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Bar " ups " not bar " Backs " 1150 RT


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Does anyone know if there is a product that would raise the bars UP but not BACK on an 1150RT, I've got another thread here that has some background info. I was just wondering where I only need them to go up for about 3/4 to an inch, it might be better to NOT go back with them. I really just want to clear the rear view mirror vision of the grips, lever, hand glove etc.


I would think they would be easily made with some aluminum stock, drilled to the bolt pattern, and then angled to the compliment of the rake.


Thoughts? Comments?



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Joe Frickin' Friday



1. Buy the Mototechniques barbacks.

2. Discard the bolts that come with it.

3. Buy longer bolts; take some measurements to figure out the required length (see step 4). If you can't find what you're looking for in a hardware store, see www.mcmaster.com.

4. Instead of bolting your bars to the barbacks (and bolting the barbacks to the triple-tree), use the extra-long bolts to fasten your bars to the triple-tree using the barback as a simple spacer.


Because of the angle of the triple-tree this won't give the bars a purely vertical offset, but it'll be pretty close; you will at least have eliminated the 3/4" rearward/downward offset that would be imparted by using the threaded holes in the barbacks.


Optional: keep the bolts you discarded in step 2, and use them to try the barbacks in their designed configuration. You might like the straight-up configuration better, but this way you'll know for sure.

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Thank you both for your quick replies. Will be trying them in the order in which they were received. Thanks.



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