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BMW top case lock fix

Larry Brons

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Here goes, tail between my legs. I bought a new top case, the big one. It came with the lock insert so it can be keyed to match the ignition. So far so good. Well, I can follow instructions, I inserted it into the cylinder without having it correct and it went in but wouldn't turn, wouldn't unlock, wouldn't come out. The key would go in and out but the barrel wouldn't come out. It was recommended that I take it to a locksmith for removal. I did, he couldn't remove it and offered to drill it out. No problem, buy a new barrel and chalk it up to experience. Problem! When he was drilling it out it spun and broke the key-way inside and now it won't open. The barrel is out but the insides are damaged. BMW says that the sleeve (cylinder) isn't replaceable and the only option is to replace the lower half of the box, $570.00. OUCH!

Anybody have any ideas?

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You put to many inserts (tumblers) in,,thats why it locked up on you,,Been there,,Done that,,You can take the box apart,,But let me tell you it's a BITCH to put back together,,There are all sorts of parts the just fall apart as you take it apart,But it can be done,,

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Larry, maybe.. Can you get the key-way out? If so maybe that can be repaired or a part fabricated..


OR,, maybe look into a couple of flip over latches (suitcase like) like the older GoldWings use.. Those (old GoldWing) latches can even be locked..






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The locksmith drilled the barrel, and the barrel was engaged in the key-way at the time, apparently the torque from the drill broke the plastic kay-way loose. That part is still deep in the bottom of the opening (sleeve) that holds the barrel. Kind of stuck in there right now.

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They wanted too. For now they offered to wave the $20 charge. I'm curious if I'm the only one who thinks they have some responsibility here. If they couldn't remove the barrel, it seems to me they should have stopped. If this was a car door that got damaged, would they pay to have it fixed?

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Sorry to hear about your problems with the lock -- sounds like there are people on here who can help you straighten it out.


Here's my recent experience regarding a box lock: I bought a used 28L top box for my K1300GT and it came with a lock installed, but no key. I did an internet search and found a number of illustrated articles on how to get the lock assembly out and to change the tumblers. Seemed a little complicated for my feeble mind so I printed the instructions and took them to a locksmith. He was able to remove the lock, change the tumblers to match my bike's key and reinstall it for $36. This is quite a bit less than the dealer would have charged me for a new lock assembly and installation (plus the service guy was less than eager to do this, probably because I dared to buy used and not a new case from them).

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Rob, do you still have the links to those online articles ? I'm in a sort of similar situation. I bought a new (leftover) 2008 K12GT in July but kept the side cases and the 28l top box from my R12ST. When I made the deal on the GT I also bought 3 new cylinders keyed to the new bike. My thought was to simply install those cylinders in the old cases and use them; preserving the nice shiny color coded Blue GT cases (and of course only having to ever carry around a single key).


So, to net it out I guess I just need to figure out how to remove the cylinders from the 3 cases for which I DO have the key. I know inserting a new keyed cylinder is straightforward.


Ideas/suggestions ?



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Seem like at the best of times, these locks are aggravating. My buddy with a 1200RT is always having trouble with his top box. If you happen to close and latch the box with something hanging over the lip, and can be nearly impossible to open them again.


Unfortunately, you really can't expect the locksmith to make good on $570 bill for a $20 sale.

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  • 6 years later...

Looks like the old web site that had info on removing the lock cylinder easily is gone. I've put up a youtube video covering the lost info so its still available.


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You put to many inserts (tumblers) in,,thats why it locked up on you,,Been there,,Done that,,You can take the box apart,,But let me tell you it's a BITCH to put back together,,There are all sorts of parts the just fall apart as you take it apart,But it can be done,,


If you put a piece in the #2 slot, it won't turn. DAMHIK

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Thanks for making and posting that Scott. That looks a bit easier than trying to do the same thing, only from inside the cylinder and drawing the tumbler down (with the key opening vertical)with a pic. I'm guessing this approach won't work with the later model that have more plastic shield?


Thanks again!

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