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Motorcycle Theft - Karma at it's best


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Almost worse than the stake is the sheriff's policy in my county that all prisoners wear pink underwear, eat green bologna and live in surplus military tents with no A/C in the summer. If they are real good, they get a chance to work on the chain gang.


We have prisoners who move to another state after they experience a few days in our jails. Too bad other jurisdictions don't follow our lead.


We need to stop treating criminals like victims and make the punishment--even for petty crimes--something the criminal doesn't want to experience again.

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"There is more than one state where you can use deadly force to protect property."



Let's keep in mind that, while still on the books in most states, these so-called fleeing-felon laws have been restricted in their application for decades as a result of the U.S. Supreme Court decision of Tennessee v. Garner. Bottom line is that you cannot use deadly force to protect property.



Not talking fleeing felon.

Talking current laws, castle doctrines, changed w/in the past 2 years in Florida.

Remember the man in Texas who shot the intruders that were on his neighbors property?

It was a long one not too long ago.

Fleeing felon is a totally different concept and the bottom line is, yes, in some places, including here, you can use deadly force to protect others and property.

If you doubt that, come on over and try stealing my...


Best wishes.

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Ahhhh, so when a burglar is leaving the crime scene with the stolen property, he is not a fleeing felon... hmmmmm.


And I thought the castle doctrine simply meant that an invasion into a man's castle could be presumed, on the face of it, to be with the intent of bodily harm. Now I find out the castle doctrine actually protects property.


Hey, thanks for educating me.

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