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Sargent Seat


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I received my Sargent Seat today, on schedule as Sargent had promised. It took 4 weeks including shipping to get to Arizona.


Took the OEM off and installed the Sargent. It looks great!

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What a coincidence, I received mine yesterday too. Can't tell much from my 12 mile commute though. They did forget to include the connection kit for the passenger seat heating but I'm sure they'll make good on it. Enjoy.

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Poster: Albert

Subject: Re: Sargent Seat


What a coincidence, I received mine yesterday too. Can't tell much from my 12 mile commute though. They did forget to include the connection kit for the passenger seat heating but I'm sure they'll make good on it. Enjoy.


I took mine on a quick 75 mile to try it out. The front seat is wider than the OEM by 5 inches. There was absolutely no discomfort in the 75 mile trip, although its too short of a ride to fully evaluate the seat.


I order the standard and if I like it I will order the one with heat to replace my OEM. I hear from reading posts on this site that Sargent has great service. You should have no problem receiving the connection kit.


The real test will be my trip back to Canada from Arizona. The 2200 miles will tell the tale.


Hope you like yours.


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A friend of mine who has been riding many years and who has a 1150RT just put a Sargent on his new KLR 650 and says it's the best seat he has EVER ridden on.

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Is the reach to the ground any different when stopping?


I'm considering one myself and wondered if it was any taller than the regular stock seat in the low position.

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Is the reach to the ground any different when stopping?


I'm considering one myself and wondered if it was any taller than the regular stock seat in the low position.


Yes it does add a slight amount to your height. With the stock seat I could just flat foot. After an admittedly brief commute this morning I can say I doubt I'll be able to any more. The seat does narrow considerably toward the front and I found sliding forward when stopped helps. I don't really think I'll have any problems with the added altitude.

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Poster: 99Roadster

Subject: Re: Sargent Seat




Is the reach to the ground any different when stopping?


I'm considering one myself and wondered if it was any taller than the regular stock seat in the low position.


Yes it does add a slight amount to your height. With the stock seat I could just flat foot. After an admittedly brief commute this morning I can say I doubt I'll be able to any more. The seat does narrow considerably toward the front and I found sliding forward when stopped helps. I don't really think I'll have any problems with the added altitude.



06 RT


I agree with Al that there is a slight increase in height. With my brief experience in the seat to date, it seems the two side bolsters on the seat extend further to the side than the OEM forcing you to sit slightly higher or slightly further back. Not quite sure yet. Sliding slightly forward in the seat at stops, I can stand almost flat footed. My inseam is 32" and I am 5'10" tall.


I hope that helps in your decision.

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Had 1 on my 03 RT 3yrs ago, raised me up maybe 1/2". Only issue after 50K was stitching on side to top were leg rest split. No warranty left. They had just replaced the original seat pan with there own. Took 3 months to get but they return some money, gave me 2 hats and 2 reading lights. What a deal. Seat over all was good. Also I raised the front mount with washers to get rid of forward slide.

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Thanks for your replies. I have a 32" inseam as well and can just flatfoot it. I think I'll give the seat a try.


Thanks again.

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Thanks for your replies. I have a 32" inseam as well and can just flatfoot it. I think I'll give the seat a try.


Thanks again.


Remember, if you order direct from Sargent, you have 30 days to return it for a full refund, less shipping.

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Thanks for your replies. I have a 32" inseam as well and can just flatfoot it. I think I'll give the seat a try.


Thanks again.


I'm around a 30" inseam so you should be fine.

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In response to:

Poster: Username

Subject: Re: Sargent Seat


Pictures, pictures. I would like to see these. How about the pillion seat, any comments from passengers?


I will be doing a review of the Sargent after my 2200 mile trip back to Canada. My wife hasn't ridden on it yet and won't until after we get back. She is driving one of our vehicle back to Canada.




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That looks much than the old design Sargent seats -- wider at the back, without the piping under your thighs, and without the sharp-edged step at the back. I wonder if they would rebuild a Sargent seat for an R1100RT with that design?

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Pictures, pictures. I would like to see these. How about the pillion seat, any comments from passengers?


Others have posted photos, and you can also view them on the Sargent site.


Pillion: My wife has now ridden the about 30,000 miles or so on the back of the RT. The OEM seat was horrible for her; she slid forward constantly, caused her lower back to hurt. We had the seat modified at great expense by one of the west coast guys, showed up in person. Sent it back to him three times, it got WORSE each time, we finally got our money back and I bought a Sargent. That was probably 25,000 miles ago. No complaints from her. She does say that she still slides forward a little, but I have explained that will happen with any seat when I'm braking. She is ALWAYS ready to go riding with the Sargent seat. And I ALWAYS am the one to say "let's stop" on long trips. But everyone is different, so order one direct from Sargent; you'll have 30 days to try it.

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Poster: Selden

Subject: Re: Sargent Seat


That looks much than the old design Sargent seats -- wider at the back, without the piping under your thighs, and without the sharp-edged step at the back. I wonder if they would rebuild a Sargent seat for an R1100RT with that design?


I would give them a call, they seem very helpful. (1-800-749-7328)


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I have had 3 Beemers with them the first thing I do when I buy one is take the stock seat off and order my Sargent pricy but well, well worth it.

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Pictures, pictures. I would like to see these. How about the pillion seat, any comments from passengers?

Not a Sargent seat, but I thought this one looked pretty comfortable:











Sorry... couldn't resist.

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Poster: Scarecrow

Subject: Re: Sargent Seat


Originally Posted By: Username

Pictures, pictures. I would like to see these. How about the pillion seat, any comments from passengers?


Not a Sargent seat, but I thought this one looked pretty comfortable:



That looks like a Captain's chair!

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Same here, my wife will only get on the bike is a Sargent seat is installed. First the R1100RT, now the R1200RT.

We did 3500 miles in 11 days 2up camping, last summer, no complaints about the seat. P7110585.JPG[/center]


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Well I should be able to give a small preliminary report on my new Sargent next week. We're taking a 3 day weekend trip to north central PA which should entail 4 or 5 hours in the saddle per day. My wife has not been on the seat yet so I've got my fingers crossed. I'll try to get some pictures to post too. I went with a silver piping on the seat and it accents the gray paint nicely.

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I have a Sargent seat on my GS and I found that you need to spend a few hours in the saddle for the foam to adjust to the shape of your butt. When it finally does, though, you will find there are no pressure spots whatsoever. Great seat, wish I would have gotten the heated seat in retrospect.

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I put 45K miles on a Sargent seat on my 02 GS........it was a great seat. Bought the pillion seat for my wife, likewise!!



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