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Garmin..dammit...again: route not match available maps


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Posted this in "Other things," should'a posted here:


Dammit. Double dammit. I'm using Mapsource 6.13.7, City Navigator 8 is selected. I have not made any changes to the unit, or to Mapsource before the problems surfaced. I have a bunch of routes in the Garmin 376, and as of yesterday any attempt to follow one gives the error message


"this route does not match the available maps!"


In the unit, under the Map tab, Basemap is "ON."


I had this problem once before, and someone kindly pointed out I had not selected City Nav, but this time it's selected, the maps are downloaded into the unit, and I'm getting the error.


ANNND: as of yesterday, when the unit is turned on, the display backlight intensity defaults to essentially off, making it almost impossible to read the screen to find the page to increase the light so the uh, well, so the dadgum error message can be read.


Any ideas?

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skinny_tom (aka boney)

Mark, I'm not sure if I can help you with the map problem.


On the 376 you push the power button once quickly while it's on to get the backlight/volume menu. If you push it again quickly, the backlight will go to 100%, and again will put it to the last used "dimmed" setting.


If it's also forgetting where it is after being off for a short period of time then it's time to change the internal battery.

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Mark, I'm not sure if I can help you with the map problem.


On the 376 you push the power button once quickly while it's on to get the backlight/volume menu. If you push it again quickly, the backlight will go to 100%, and again will put it to the last used "dimmed" setting.


If it's also forgetting where it is after being off for a short period of time then it's time to change the internal battery.


Oh, you mean, like it says on PAGE THREE OF THE OWNER'S MANUAL? :dopeslap:


That did brighten me up considerably, but when turned back on, it's back to dim. I think you must be correct about the battery. Plugging the charger in gets a regular boot, bright. Doesn't help the map problem, though.


I'm pretty tired of this whole Garmin thing. This is the third 376c unit. The first one lasted about two years, the second one (a refurb exchange) about five or six months, then this (another refurb exchange) one six months and the battery's kaput. I don't want to switch, though, because I really like the NEXRAD feature, and I don't think I should have to buy a new unit anyway. Another long wait to talk to Garmin tomorrow or Tuesday, I guess.


The maps thing is a puzzle, innit?

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Does the 376C have the full US pre-loaded or do you have to download segments? If segments, do you have the segments D/L for the route?


I've had some issues with my 478. Several times, all it took was an online firmware update. Do you have "Webupdater" installed? If not, D/L from Garmin and let it scan your unit for updates.

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The 376c has only base maps internal to the unit. All detail maps must be downloaded from the PC into the proprietary memory module (max. size 512MB) in the unit.

Mark, I don't know the solution to your problem.

If your battery actually is the issue, why not just replace the battery?

Sounds like the unit may need a hard reset, for which Garmin has a procedure. (Performed once by me under Garmin instruction on my unit after a flash update failure.)

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Michael, I don't think there's any question the battery is the prime suspect with the dim backlight problem. Saturday I used the unit for about three hours on battery power. The map issue had already surfaced.


I left the unit on the AC adapter/charger overnight last night, and this morning it appears to have begun to behave itself, backlight-wise, but the main problem, the error regarding route not matching available maps, is still there.


The hard reset procedure, I think, is to turn the unit off, then press the "In" and "Power" buttons simultaneously for about 12 seconds.


I'll report back after calling Garmin.

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Almost two hours on the phone with two different guys named "Mike" at Garmin. Mike II was a software dude, took control of my computer, did all the same stuff I've done over and over trying to get the solution, and said the same thing Mike I kept saying: "Hmmmm."


He finally pulled a route off the gps, recalculated it, transferred it back, and it matched the mapset. He had no idea why. So bottom line was he didn't know what the problem was, what caused it, or why, but I'm now faced with recreating all my saved routes via doing a recalculation, then zooming in and correcting the autorouting to my preferred paths, then transferring them all back to the gps unit.


After he disconnected, I tried the above technique with both versions of Mapsource. It's not a glitch with the old version so many of us like; it's a...heck, who knows what it is?


On the bright side, it's a dreary rainy day here, I'm retired, have the time to fool with this. Make it the not-so-dim side. :mad: :mad:

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The routes you have were created on a different version of CityNav than the maps you have. I had created a bunch of routes for a trip in the last version of CityNav and when I updated to the newest version (which is NT based). I got the same message as you are when I tried to use the old routes with the new map set.


Calls to Garmin got me the response "yah, they're not compatable and the only thing you can do is re-do the routes with the new map set". I spent the next two days creating new routes in the new NT version of CityNav.


Sucks but everything works now.

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I can't help you either since I am so dumb I once tried to find the Field Museum in Chicago with the "pedestrian" mode on the GPS while driving from Minneapolis. Sure made for an interesting trip until it said "walk 200 feet to the next stop sign". Double DUH moment. "The road less traveled by" for sure. I tend to keep a paper map with me too though so not all was lost.

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