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extended warranties


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Good day all:

Still shopping for my next bike. Saw the red GT and the RT models at the modesto dealer. I have 2 questions for you guys

#1 In our conversation and price talk the dealer included the extended 3 year warranty. I ask how much that was and he said 1300 dollars. Seems very steep to me. I was wondering if any one has it and what they paid. Also can I decline it now and then before the 3 years is over add it on. I had that option with my ST and it came in handy, and affordble ( $600 ). I would rather put $1300 toward the bike and not have a finance charge to that warranty.

#2 Are the prices negotable. Seems like they dont mention it, but is there any leeway?





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Are the prices negotable. Seems like they dont mention it, but is there any leeway?

Service contracts sold by dealers are usually heavily marked up and are almost always negotiable. And no, they don't mention it... :grin:

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$1300 does seem a bit steep but as suggested there is room for negotiation. In addition some brands are more costly than others.


I got a 4 year extended warranty for my '06 RT before the factory warranty ran out and it was less than what they quoted you for 3 years. Zurich seems to be the one a lot of well known BMW dealers are using now.

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Also can I decline it now and then before the 3 years is over add it on?


I was offered this option once when I had my RT in for servicing. I was told I could add it at any time so long as the factory warranty was still in effect. They may not all be the same though, so you might want to confirm that option with your dealer. I never did accept and now its too late. No regrets yet...



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+1 on Jay's info... try calling Bob's BMW and get a price quote there.


Just to be clear, you can buy the extended warranty from any willing seller and there are many who are ready to sell at a fair price. FYI, its really only an insurance policy. I suggest that no matter where you shop it... read the actual policy, and ask pointed questions before you purchase.


Look for things like Seals... are they excluded? Is ABS covered- lots of time it is not. What is a wear item and what is not.. etc.

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Warranties will vary state to state. In CA most dlr offered warranties need to be purchased within the first 12mos. of ownership, the avg cost $950.

I looked at other warranty companies and many of them do not offer coverage in the state of CA (guess we ride too much).

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I looked at other warranty companies and many of them do not offer coverage in the state of CA (guess we ride too much).

Probably more like California has laws that make warranty companies actually pay for the services they promised.

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