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How to assess a "deer bump"?


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Here's the story: I'm contemplating buying a used '04. He's the original owner and took good care of the bike but he's not a detail man...judging from the cleanliness of the bike.


He said he had a "deer bump." He hit a deer or vice-versa. The head hit the front fairing and created a small hair-line crack about 2 inches (hardly visible) the hind quarters smashed into the saddle bag and busted the hard plastic next to the handle and clip where it locks to the frame. The bag functions but if you weighed it down it would probably leak and eventually fall off.


Here's my question: How do I assess if the "deer bump" did any damage to the frame of the bike? Is it possible that the "bump" misaligned the bike or hair fracture the frame?


The owner is a police officer. He's ridden the bike a little bit since the "bump" but then parked it in the garage for the last 1.5 years on a trickle charger, only occasionally riding around the neighborhood.


Any ideas on how to assess the impact of the "deer bump?"




Hopeful '04 owner-to-be!



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My guess from over here is the fairing absorbed all the energy and the frame is a straight as the factory intended it to be. So if the fairing is straight then it should all be fine.

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I would think that the frame and fork should take a whole lot more punishment than "bumping" a deer. Two obvious questions - Did he crash? Did he kill the deer? "No" to both of those, and it seems to me that the bike should still be in good shape, aside from any obvious, minor damage.


Another way to look at it is, really, how much b.s. is he feeding you? Your b.s. meter should always be on red-alert when buying someone's used stuff. How's the house look? Do his kids look human? Any yard cars? Personally, I'd be inclined to take a police officer at his word... ymmv

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der Wanderer

Any vibration, shaking, wobbling in the handlebars?

Also check the telescopic fork with great attention, and the mounts on the front lever horizontal fork, as well as all mounts on the engine block.

I would remove the seat (and maybe even the tupperware) to see if the chassis tubes under the seat and in the tail are intact, given the side impact, and verify the plastic mounts for the side bags. Does it look like one side was recently replaced and looks newer than the other?


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Sounds like my "deer bump". I hit a deer and the effect broke the mounting ear on the plastic part of the headlight assembly; a fuse, if you will, to cushion the impact to the frame. No other signs of damage, front fender was undamaged, no vibration, etc., and I have ridden the bike at least 5K miles since the event. I didn't go down and the impact felt more like a push of the deer than an impact with the deer. So, I would probably inspect the mounting ears at the frame for cracks, forks for even and unbinding movement, etc., but if it rides well I think you are probably OK.



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Great advice! I'll check the mounting ears at the frame, forks, and the chassis tubes.


Thanks guys!


I think the bike is very clean. The rider did not fall, the bike stayed upright, so I'm guessing all will be well. It only has 15K on it. I'm getting closer to a decision!


Thanks again to everyone.

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Factor in the cost to replace luggage carrier and bag.

Also, is the hairline crack subject to failure wher it is thaen you might need to replace the panel.

Sat of 1 1/2 years?


Again, Why?

That sounds suspect to me.

'04 RT's w/lots of farkles and in good running condition are going for $7500 or so right now.

How much is the asking price?

It will take $300-500 minimum to fix the luggage (new carrier and used bag or new bag).

The fairing?

That is another matter.

Best wishes.

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Paul Mihalka

I had a major "deer bump" but didn't go down. The repair bill was over $4.000. That bike I'm sure is fixable/rideable, but with being parked for over a year, I wouldn't pay much over $2.000 for it.

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