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Today, Torrey is on my mind


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Seth, the thing about staying with Larry, myself and the ladies is we tend to have a nice quiet time. From about 4:30am till about 6am. :)



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Wow one month till Torrey and all of a sudden, I am starting to jones pretty hard to get up there and see my pals. Think it is going to be a Jeep Trip since I took the GT up in July. For those of you wondering the best part is that they have been repaving Sweeper Madness this summer and I bet the Hooning will be grand. Almost makes me want to trailer a bike up. And I am bringing my bicycle this trip too to tool around on. Anyone else feeling it yet?


Tom, I will certainly be in the Jeep. My RT is somewhere in Texas with its new owner. :P I took time off from Tuesday to the following Tuesday. Hoping to arive on Wednesday. If I can find a rack for the bicycle I may join you for that.


I've got reservations at the Boulder View and when I reserved the room they had a few left.



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I've got the middle cabin with Earplug Al on Fri and Sat. But I'll be arriving Thursday, so I needed a room for that night and they gave me the Jerry Mathers "TIMBERRRR" suite. I think I'll find a way to put my bike inside the room, just to be safe. Oh, well, at least I'm next to the bakery.

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Very Cool Glockster! I am sure we will have a glorious time going to places that Bob tells us not to! I have a lot going on in my life right now and I really need the decompress time. This will be a trip that allows us to really enjoy the time together. You all are the best anti stress antidote and I am so looking forward to seeing you all.



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Capitol Reef is kinda....hmmmmm....what's the word.......Quaint.


That's it.



Well I kind of suspected that given the fact they still had a room available 3 only weeks before Torrey. But hey they were also kinda.... what's the word.... cheap :grin: so at least that's some consolation. All I need is a bed and a shower so I'm sure they'll do...

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Capitol Reef is kinda....hmmmmm....what's the word.......Quaint.


That's it.



Well I kind of suspected that given the fact they still had a room available 3 only weeks before Torrey. But hey they were also kinda.... what's the word.... cheap :grin: so at least that's some consolation. All I need is a bed and a shower so I'm sure they'll do...


You'll be fine...

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Capitol Reef is kinda....hmmmmm....what's the word.......Quaint.


That's it.



Well I kind of suspected that given the fact they still had a room available 3 only weeks before Torrey. But hey they were also kinda.... what's the word.... cheap :grin: so at least that's some consolation. All I need is a bed and a shower so I'm sure they'll do...


You'll be fine... [/quote


Plus you can take advantage of watching TV why you wait for breakfast to get there :)

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I am sure we will have a glorious time going to places that Bob tells us not to!


That brings a question to mind...


If I see an irresistible hill climb, etc. while on a group ride can I just blaze a trail up and back? I imagine rules are different in and out of National Parks.


Also, what kind of range do we need to have for some of these rides? My KTM is an XC so it holds a slightly larger 2.5 gal.

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In honor Seth's visit to Torrey we should let him choose the official beverage.


Scotch..my fav.....so prolly out. :P






Irish/Canadian Whiskey


Red Wine


White Wine








........Cokes.......Orange drinks.......Lemonade........Kool-Aid(seems appropriate) :rofl:






What do ya think?????????

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So how hot and cold has it been at past Torreys? What kind of gear to bring to stay comfortable?





Somewhere between 80f and 25f.


It could snow.......or cook ya.




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I am sure we will have a glorious time going to places that Bob tells us not to!


That brings a question to mind...


If I see an irresistible hill climb, etc. while on a group ride can I just blaze a trail up and back? I imagine rules are different in and out of National Parks.


Also, what kind of range do we need to have for some of these rides? My KTM is an XC so it holds a slightly larger 2.5 gal.


Generally most areas are designated travel on marked routes only. There may be some exceptions to this, but that is the general rule. The law is that you are responsible to know what is open, rather than they to post, but in practice the markings are pretty good, though sometimes the locals will remove the closed signs. Each BLM District has an official travel map.


In desert areas where there is cryptogamic soil, please do your best to avoid disturbing it. Thank you. Rocks are a bit more forgiving :clap:


In the mountains, please just stay on trail.


I think when traveling on river bottoms you are free to use the entire bottom, but please protect the banks.


The range issue is a good question, Sharon and I are good for, we think, at least 120 miles, most likely more like 150. If that will be an issue I need to know too. So far I haven't yet struck reserve on any of these rides, but I don't think I've been on any of the hardcore ones. I have some spare fuel bottles and can bring some gas cans. If the jeeps go with the bikes the gas cans can act as reserve, but in practice we tend to get separated, or go separate ways from the jeepers.



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I am sure we will have a glorious time going to places that Bob tells us not to!


That brings a question to mind...


If I see an irresistible hill climb, etc. while on a group ride can I just blaze a trail up and back? I imagine rules are different in and out of National Parks.


Also, what kind of range do we need to have for some of these rides? My KTM is an XC so it holds a slightly larger 2.5 gal.


A lot of the area has some good climbs and trails off the main routes. Just think you need to act responsible amigo. Torrey is like church to the majority of us. Climbing all over the pews may not endear you to most of us. But at the same time, there are a lot of great places that will be a challenge. Range should be fine, and I bet some of the chase cars will have gas. Looking forward to meeting you.

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A lot of the area has some good climbs and trails off the main routes. Just think you need to act responsible amigo. Torrey is like church to the majority of us. Climbing all over the pews may not endear you to most of us. But at the same time, there are a lot of great places that will be a challenge. Range should be fine, and I bet some of the chase cars will have gas. Looking forward to meeting you.


That's why I asked. I'm sure I'll have a better idea once there but just wanted to feel it out. Thanks for the info Jan and azkaisr. Eager to meet you all as well.

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So how hot and cold has it been at past Torreys? What kind of gear to bring to stay comfortable?





Somewhere between 80f and 25f.


It could snow.......or cook ya.




80 sounds great!! (especially on a day like today)


25? Not so much. My belly got fat, just when my blood got thin. Helluva sitcha-ation.

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So how hot and cold has it been at past Torreys? What kind of gear to bring to stay comfortable?





I've needed my mesh and cooling vests, and I've been snowed on...sometimes on the same weekend.

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Paul Mihalka
So how hot and cold has it been at past Torreys? What kind of gear to bring to stay comfortable?
End of September? From about 80 to snow storm... :grin:
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So how hot and cold has it been at past Torreys? What kind of gear to bring to stay comfortable?
End of September? From about 80 to snow storm... :grin:


I have experienced both- the same day. At last September's Torrey Fugu and I went over Bolder Mountain in about 4 inches of Hail that's on the roadway...but I'm sure the temperature wasn't much colder than say 33F. Funny thing was we were following a group of about 4 sport bikers who didn't seem to notice the conditions. No problem.

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Bob, I haven't been on the Cathedral Valley loop. Would you consider it GSable?


I know you asked Killer, but I've never heard him tell the truth about his rides....ask Lisa's bike. :grin:


My Katoom did it with a platoon of riders.


I started, Russell took his turn, then Phil finished up. We all fought over the smaller bikes.


I would say it's doable, but not fun. Lots of soft deep sand and a few wash/water crossings that make your heart go pidder padder.



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Bob, I haven't been on the Cathedral Valley loop. Would you consider it GSable?
Absolutely. There are some sandy sections on the desert section which probably won't be fun but are quite doable, many have.


Edit: Whip - where are the water crossing on the CV route, other than the little stream on the mountain? If it's wet enough that there is running water in the desert washes I will discourage GS types from going out there, of course if it rains or snows while we are out there....

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If I see an irresistible hill climb, etc. while on a group ride can I just blaze a trail up and back?
Generally I would say no, in or out of the park. There is an open off road riding area just east of the park called Swing Arm City which is available for such activity and a nice play area near my house.


There are a lot of people here who would like to close the back country completely and I would like to be riding it for another 20+ years so I ask that we all stay on the trails. There are too many riders to go cross country without causing a problem.


Gas: I've forgotten exactly how far the CV loop is but it's around 100 miles from Torrey to Loa via CV, we'll carry gas in the Jeeps and may stash some on the mountain, last time we did this route nobody needed gas and there were some small tanks along. If by chance somebody does run out it's not a big deal to go get some in a truck.

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Edit: Whip - where are the water crossing on the CV route, other than the little stream on the mountain? If it's wet enough that there is running water in the desert washes I will discourage GS types from going out there, of course if it rains or snows while we are out there....



I said wash/water crossings....meaning they could have water in em or look like they had water in em in the recent past.



Your reputation has preceded you in these matters in question, so please don't try too hard to defend yourself. The jury has spoken and so have a couple ankles, legs, waterpumps, shifter levers, and one very muddy young lady's bike.






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If I see an irresistible hill climb, etc. while on a group ride can I just blaze a trail up and back?
Generally I would say no, in or out of the park. There is an open off road riding area just east of the park called Swing Arm City which is available for such activity and a nice play area near my house.


There are a lot of people here who would like to close the back country completely and I would like to be riding it for another 20+ years so I ask that we all stay on the trails. There are too many riders to go cross country without causing a problem.


Gas: I've forgotten exactly how far the CV loop is but it's around 100 miles from Torrey to Loa via CV, we'll carry gas in the Jeeps and may stash some on the mountain, last time we did this route nobody needed gas and there were some small tanks along. If by chance somebody does run out it's not a big deal to go get some in a truck.



But there are places where it is more "open" and you can do just what you described. Right up Sandy Creek Road comes to mind. It ain't in the park.

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But there are places where it is more "open" and you can do just what you described. Right up Sandy Creek Road comes to mind. It ain't in the park.
Sand Creek is what I meant by the play area near my house. Most areas though, Boulder Top, Goosebury, Thousand Lakes Mtn, for instance, you wouldn't go off trail.
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But there are places where it is more "open" and you can do just what you described. Right up Sandy Creek Road comes to mind. It ain't in the park.
Sand Creek is what I meant by the play area near my house. Most areas though, Boulder Top, Goosebury, Thousand Lakes Mtn, for instance, you wouldn't go off trail.


..not unless you told me I could and then only if you went first.




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Your reputation has preceded you in these matters in question, so please don't try too hard to defend yourself. The jury has spoken and so have a couple ankles, legs, waterpumps, shifter levers, and one very muddy young lady's bike.





Oh harsh. People - trust me - I'll only lead you one yard too far...
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So how hot and cold has it been at past Torreys? What kind of gear to bring to stay comfortable?
For those who haven't been here before realize that Torrey is at 6800 feet, conditions change fast at the end of September, by the end of October it is winter. The CV dirt loop goes from 6800 at Torrey to 5000 at Cainville to 10,000 at Hen's Hole Peak, weather totally unpredictable. Sweeper Madness tops out over 9000 feet and UT12 at 9600 feet, Boulder Top (dirt) is over 11,000 feet.
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Your reputation has preceded you in these matters in question, so please don't try too hard to defend yourself. The jury has spoken and so have a couple ankles, legs, waterpumps, shifter levers, and one very muddy young lady's bike.





Oh harsh. People - trust me - I'll only lead you one yard too far...




CV loop is no problem at all. I did come close to crashing while riding Whip's gigantic KTM through a sand wash (I can still hear Lisa laughing behind me as the steering went from lock to lock 3 times before I got it sorted out. :grin:) but there's only a few of those and they're not really that big of a deal.


I do remember a fairly substantial water crossing at the first part of the ride, though. Maybe that's not part of the official loop, but I definitely remember having water in my boots. :Cool:

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. . .but I definitely remember having water in my boots. :Cool:


That was probably. . .naw, I just can't.


I knew someone would take the bait. :grin:


You bringing some TKC's for the 'strom so you can come join us and show us what a trials rider can do, or are you doing the street thang?

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I do remember a fairly substantial water crossing at the first part of the ride, though. Maybe that's not part of the official loop, but I definitely remember having water in my boots. :Cool:
I took us on the short cut to Twin Rocks and that crosses Sulphur Creek, I did it as a test to weed out the unworthy, there weren't any. Remember we had that guy (not a board member) on a mostly street dual purpose bike and I wasn't sure about him, he turned out to be just about the best dirt rider.
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I do remember a fairly substantial water crossing at the first part of the ride, though. Maybe that's not part of the official loop, but I definitely remember having water in my boots. :Cool:
I took us on the short cut to Twin Rocks and that crosses Sulphur Creek, I did it as a test to weed out the unworthy, there weren't any. Remember we had that guy (not a board member) on a mostly street dual purpose bike and I wasn't sure about him, he turned out to be just about the best dirt rider.


Ya. He rode that heavy-ass Aprilia Caponord with street tires and did better than any of the rest of us. I started to hate that guy after a while. :grin:

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. . .but I definitely remember having water in my boots. :Cool:


That was probably. . .naw, I just can't.


I knew someone would take the bait. :grin:


You bringing some TKC's for the 'strom so you can come join us and show us what a trials rider can do, or are you doing the street thang?

Pilot Roads and enough cornering clearance to scare Vale. All it needs is a capable rider.

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Pilot Roads and enough cornering clearance to scare Vale. All it needs is a capable rider.


We're in luck...Paul will be there.



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There's no charge for a lawn slot! (Unless you get roped into helping fix something in the garage)



Gar and I are on CW waiting list but if we don't get in we're hoping we take advantage of your lawn as well. We're thinking we'll be in around Wednesday or Thursday.

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Paul Mihalka
Is paved road riding still permitted around Torrey? :grin:


I'll jump on the RT and try to keep up with you Paul. :thumbsup:

:thumbsup: But I'll follow you. I'm becoming a very old fart. You gotta know your limitations.

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Reserve me a spot in the yard would ya Killer, most likely I'll be flying solo and in on friday afternoon. I have to work a picket until around 10 on friday unless I can find a stand in, but will have the bike loaded and ready for take off around 11 or 12. The small tent only takes up a 5x8 so I can pitch close to the tree. Anything special I can bring you from the local beer mart?

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I am sure we will have one or two seats available in the jeeps for some of the offroad rides. Anyone interested just find me at the cabin at the CW, or at Bob's House. Oh and as usual for all of you newbies....Bob's House is not an exclusive club. Anyone is welcome there.



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Oh and as usual for all of you newbies....Bob's House is not an exclusive club. Anyone is welcome there.



Seconded, please come by.
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Got Marty's bike tucked away in my garage....he's coming out and we are leaving on Wednesday. Vlad is driving and may be there as early as Tuesday. Can't wait to see everyone!!!!!

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Got Marty's bike tucked away in my garage....he's coming out and we are leaving on Wednesday. Vlad is driving and may be there as early as Tuesday. Can't wait to see everyone!!!!!


Sorry Fernando, Norah's got shotgun in my JEEP. ;)



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Got Marty's bike tucked away in my garage....he's coming out and we are leaving on Wednesday. Vlad is driving and may be there as early as Tuesday. Can't wait to see everyone!!!!!


Sorry Fernando, Norah's got shotgun in my JEEP. ;)


Some Jeeps have all the luck. ;)

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