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iPhone setup for a motorcycle


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I'm pretty certain that this setup is a bad idea. From my standpoint, I don't want to be distracted from watching out for cagers using their phones. Also, when I ride a bike, I really want to get away from everything, and I don't want to be called.


Now some of you might think this is a great idea (safety issues notwithstanding). I love my iPhone, but it can't replace a Garmin Zumo 550 quite yet. First, the iPhone can't multi-task, so if you have a GPS app running, you can't do much else. You might be able to listen to music and have the app running, but I'm not 100% sure. Second, the iPhone screen is a touch smaller than a 550, so it might be more difficult to enter anything. Most important to me, even though there is an XM app for the iPhone (one that I like), it can't work at the same time as a navigation app, and it requires a cellular connection, which might not exist on rural roads.


There are nicer iPhone mounts for a motorcycle. But even still, I'm not sure the iPhone is a very good motorcycle product at this time.

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You might be able to listen to music and have the app running, but I'm not 100% sure.

Yes, the music player will continue to work in the background when other apps are running (and a single tap of the function button will bring up an abbreviated music playback control dialog.)


But I still wouldn't try to use an iPhone/iPod Touch touchscreen while riding as this is pretty difficult while wearing gloves. I use a Touch as a music player while riding but that is with an external remote control with mechanical switches.

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