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Atlanta Area Tech Daze - Oct. 31

Chris K

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If you had listened to Marty "It only takes 2 minutes to set the valves," you'd be sleeping in the garage.


All's well that ends well.


It does only take 2 minutes.




Unless you know what you're doing.


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You'll be proud of me. I gotz brakes again. Took a while, like every other mechanical thing I attempt.


Got the front circuits bled Saturday on both bikes. Next weekend will be rear circuit bleeds and valve adjustments.

Bought a new Mity-Vac, certainly makes it easier.


Not going to predict two minutes for the valves or bleeding.


Started planning for vacation the middle of June. Riding to Penscaola to meet my cousin then to Shiprock, NM and on up to Lolo Pass and Beartooth Highway. Plans call for visits to Arches, Teton, Yellowstone and the SSN 666 memorial in Arco, Idaho. Will be meeting some subvets there for sea stories, riding, and inebriation drills. Allowing two weeks and will be taking lots of pics. Will probably be switching to SmugMug for photo hosting.


Thanks again for the tips and help.



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:clap: Glad to hear you got the brakes working again!!!


BTW those were the best pictures of my hands that anyone has ever taken. Sounds like a great trip you have planned, can't wait to see the pics.

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