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City Lids for the R12RT's?


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I happened to be looking at the A&S web site and came across these.




A number of people (myself included) had been looking for these over a year ago without success. The price is "take your breath away" high but I'm wondering if anyone has a set. I'd like to see some better pictures than they show.

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...A number of people (myself included) had been looking for these over a year ago without success. The price is "take your breath away" high but I'm wondering if anyone has a set. I'd like to see some better pictures than they show.


These look like exactly like the vaccuformed single-walled lids that I have. I had to originally have a forum member buy them from France and ship them to me so it's nice to see they are importing them now.


Unfortunately it looks like the price has climbed significantly - I assume that is to allow A&S to make a profit doing it.


My Original review is here: City Lid Review R1200ST/RT/R


I have had these for almost 2 years now and I can say that they have held up to my occassional use. They are NOT weather proof, but dont seem to leak a lot of dust and I do not notice any exhaust smell problems.


They are a lot lighter than the BMW lids as well, which matters to me on the sportier end of sport touring. Conservatively loaded for 2-3 days of hotel touring and no top case and you can barely tell that they are on.


If you are not overly price sensitive and you are looking for a trim, lightweight case lid that keeps most of the dust out and all your stuff in I think you will not be disappointed.



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