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It's pays to have a helmet cam


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That's scary actually. Them things are big and apparently can be incredibly nasty if they so choose. I wonder if the Wing rider needed new shorts!

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The wing rider seems as unconcerned as the brown bull...not sure what his pillion might have been saying though...mine would have had some choice words for me if I kept following along like that!!



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As would mine! We were in Custer a couple years ago and although we were much further away than that, a Ranger advised us rather sternly, that we were far too close for comfort.

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Somebody hasn't read about the deaths caused by bison and too curious tourists. That is one lucky rider and pillion as far as I'm concerned.


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I just returned from Yellowstone (in a car, though), and I saw several "bison jams" where traffic was backed up because of bison crossing the road.


I don't know the situation in the videos, but from what I saw when I was there, the bikers probably didn't have much choice. They were probably stuck in the middle of a large group of cars, and bison seem to be fond of milling around, back and forth between the cars. So unless the bikers wanted to pull over and wait for hours to see if the bison would leave, they probably had to just stay in line, keep moving and hope for the best. I'm not sure what else they could do.

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