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Wiring the Garmin 2820 on the RT


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I'm planning to steal some of Mitch's ideas for accessorizing my RT :wave: (see http://bmwsporttouring.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=506051&page=1), specifically putting my Autocom under the tail section and running the wires under the tupperware (I've been using the tank bag approach).


I plan to place my phone and iPod in the glove box as Mitch did so there's no issue there. One thing that's bugging though me is a clean way to run the audio connection wire up to the GPS which I've mounted at the top center of the dash. I typically remove my GPS for commuting and other local riding so I want something that will allow me to cleanly leave the 1/8 stereo lead in the dash area.


Currently, for power I have the Garmin power cord terminating in an SAE plug that mates to one under the dash. When not in use I tuck the power wire under the dash and hold it in place with a simple twist tie from a bread loaf (I do have a weather cap on the SAE plug when not in use). I'd like to do something similar (or even better) with the audio cable. Anyone have any creative solutions they've used?



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I'm guessing you're not using the Garmin mount for the 2820. If you are, there's a receptacle in the mount itself that holds the power cable when not in use. Or do you remove the entire mount when you're not using the GPS?

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Yea Bill, I remove the mount and everything when I'm not using it. I was thinking of putting a "dummy" receptacle in the dash someplace and just plugging the free audio cable in there when I'm not using it. I just really want something to keep the plug out of the weather.

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Well, then, sure, any old mating panel-mount plug will do. Radio Shack could take care of you. Though I'm not sure how weather-proof it'll be.


Me, I'd just tie it up out of the way. But I rarely ride in rain.

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