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scorpion exo 900


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I have no experience with the 900 (That's a flip-up, right?) but I have been impressed as hell with my EXO 700. I've had some really frickin' expensive helmets but the Scorpion is my favorite by far...the fact that it was less than $200 while some of the competition was $500+ is just icing on the cake.

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I have an Exo-400 and Exo-700. The 400 was the first one, it fit great and I loved it until I got the 700. I found out the 400 was loud with wind noise but the 700 was just awesome! They fit great and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Can't imagine how nice the 900 would be!!

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Alas, I only have the exo 1000...


but... my Scorpion runs small compared to other helmets... at least those that I tried on... so you may want to take that into consideration...


Other than that, the helmet is very comfortable, except I still need to break it in... ie... it still fits super snug... and the vents do a great job of moving air through the helmet...


Now to see if I can squeeze enough room for speakers and a mic... )))


Regards -


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i love my scorpion. only bitch i have is that the face shield came off and i spent 30 minutes trying to get it back on. still haven't. gotta take it back to the store and have them do it

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Get them to show you how it works, it is cool, and easy once you see how it goes on and off! I scratched my shield on the 700 and my 400 shield fit perfect!

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Okay I just got on and looked at the 900 series, that looks kind of dangerous, if you get hit in the chin is the front going to fly off??

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I have speakers and a mic in mine, it didn't take to long to break in and still fits firmly but so comfortably!


Thanks, Jean... I was wondering how bad it was going to be... and have delayed ordering the stuff because of that concern...


Guess I don't have any excuses now... other than saving money... )))


Regards -


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There are slots/cutouts at the ears and the speakers fit in them instead of under the cushioning. Also the mic fits between the cushioning in the front so you won't be able to even tell you have them in there and nothing is blocking the sound.

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I have speakers and a mic in mine, it didn't take to long to break in and still fits firmly but so comfortably!


Thanks, Jean... I was wondering how bad it was going to be... and have delayed ordering the stuff because of that concern...


Guess I don't have any excuses now... other than saving money... )))


Regards -



I've got a mic in mine. I wear the Arizona Al earplug/speakers, so no need for speakers in the helmet. I did have to remove a tiny little bit of foam from around the ears, but I've had to do that with every helmet I've owned.


The shield (at least on my 700) comes on and off fairly easily. Not as easily as my Shoei (which I could change at a stop light), but not a big deal once you learn how.

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There are slots/cutouts at the ears and the speakers fit in them instead of under the cushioning. Also the mic fits between the cushioning in the front so you won't be able to even tell you have them in there and nothing is blocking the sound.


Hmmm... are you sure you don't work SALES ???


spending my money like that... sigh... ))) :grin:


Course... the 1000 has the pump for inflating the cheek pads... but I found a good place between the pump and the cheek pads to fit a mic... and... found what you were talking about near the ears... fitting the speakers in there will be interesting... but if I get them in, they should STAY in... )))


Regards -


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I've got a mic in mine. I wear the Arizona Al earplug/speakers, so no need for speakers in the helmet. I did have to remove a tiny little bit of foam from around the ears, but I've had to do that with every helmet I've owned.


The shield (at least on my 700) comes on and off fairly easily. Not as easily as my Shoei (which I could change at a stop light), but not a big deal once you learn how.


The shield on the 1000 removes easily as well... so does the inside shield... which is nice... I had them install AMBER instead of SMOKE so I can use it at dusk to see better...


Problem is the system I am looking at may require some surgery if I swap from speakers to earplugs... but considering I majored in EE for a couple years before switching to computers, I should be able to handle it... if I can just remember where I put all the tools... ))) :grin:


Regards -


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Thanks for all the replies. The 900 also has the pump to add air to the cheek pads and around the back of helmet. The front chin bar does come off to make it a 3/4 helmet if you wish. That part is questionable for me also but it is dot and with liablity as is in the business community I would think it should be ok . I will look into that chin bar a little closer.

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