper works well as it wicks the water away. Do NOT use color print.
30 years of snow skiing and that was the best method I found....should work with moto boots too.



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With the air conditioner running


This is Seattle where nobody has AC. And I did use some colored paper...oops. Yes, these are leather boots. I'll see what sort of driers the local sporting goods store has. Thanks folks!


And what has the temp been in Seattle the last few days? :grin::grin:

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Also, I use THIS at work for my turnout boots after a good fire, etc.


I know someone that made one of those with 1 1/2" PVC pipe, plywood box and a muffin fan. If your getting your boots wet often, it works real nice.

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Also, I use THIS at work for my turnout boots after a good fire, etc.


I know someone that made one of those with 1 1/2" PVC pipe, plywood box and a muffin fan. If your getting your boots wet often, it works real nice.


You know the muffin man??????




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We use "Boot Toasters" for our ski boots, and they work great. When we travel we will have a set just in case. They will dry boots within 4-5 hrs

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