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Help! with a Zumo 550


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I'm renting a bike in Europe in several weeks that will have a Zumo 550. When I pick up the bike will be the first time I see the GPS unit.


I've downloaded the manual and understand how it works.


I would like to create some routes in advance. I understand how to transfer the routes to the Zumo by putting them on an SD card. But, since I do not own a Zumo, or have Mapsource I have no idea how to create the proper files.


Any way I can do this without Mapsource? Google Earth? Streets & Trips? Convert something to the proper file?


Or, am I out of luck on this one?


Thanks in advance for any help!

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Gael, not sure if using Map Source is mandatory but if you don’t have about the same mapping to make the routes as is on the Zumo you can get some strange re-calculations from the Zumo when the routes are installed.. (BOTH the Zumo & Map Source should have the same mapping versions,, or at least as close as possible to get reliable mapping imported into the Zumo).. You will almost always get a usable route but it might be far from the route you originally planned out..


If taking routes on an SD card you might need to install that SD card in a Zumo first as the SD card will need a folder on it called (Garmin) with a folder in that Garmin folder named GPX.. (you can probably just add those yourself but if no Garmin folder & no GPX folder the Zumo won’t find & import the routes correctly.. The routes you make should IN that Garmin/GPX folder..


Any route you place on the SD card will also have to be in .GPX format for it to import correctly.. example— (AlpsTrip.GPX)


Most routes are not automatically saved in .GPX form unless you change the save as to that extension..


The Zumo isn’t rocket science to operate but until you become familiar with it’s operation & quirks you might have problems trying to load pre-made routes..


I would STRONGLY suggest you find someone with a Zumo in your area & play with it a little,, especially loading USABLE routes & setting up the defaults..






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Tried that, got 0 replies unfortunately.


Twisty's comment that the Zumo reads a gpx file helped a lot. Searching the web it seems like I might be able to use a mapping program that either outputs to a gpx file or outputs to a format that can be converted gpx using the GPSBabel program.


That being said, and as Twisty indicated, the Zumo may have problems reading that file if it is not formatted exactly. From what I can gather the Zumo differenciates between a waypoint and a via and unless you know exactly which your mapping program uses the file may not work.


I think it will take a lot less time and I will have better results if I figure out the waypoints before I go and just spend some time programming the Zumo when I get there.


Thanks for your inputs!

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Gael, one of the good (or bad) things about the Zumo is automatically recalculates routes that are imported into it. The good part is no matter what is goofed up on the route you import it will recalculate it & give you a route to the destination.. That is just great if you only want to get some place..


The down side is,, unless you have lots & lots of shaping points to FORCE it use the roads you originally chose it could find a different way to get there than you planned..


As long as the route you plan out & import is done on a map very similar to the one already in the Zumo it will give you a routing exactly like you originally laid out.. Problem is,, if the original route is done on a 3rd party map program then just simply converted to a .GPX format it will probably recalculate to something you didn’t plan..


There is a bunch of us that trade routes all the time & all of us have the MapSource program (but different versions of base maps).. Even with all of us using MapSource our routes don’t always work correctly on someone else’s Zumo..


As a quick understanding.. You plan your route on ABC mapping program then simply convert it to a .GPX.. Two of the roads you used on the original mapping were Sally & Sue.. When you import that into the Zumo & it’s internal map has neither Sally or Sue (or their coordinates) anywhere near the area you are routing in.. SO, the Zumo simply finds other roads going to the destination.. Maybe it will do something strange to hit your shaping points & maybe it will be a very strange way routing with backtracking (you just never know)..


The other problem is (can be) is lets say on a 3rd party map program you originally add a shaping or way point at coordinates N42 14.770 W83 35.871 & lets say that is at a place where two roads cross (an intersection) .. But on the Map in the Zumo those same coordinates are no where near the road (this happens a lot between different map programs) then all of a sudden you end up with a route not following a road.. So you simply do a recalculation but if it is off the road enough it won’t recalculate correctly so your route ends up not what you originally intended..


What I would like to see is a way to directly import (tracks) into the Zumo but so far none of us have found a way to do that successfully..


You can easily plan day or ½ day routes on the Zumo right on the screen as long as you have the shaping or way points figured out so you can enter them or touch screen them then make the route using those..






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Nice n Easy Rider
I'm renting a bike in Europe in several weeks that will have a Zumo 550. When I pick up the bike will be the first time I see the GPS unit.


I've downloaded the manual and understand how it works.


I would like to create some routes in advance. I understand how to transfer the routes to the Zumo by putting them on an SD card. But, since I do not own a Zumo, or have Mapsource I have no idea how to create the proper files.


Any way I can do this without Mapsource? Google Earth? Streets & Trips? Convert something to the proper file?


Or, am I out of luck on this one?


Thanks in advance for any help!




Have you contacted the firm that is renting you the bike equipped with the Zumo to see if they can help? If you e-mail them the routes you're thinking of in gpx formats they might be willing to pre-load the routes on your Zumo unit so you're ready to go when you pick up the bike.

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George, Gael won’t have any problems loading the routes he takes over on an SD card if on the card correctly.. His problem will be getting the Zumo in Germany to use his routes as he has them originally plotted out (this is a big IF if he doesn’t use the same mapping as is on the German Zumo.. Even if he sends them in advance they must match the German Zumo or there might be routing problems..


Your post here does bring up a good point though.. I wonder if the rental company can E-Mail Gael their unlocked MapSource mapping.. The MapSource program can be downloaded from many places it’s the CORRECT unlocked mapping that is difficult to come by.. Actually he can easily download the proper mapping,, it’s the unlock code that he will need from Germany & obviously the proper map version to match there unit..




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I would just wait and program the unit when you get there. When you power up the Zumo it will take you to a window that says either "where To" or "View Map" touch the where to window & in the next screen pick the Address Window & just follow the prompts from there. It may not give you the absolute shortest or quickest route, but I have found this to be very helpful many times.



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Gael, when you load the routes--if you want to pre-run your route before riding it you can do that.. I don’t think this is in the manual (maybe it is somewhere)..





Touch the “wrench” (lower right),, then touch “system” (top center),, then touch to the right of “GPS mode) from “normal” to GPS off,, then touch “OK”,, then touch “back” twice..


Then on main page touch “were to”,, then touch “routes”,, then pick your route,, then hit "GO",, it should ask “do you want to simulate driving this route”,, touch yes.. It should then start driving the route just as you would see it as you drove it.. If a long route it will take a while though..


Don’t forget to turn the GPS mode back on after the simulation..




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George, that was an excellent idea and I e-mailed them, got no response. We will leave 2 weeks from tomorrow so I decided to just pay the difference as the unit will be ready when I get there and I can just leave it with them when I return. No muss no fuss but it will cost me...


Twisty and Jim, thanks for the input, I know the route I will be taking so I will be able to program in the start (Munich) and the end (Grindelwald) and the waypoints or vias in between to force it to take my route. I'll print and take the manual with me. It will give us something to do after dinner.


Thanks, guys!




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Gael, there are several different versions of the Zumo manual.. Even then it might not have everything in it.. There were some running changes in the Zumo operation due to firmware changes so not all might be in the manual..


In any case hopefully the Zumo you get will be a late enough model (or updated) to allow you to turn OFF Auto Re-Calculation).. I would suggest you either turn it off or turn it to Prompt (it’s under the Navigation window menu)..

If you leave it (Auto Re-Calculate) turned on it can change your route on you without you really knowing it if you miss a turn or purposely go off route to see something or get gas..


Also remember there is a small quirk in the Zumo that CAN allow it to do an auto re-calculate (even if auto re-calc turned off) without telling you if you reverse your route or backtrack for a distance.. (example: lets say you ride by a little restaurant & you decide to turn around & ride back & stop there for lunch.. That can cause an unannounced re-calculate & could change your route (at least to the next shaping or way point)..

A very good rule of thumb on the Zumo is to STOP the current route then Re-Enter it if you significantly reverse your travel along an active route.. Not the end of the world if you don’t & it will still get you to destination but if it recalculates it can change (part of) your pre-planned route on you..





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Twisty, those are great tips. Without them I can see myself getting really frustrated! I'll turn auto recalc off.


I hope we'll get the 550. The rental agency said there is a small chance we might get a 400. Haven't researched that one yet... but will...



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Gael, I’m not familiar with the 400,, I (think) it might be the European version of our Zumo 450.. If so it functions about the same as the 550 only it won’t do some TTS (text to speech) things.. Like announce road names to turn on (instead of announcing turn right on Main Street in 300 meters it will just say turn right in 300 meters).. Some other small differences & no car cradle.. I have a friend with a Zumo 450 & it does most of what my 550 does motorcycle wise..


You might look up in the manual on changing languages (unless you are fluent in German).. It will be a real problem using that thing if there is also a language issue..


When you get over there & get your Zumo loaded see how it works for you.. If you have problems & have computer access just give me a PM or E-Mail.. I have had a Zumo 550 since they came out so whatever you run into I have probably seen before.




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Thanks, Twisty, I just e-mailed the rental agency and let them know that we will need a Zumo that is set up in English......


I'll bookmark the forum and take it with me on a thumbdrive. We'll have internet access in the evenings. If I get really stuck I might pm you.


The trip will be a loosey-goosey circular trip through Switzerland, Northern Italy, northern Slovenia, Austria and back to Munich. We have hotel reservations in only three places and I got the lat and long of those from Google Earth. I can program them in easily. We have but three planned routes which I will program in but the majority of the time we will use paper maps and use the GPS to see where we are and to id roads as they approach.


I think this will work out fine... Thanks everyone!



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Gael, have a safe & fun trip.. Sounds like you are preparing for it very well..


Your paper maps to go with the Zumo is great way to see what you want to see.. Paper maps are pretty fool proof & need no pre-programming.. On the other hand paper maps do you no good if you don’t know where you are at the time.. That is one area a GPS excels in,, it always knows where it is at so with that info & a good map you are golden..




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