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New Honda Lightweight Sport Tourer


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It does remind you of a swoopier Pacific Coast.

As an ex-PC owner, not necessarily a bad thing, although it lacks the PC's greatest feature: the trunk, with 70+ liters of capacity. Putting groceries in the side cases of the RT today reminded me of how convenient the top-loading trunk was. I read somewhere that the NT has a pass through between the side cases for long items -- not quite sure how that would work, what with a rear wheel that needs to move up and down.

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The 'Baguette hole" is at the top-rear of the fixed side cases and is only a few inches across. You could fit a small tent in the hole.



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"Baguette hole" -- I love it. So, the cases are not removable. Sort of the worst of both worlds; not as convenient to load as the PC trunk, but permanently attached, whether you need them or not. Still, I'm looking forward to seeing one of these in the flesh.

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I like the NT700V! I saw it at the Dallas Int'l Motorcycle Show last weekend and its medium size and integrated luggage made me think of the Pacific Coast. I know the PC800 has its detractors because its deemed "ugly," but I'm not one of them.

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I'm looking forward to them not selling well. That way, when the bottom falls out I can pick one up dirt cheap and proceed to thrash the hell out of it while racking up 100k+ commuting miles with nothing more than fluid changes and tires..........something that certainly can't be said for my BMW :P


I'm not overly thrilled with the looks. I also would prefer a integrated rear trunk Vs. side bags (I currently use my trunk every day and only add my side bags when traveling). In the end, if the ergos are right I think it would make one bad ass commuter/solo lightweight tourer.

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I know beauty is all in the eye of the beholder! I think the bike looks pretty good. My biggest complaint asthetically is the muffler: It's dang ugly!

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