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Sargent Seat Did The Job


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We took our first 2 up ride over a long weekend this past one. I was somewhat nervous since this would be our first test of the new Sargent seat. The weekend forcast was for the hottest weather we've had this summer. Nothing like the southwest has been burning through but mid 90's with high humidity nonetheless.


I am happy to report both rider and passenger heartily agree that the new seat is a success. My only wish is I had had the handlebar risers installed before leaving. I found the slightly higher seating position required a slightly more forward leaning upper body position that did cause a little fatique between the sholder blades that I hadn't had before.


The real test came when we arrived at our proposed destination for the night (Wellsboro, PA). I had not made hotel reservations for the night (a fact I would be reminded of several times). After checking with the first motel we came to we found the town was full up (litterally). Around 12 miles down the road we found that the next town was also full up (did I mention I hadn't made reservations?). Another 20 or 30 miles up the road to Corning, NY we did finally find a room. On the stock seat this added hour could have resulted in heated calls to lawyers and rental car companies. With the new seat it was just an annoyance. Thanks Sargent! :grin:

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Told you so. Glad she's happy, that means you're happy.


You were indeed right Mark. Thanks for the advice in WVA. Happy is a good thing. :grin::wave:

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Hey, could I get in on some of that good advice?


Sorry John, poor choice of words on my part. Mark and I had a chat where we shared our seat sagas and I did some "test sitting" on Mark's bike. So "advice" is probably the wrong word.


Here's my perspective, for what that's worth (you'll find lots more here too if you do a search). I had approximately 27k miles on the stock seat with more than a few 600+ mile days thrown in. I never considered the stock seat comfortable but neither did I find it completely unservicable as some others do and couldn't justify the cost for an aftermarket seat.


My wife, who rides with me a lot, began complaining on the longer rides about both butt and back pain (she's had some unrelated back problems) so I knew it was time to make a move.


Frankly I didn't have high hopes that the Sargent seat would make much of a difference for me but kept my fingers crossed for Mrs. Albert. We only have 800 miles or so on the Sargent but my take now is that the stock seat was actually worse than I was aware of (or admitted). There may be better seats out there (Russel, etc.) so I can't comment on them but, the bottom line for us is the Sargent works. Good luck in your quest.

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I came back from Arizona 5 days ago riding 2 1/2 days and 2000 miles on a Sargent seat that I am testing for 30 days. I will do a report on it once I get a chance. Too busy at work right now.

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I would guess around an inch. With the stock seat I could just flat foot when stopped if the conditions were just right (flat pavement). With the Sargent I can put both feet down but my heels are slightly off the ground. I really haven't found this to be a problem for me but everyone's different in that regard. Good luck.

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