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any motor units wearing modular helmets?


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I currently have a shoei RJ-PLATINUM-LE, love the helmet, however in the winter its terrible since this is no face shield. So this year im hoping to switch over to a modular flip up for the cold/rainy season. I wear the helmet for doing funeral escorts so we wear black/white helmets, and I have a headset and mic in my helmet which most LE helmets are already setup for without and modifications.


I've only seen a few local agencies in my area with modular helmets, but havent got a chance to talk to them yet. So im curious if your deparment is using them, what brand are they? It looks like the HJC Symax II, and the SHOEI Multitec are the common ones. Anyone have some personal feedback?

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I wouldn't be in any hurry to place an HJC Symax II on my head. The Shoei would be much better built IMO.

I bought a Symax online without trying it on (bad mistake). The lining is always coming away from the inside, it's "lumpy" and hard and just doesn't mold to my head and the noise is unbelievable behind a BMW screen at speed.

My biggest concern is that the chin bar is plastic and would (in my opinion) last about 2 seconds in a face plant accident. I think that you get what you pay for.


Linz :)

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I currently have a shoei RJ-PLATINUM-LE, love the helmet, however in the winter its terrible since this is no face shield. So this year im hoping to switch over to a modular flip up for the cold/rainy season. I wear the helmet for doing funeral escorts so we wear black/white helmets, and I have a headset and mic in my helmet which most LE helmets are already setup for without and modifications.


I've only seen a few local agencies in my area with modular helmets, but havent got a chance to talk to them yet. So im curious if your deparment is using them, what brand are they? It looks like the HJC Symax II, and the SHOEI Multitec are the common ones. Anyone have some personal feedback?



I've only seen a few local agencies in my area with modular helmets, but havent got a chance to talk to them yet. So im curious if your deparment is using them, what brand are they? It looks like the HJC Symax II, and the SHOEI Multitec are the common ones. Anyone have some personal feedback?



Not a motor cop, or a LEO at all... but my wife does use a Shoei Multitech helmet. She prevously had a AGV and it was very cheap, didn't vent well and not as comfortable. It's worth it to get the best helmet you can afford. Also, the Shoei has a easy to use face shield removal system that doesn't require tools. So you can use a clear on low light conditions, but a mirror or dark tint when it's very bright, and change it in just seconds. I think the HJC is pretty easy too, but I found their detents on the helmet I had, were pretty cheap and didn't hold the visor up at freeway speeds to defog or hot weather.


I assume you realize your not supposed to flip-up the helmet while moving, only when stopped to allow you to talk, eat, etc. I think motor units like them because they get 90% of hte full face protection of a FF helmet, but don't have to remove the helmet when making stops. I think for safety... to keep the helmet closed... they would want to use a headset rather than a hand held radio (if that's even used anymore on motor units).

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I use the HJC SymaxII. It is noisier than the CL-Max because the neck roll doesn't seal. On the other hand, it has better air circulation and a steel locking mechanism and integral sunshield, which is why I bought it. Generally, I like it for the price.

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Our department refused to use them because one of the non-riding senior geniuses of high rank thought they looked "intimidating".


What an idiot.


FWIW: I use a Shoei Multitech with an added noise canceling mic connected to the Autocom system. When I have the cellphone interfaced to it, most people have no idea that I am riding the bike. Mounting in the Shoei is somewhat of a challenge but can be done. A couple of the departments I am aware of are looking at the Nolan helmets seriously.



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Mounting in the Shoei is somewhat of a challenge but can be done.




Speakers are a piece of cake with designed-in recesses & removable cheek pads.


As for the boom mike and wiring harness... ????? I'm not sure who to blame: Shoei's design team, bean counters or the sales dept., but if the Multitec had a removable liner (which is what you'd think a mid to high-end Shoei helmet would have these days) it would have been a piece of cake. However, some genius opted to use a glued-in-place liner that requires some pretty crude methods to stuff the boom bike and wiring between the ESP and shell.


Once installed everything works pretty well, although the mesh fabric part of the nice little optional air deflector that slips in under the chin bar has to be carefully manipulated to keep it from getting tangled up in the boom mic.

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I'm using a Shoei Multitec. Works great, no complaints (other than looking retarded in the up position). Previously I used an HJC flip up at work, but abandoned it because it was giving me a big hot spot on my forehead.


I heard San Jose PD is about to switch their entire motor unit over to the Shoei. At my agency its optional what type of helmet you get.


I understand the Shark is getting very popular also... though I've already forgotten which agencies in my area have switched to it.


I guess I do have one other complaint. I do miss the sun visor of my 3/4 helmet. To help out with this I took my visor from my Multitec to a window tint shop and they tinted the upper 1/2 with a dark tint. It made a big improvement.

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thanks for all the input. Went down to the local cycle shop today and tried on both helmets. As usual the multitec seems like a much better quality helmet is most aspects. Looks like we will be going with the multitec. Im hoping that the LE version has some more room to work with for the communications as there doesnt seem to be much room inside the mount the mic and speakers.

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See if you can get Schuberth yet in the US. They are the manufactureres of the BM system helmets. The new C3 model is superb- Id buy one if I wasnt skint!

Schuberth C3

I also apologise this link is in Dutch, but if you look carefully at the test data, weights and noise graphs, you should be able to pick out the important details!-

Promotor helmet test

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